Chapter 1958 Turn in the mission!
He has decided to protect this person, no one can hurt the other.

Because Peng Chaolin's students used to kill many of his students, at that time he could only suffer from being dumb and couldn't say anything.

When he came to cause trouble, Peng Chaolin protected his students and refused to admit it, especially that Jian Jiu, who killed several of his apprentices!
Now that there is reincarnation in heaven, it's time for Peng Chaolin to try this feeling!

"You...what are you going to do?" Peng Chaolin yelled at Shi Tianjun: "Your student killed my student, this is treason!"

"What evidence do you have that my student killed your student? If there is no evidence, I advise you to shut up!" Shi Tianjun said unconvincedly.

"You..." Peng Chaolin was trembling with anger, he never thought that Shi Tianjun would interrupt!

"Everyone is dead. If your student kills my student, he will pay with his life!" Peng Chaolin said viciously.

"Pay for your life? How can you pay for your life? Do you have any evidence? If you don't have evidence, you'd better keep your mouth shut!" Shi Tianjun said coldly.

"You!" Peng Chaolin was so angry that he was about to explode.

He could see that Shi Tianjun made it clear that he wanted to protect Yi Chong. He couldn't kill him no matter what today, but Jian Jiu's death, he absolutely couldn't swallow this breath: "Okay, I, Peng Chaolin, will remember. , Shi Tianjun, I hope your student will be safe and sound in this academy, if he has anything to do, it has nothing to do with me!"

These words were a threat, Shi Tianjun could hear it naturally, but he didn't pay attention to him.

As long as he looks after Yi Zhong in the future and the other party is not injured, it will be perfect.

As for the rest, it has nothing to do with him.

Then Shi Tianjun looked at the humans present and said: "Complete all the tasks first, as long as those who pass the tasks can go out in the future, the Spring and Autumn Academy Trial."

The students didn't talk much.

They all went to submit tasks.

The people in the mission hall have already prepared the characters.

Everyone lined up, ready to submit the task.

One person went up and handed out the mission supplies.

The people in the mission hall took a look and said: "The D-level mission is to collect Xuanmucao, the mission supplies are perfect!"

The others immediately followed behind and handed over the mission supplies.

Tang Zhong and A Ding were also among the crowd.

Qin Chuchu was beside them: "Have you completed your mission this time?

In fact, Qin Chuchu didn't want to ask so many questions at all, but he didn't know why he asked this question.

And she just realized the importance of the problem when she said it out of her mouth.

That is an epic task, how could it be completed so easily!
"It's done!" Aden said.

Qin Chuchu stared at the two of them: "What? Finished? Are you kidding me?"

Then she looked at Tang Zhong, but she didn't expect to get the same answer!
At this time Tang nodded and said: "Yes!"

Impossible, epic level tasks are difficult to complete, almost impossible.

"In history, only the person who became the general of the Cangye Kingdom has completed the epic mission. As for the other students, they have never done it!"

Qin Chuchu still didn't believe that Tang Zhong could do it.

A Ding smiled and said: "That's possible, Brother Yi Zhong will become the general of Cangye Kingdom in the future!"

Qin Chuchu didn't believe it. She felt that these two people were making fun of her now, so she immediately said, "Hmph, I don't believe it!"

Although she doesn't believe what she said now, she is looking forward to it very much.

If Brother Yi Zhong really completes this task, then she will be proud, and she will be proud to introduce Yi Zhong to others in the future!

Qin Chuchu and the others arrived soon, and Qingxuan, the pavilion master of Tingfeng Pavilion, took them to hand in the task.

It's an A-level task, and everyone must pass it!

In the end, it was Tang Zhong's turn. The main reason was that they took on the epic level mission, so it was the last handover!
Then everyone's eyes fell on them.

I don't know if these people have completed the epic level mission.

You must know that the one who beheaded this time was the giant dragon monster, and it was not a simple monster!

Peng Chaolin is at the forefront, he will not let Tang Zhong go, in the future in this academy, as long as there is Tang Zhong, he will definitely be there, and will humiliate the other party severely.

Immediately stepped forward: "You have accepted the epic level mission, if you cannot complete it, you need to be punished!"

He would never think that ordinary students would be able to complete such an epic task!
Naturally, Shi Tianjun didn't think that Tang Zhong could complete it. He had already heard about the events before the trial. People from the Star Sword Society targeted Tang Zhong, leaving Tang Zhong and the others with no quest to accept. That's why Tang Zhong accepted the quest. This is undoubtedly It is to kill them!

"Punishment for what?" Naturally, Shi Tianjun wanted to protect Tang Zhong.

"Punishment for what? Don't you know? The disciples in the academy came back from the trial and were ready to accept the task of beheading the giant flood dragon and monster. But the task was accepted by others, so they had to leave, and the epic level The task is not something that people at the level of your disciples can accept. They can't complete the task, but they still accept the task. They are simply messing around. If they are not punished, how can other people follow their example in the future? ?" Peng Chaolin asked coldly.

This said Shi Tianjun was not convinced, what kind of punishment is this!

Completely unrealistic punishment!

"Why should I eat? What? My disciple has accepted the task, but the others will be punished if they cannot accept the task?" Shi Tianjun said coldly.

"Naturally, it's not because of this, but because they accepted the task. Although they are not strong enough, they accepted such a task. They are simply messing around, and even teasing the school, so they should be punished!" Peng Chaolin said coldly.

Tang Zhong, who had been silent all this time, heard this, and said coldly: "Why do you want us? What qualifications do you have?"

Hearing this, Peng Chaolin looked back at Tang Zhong, and said with a sneer: "Qualification, as long as you are a teacher of Chunqiu Academy, you are qualified to judge you, you...what are you!"

"Could it be that the teachers of the Spring and Autumn Academy can punish them at will?" Tang Zhong said.

"Of course not. If you made a mistake, you should be punished!" Peng Chaolin said coldly.

"If accepting an epic-level mission is punishment, then... what is necessary for the mission hall to set up? What's more, I haven't handed in the mission yet? What do you mean by jumping yourself out? How do you know that I haven't completed the mission? " Tang Zhong said coldly.

"You..." When Peng Chaolin heard this, his face turned ugly!

"I really don't cry when I see the coffin, okay, I want to see how you hand in the task?"

In his opinion, this person can't complete the task at all!
The others are also worried about Tang Zhong!

But at this moment, Tang Zhong walked to the place where the task was handed in, and took out the giant dragon head that he had killed before: "I will hand in the task!"

(End of this chapter)

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