Chapter 1938 Beheading
At this moment, the evil sword in Jian Jiu's hand was shining with light.

Tang Zhong looked at Zhanxie Sword and laughed: "I have seen this sword before."

"I don't know if you recognize this weapon."

When Tang Zhong finished speaking, the Broken Dragon Pestle appeared in his hand.

Although the current Broken Dragon Pestle has changed a little, it has not changed much from the previous appearance.

As soon as Tang Zhong said these words, Jian Jiu's eyes fell on the broken dragon pestle.

Just a second later.

He recognized it.

When he killed the poisonous scorpion demon, a man appeared from the cave of the poisonous scorpion demon. The man was dressed in black and held this weapon in his hand. He was fighting with him at that time.

That battle was lost by Jian Jiu.

He still remembers it clearly.

During this period of time, he was still looking for this person, but he didn't expect this person to appear.

No wonder he felt a familiar aura from the other party before, as if he had seen it somewhere before, so it was like this.

"It's actually you." Jian Jiu said with a trembling voice.

He finally understood why the other party rejected their Star Sword Club. If he joined their Star Sword Club, the other party's identity would definitely be exposed.

And he also understood why the other party would accept the epic mission.

Because the other party is not afraid at all.

"That's right, it's me." Tang Zhong said.

"I brought you here now, not for anything else, just to kill you."

Tang Yan said calmly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

Jian Jiu's voice became colder: "Just because you want to kill me, it's just a dream. The last time I lost to you was purely an accident. This time I will kill you."

The person behind Jian Jiu asked Zhan and said: "Brother Jian Jiu, let us avenge you this time, this person speaks rudely, damn it."

But Jian Jiu raised his hand to stop them and said: "This matter is not something you can fight, you all go back."

Everyone was slightly taken aback, but they couldn't resist Jian Jiu's words, so they retreated.

Even A Ding wondered what was going on, why did Jian Jiu seem to know his brother Yi Chong.

This must be an illusion.

At this time, Jian Jiu held the Slaying Evil Sword, looked at Tang Zhong and said.

"Go to hell."

In an instant, he beheaded the whole person.

The long sword in his hand swept wildly.

It turned into a ray of light and killed Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong held the Broken Dragon Pestle and blocked it in front of his chest. The light slashed over, but was blocked by the Broken Dragon Pestle, and then offset it.

"You are really useless." Tang Zhong said coldly.

"It's up to you." Jian Jiu originally came to kill with great interest, but now Tang Zhong has exploded with such a powerful strength.

This made his pride uncomfortable again.

The Zhan Xie in his hand was released again.

Instant kill.

His speed is very fast.

This is already his strongest strength, if it is fully released, coupled with the fastest speed, he believes that the opponent will not be able to stop it.

But what he didn't expect was that Tang Zhong grinned at this time, and Jian Jiu's speed was very slow in Tang Zhong's eyes.

"Your speed is really too slow."

Holding the Broken Dragon Pestle in his hand, Tang Zhong also rushed towards Jian Jiu.

Instant kill.

Only a second later, the two exchanged positions.

Tang Zhong stood where Jian Jiu was before, and Jian Jiu now stood where Tang Zhong stood.

At this moment, nothing happened to Tang Yan, and he stood there calmly holding the Broken Dragon Pestle.

And Jian Jiu seemed to be fine at this time, but his arm was bleeding all the time.

In the next second, he grabbed Zhan Xie's arm and fell off.

Jian Jiu looked at his hand in shock and couldn't believe it.

"My hand, my hand."

When he had just finished speaking, the other hand fell off.

Before Jian Jiu finished speaking, his head fell off at this moment.

The whole body fell to the ground like mud.

When the other members of the Star Sword Society saw this scene, all of them looked ugly.

Never expected such a scene to appear.

How is this possible?
How could their president, Jian Jiu, be instantly killed by the opponent?

But this scene did happen.

Several members of the Star Sword Society trembled in fear.

They retreat little by little.

But Tang Zhong turned his head to look at them, and didn't intend to let them go. Holding the Polong pestle in his hand, he swept out with a sword.

Immediately, the sword energy raged over, directly penetrating from their backs.

A person fell to the ground like mud and all died.

A'Ding looked at the side with an extremely ugly face, and he didn't believe it was true.

Can Brother Yi Chong be so powerful?
Tang Zhong put away the broken dragon pestle at this time, greeted Ading and said, "Let's go now, what are you waiting for here?"

A Ding looked at Tang Zhong in surprise: "Brother Yi Zhong, who are you? Even Jian Jiu is no match for you, and I feel like you and I know each other."

"We fought once before, and then he lost to me." Tang Zhong said, "Okay, don't grind here, let's go, if we are caught, we will all suffer."

"Okay." Ading nodded quickly, this place is not far from Chunqiu Academy.

If someone else finds out, it will be bad for the two of them.

But she was still shocked by Tang Zhong's strength.

After the two of them walked a long distance away, A-Ding looked at Tang Zhong and looked up and down: "Brother Yi Zhong, why are you so powerful?"

"Even Jian Jiu is not your opponent, what happened to you in those three years?"

"I came out of the pile of death in those three years, so my strength is very strong now." Tang Zhong said.

"No wonder you didn't join the Star Sword Society before, because you looked down on such a power as the Star Sword Society." A-Ding seemed to understand.

"Okay, there's no need to say so much, let's go to the trial first, and enter the academy after completing this epic mission." Tang Zhong said.

After completing the task, help Adin complete the trial, and then he can leave.

It's just that I don't know how Peng Chaolin can solve it.

The other party has a grudge against him, so it shouldn't hurt Ading and the others, right?
Hope so.

Tang Zhong looked at Ading and said, "First, let's see where the epic mission is completed? Let's go there first."

Ading was also very happy to see Jian Jiu died. After all, Jian Jiu had been embarrassing them before, so he picked up the mission scroll.

I want to see the above content clearly.

Before, they only saw that it was an epic task, and they only looked at the general content, and there was no detailed content in it.

Immediately open the scroll and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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