Chapter 1940 Distress
People from the tribe came out to see A-Ding, because A-Ding was the pride of heaven in the tribe and the only one who entered the Spring and Autumn Academy.

At this time, the gate of the tribe opened, and many people rushed in. After seeing Ading, they praised him.

"Ah Ding, why do you have time to come back to the tribe?"

"I see that your figure has grown a lot taller. Is it caused by practicing in the Spring and Autumn Academy?"

"A-Ding is becoming more and more beautiful, and I don't know if he has found a girlfriend in the Spring and Autumn Academy."

More and more people twittering.

Adin smiled foolishly there.

"I'm fine in the Spring and Autumn Academy, thank you for your concern."

"At present, I only want to cultivate, and I don't want to think about other things. I put aside my children's affair first."

"I'm going back to see my mother now, see you uncles and uncles first." A-Ding turned around and waved to those people.

In a few words, all the questions of those people were answered.

Then he left this place with Tang Zhong.

After walking out of the crowd, Tang Zhong said next to him: "I never thought that you are still very popular in your tribe."

"Hey, it's hard to say. These people didn't treat me like this before. The reason why they changed their attitudes was because I entered the Spring and Autumn Academy." Ading said with a sigh.

"In the past, these people beat and scolded me and refused to let me and my family have dinner. At that time, I swore that I would definitely become a master, and I must work hard to cultivate. As long as I can enter the Spring and Autumn Academy, even if I am the last person , as long as it can change the fate of our family, but then I really did it." Ading said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, he understood this feeling, all people are the same, when you are strong, they will lean towards you, and when you are weak, they will stay away from you.

Let alone ignore you.

Soon, the two arrived next to a house.

The inside of this house is very simple, but it looks very warm.

At the moment, at the door of the house, there is an old woman who is drying clothes there.

The old woman was dressed so plainly that she couldn't be recognized among the crowd. She was a peasant woman.

When A-Ding saw the old woman, he rushed up and shouted loudly: "Mom, I'm back."

The old lady was drying her clothes, and when she heard the sound, she turned around and saw A'Ding standing there. At that time, all the clothes in her hands fell to the ground.

Then his hands kept shaking there, and tears flowed out of his pupils.

"Is it A-Ding?" the old woman said tremblingly.

"It's me, Mom, I'm back." A-Ding rushed up and hugged the old woman, and the tears in his eyes gushed out like a bank bursting.

The old woman was also holding A Ding, and kept shouting: "My son."

When Tang Zhong saw this scene next to him, he felt very warm and could laugh. He remembered that his parents and his own family were still on the Origin Dynasty, waiting for him to become stronger. .

And of course my unborn children.

Only at this moment did the old woman see Tang Zhong, and asked A Ding, "Son, who is this person?"

Arriving next to his mother, A-Ding also told the truth: "This man is my eldest brother in the Spring and Autumn Academy, and he takes good care of me in the Academy."

Then A Ding introduced Tang Zhong, "Brother Yi Chun, this person is my mother!"

At this time, after hearing A Ding's words, the old woman immediately looked at Tang Zhong and knelt on the ground: "Thank you for taking care of us A Ding in the Spring and Autumn Academy."

Tang Zhong became anxious for a moment, and hurried over to help the old woman up: "Auntie, don't be like this, I am so much younger than you, kneeling like this will kill my life."

"And in the Spring and Autumn Academy, A-Ding is following me. If I don't protect him, who else will I protect?"

The old woman burst into tears easily after being caught by Tang Zhong.

She smiled and said, "Then you sit down first, I'll cook. The monster meat I just hunted yesterday is very fresh."

Tang Zhong just wanted to say don't be too busy, their time may not stay here for too long.

But seeing the appearance of the old woman, I couldn't bear it.

In addition, A-Ding hasn't come back for a long time.

is agreed.

At this moment, Ading shouted, "Mom, where is my sister? Why isn't she at home?"

The old lady smiled and said: "Your sister went out with the people in the tribe. Now she takes you as an example and wants to enter the Spring and Autumn Academy. Every day she always says that she wants to be like her brother, so she joined The hunting team in the tribe went out to hunt monsters."

After hearing what the old woman said, A-Ding said, "How can it be done? How old is she?"

"I also told her, but he wants to go, so I have no choice but to let her go." The old woman said.

When A'Ding heard this, he murmured: "This little girl, after she comes back, I must teach him a good lesson."

Ading is really worried now, his sister went out to hunt monsters.

Because they know how ferocious those monsters are.

Moreover, entering the Spring and Autumn Academy is not very good. Only A'Ding knows the real thing. When he didn't meet Yi Chongge, he was often bullied in the Spring and Autumn Academy.

Only he himself knew that kind of bleakness.

It is impossible for others to understand.

Tang Zhong had nothing to do now, so he just sat cross-legged and practiced.

The air in this tribe is much better than the air in the Spring and Autumn Academy.

He prefers this place.

But who knows, a person came from outside the house at this time.

The man shouted in a hurry, as if he had encountered some major event.

"Brother A-Ding, brother A-Ding is not good."

After A-Ding heard the voice in the room, he immediately came out to look at the man and said, "What happened? You idiot!"

It was Er Lengzi who spoke, the person who was guarding the city gate when they entered the tribe just now.

Erlenzi said anxiously: "I just saw the signal flare sent by the villagers. The hunting team in our village encountered a monster attack. The hunting team may be in danger!"

When A Ding heard this, he stood up suddenly and said, "What?"

If the hunting team was in danger, wouldn't it be more dangerous if his sister was in the hunting team?

"Take me to see where they sent the signal flare?" A-Ding shouted at Erlenzi.

Er Lengzi ran towards the outside of the tribe with Ading, and saw that in the northeast direction of the tribe, at this time, a signal like a bunch of fireworks surged into the sky.

In other words, the hunting team is now in the northeast direction.

(End of this chapter)

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