Chapter 1943 Big Ape King!

And now Tang Zhong has a new substitute, that is the Pterosaur King of Warcraft.

This pterosaur King of Warcraft must be faster than the pterosaur just now.

Immediately, he broke the dragon pestle with his finger and rushed straight up.

The speed was like lightning, and the wings behind him flapped wildly.

But the Pterosaur King of Warcraft never thought that Tang Zhong would have time to fight back.

Immediately roared wildly, and a wave came out from his mouth.

The wave turned into a spear and penetrated directly towards Tang Zhong.

But Tang Zhong stood there ignoring the spear at all, and frantically swung the Broken Dragon Pestle in his hand.

In an instant, the blue light Dasheng on the broken dragon pestle collided with the spear, and the spear was blasted away in an instant.

It wouldn't be a waste of time for Tang Zhong to kill those monsters just now, he was just too lazy to do it, but now there is only the king of pterosaurs and this group of pterosaurs.

Kill them quickly and leave with ease.

The pterodactyl king of monsters obviously didn't expect that Tang Zhong actually blocked his attack: "How is it possible? How could the people in the nearby tribe block my attack?"

"Who says I'm from a nearby tribe?" Tang Zhong said coldly, looking at other pterosaur monsters at this time.

He stood there and roared.

The gene in the body of the pterodactyl monster is related to dragons. How could he, a real dragon, be afraid of these lowly creatures?

These lowly creatures could only kneel before him.

His voice sounded like a dragon's roar, and those pterosaur monsters flying in the air trembled after hearing the sound at this time, and roared in pain.

In the end, they all fell from the air and fell to the ground and passed out.

The pterosaur king of monsters also became dizzy with Tang Zhong's roar at this time, and he was already unable to fly stably in the air.

Finally, it fell from the sky all at once.

But the Pterosaur King of Warcraft is much stronger than other monsters, so he immediately stood up from the ground at this moment.

"You... who are you?"

The Pterosaur King of Warcraft didn't know what was going on, when he faced his opponent face to face, he always felt suppressed.

At this moment, Tang Zhong had already reached the Pterosaur King of Warcraft: "I want you to take me to fly now!"

The Pterodactyl King of Beasts stared at Tang Zhong viciously and said, "I'm the'm bringing a human, do you deserve it?"

In the next second, Tang Zhong's broken dragon pestle stabbed directly at the wings of the Pterosaur King of Warcraft!

It penetrated directly!

Green blood gushed out from the wings.

The painful pterosaur King of Warcraft roared there!

"I said, take me this time?" Tang Zhong said in an extremely cold voice.

The King of Pterosaurs and Beasts was suddenly terrified: "I... I will take it!"

Tang Zhong jumped onto the Pterosaur King of Warcraft, felt it for a while, knew where Sister Ading was, and said, "Fly towards the south!"

Then he placed the Broken Dragon Pestle in the most convenient place.

The Pterosaur King of Warcraft originally didn't want to fly, but when he saw the broken dragon pestle next to him, the whole beast froze and didn't dare to say a word.

Flapping its wings, it flew up and headed into the distance!

Tang Zhong chose the pterodactyl king of monsters, and he had another idea. There must be other reasons for so many monsters gathering together!
Although this pterosaur king of monsters is not a powerful monster, he must know a little bit of rumors from the big monster!
"Say... what are you demonic beasts gathering here for now?" Tang Chong asked coldly.

"I don't know!" said the Pterosaur King of Warcraft.

Tang Zhong didn't say much, but directly stabbed the pterosaur King of Warcraft's wing with a broken dragon pestle.

The painful Pterosaur King of Warcraft roared.

"Now, do you want to say it!" Tang Zhong's voice was cold.

"I said, I said, we were invited by the big monster!" Pterosaur King of Warcraft: "We slaughtered wantonly in this wilderness..."

"That big monster?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes... yes!" The pterosaur king of monsters seemed to have something hard to say, so he didn't continue.

But Tang Zhong still held the Broken Dragon Pestle behind him!
Immediately, he saw the King of Pterosaurs panicking: "It's the giant dragon!"

Tang Zhong is very familiar with this name. The epic task he came out to complete this time was to hunt and kill this giant dragon monster. Sure enough, this monster is nearby!
"What is the purpose of wanton massacre?" Tang Zhong asked.

"He wants to break through the realm of the beast master, so he needs to absorb the blood of the cultivators. As long as we slaughter the nearby tribes, those cultivators will definitely come to strangle us. However, the number of people who come here is good, and then we will sit here and wait for the rabbits. Catch all of them, take their blood, and let it be devoured by the giant flood dragon!" said the Pterosaur King of Monster Beasts.

Hearing these words, Tang Zhong didn't expect that the method of this giant flood monster was so fierce, and this monster was so smart!
These monsters only destroy some small tribes, but not each other, and the people in those tribes will definitely ask for help.

And the only ones who seek help are those academies!

After those students came, the big monsters shot and killed these students, and the blood of cultivation in their bodies was aroused.

I have to say, these big monsters are sinister enough!
"Now, where is the giant dragon and monster?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

After being stabbed twice, the Pterosaur King of Monsters became scared at this moment, and hurriedly said: "I don't even know where the giant dragon is, how can we low-level monsters know where the monster is? "

Tang Zhong didn't doubt the other party's words. Although the pterosaur king of monsters is the king now, he is only a monster, and he is far from the big monster! ,

"You send me there first, I promise I won't kill you!" Tang Zhong said.

The king of pterosaurs and monsters is a deep torture to Tang Zhong now, because no one has ever let out a roar to make them all lose their power. This person is definitely not simple.

Tang Zhong continued to perceive where Ading's sister was.

And at this time, he found that the breath was very close to him, it was near here!
He stood high above the sky and took a closer look.

just ahead...

There is a huge white ape!

That ape is more than ten meters tall!
It's a giant beast!
But now the giant ape seems to be very angry, and has been hammering the ground there, making a terrifying roar!

Although the voice of the giant ape occupied more than half of the voice, Tang Zhong also heard a small voice, which was the cry of a person.

Tang Zhong sensed Sister Ading's aura, she was nearby, probably under the attack of that giant ape!

"Go!" Tang Zhong gave the pterosaur king of monsters an order.

"No...don't, that's the Great Ape King, I want to go there, it will tear me apart!"

(End of this chapter)

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