Chapter 1970 Migration!

When Cangjingtian and the others came just now, the old woman who reported Ading and the others, that is, the wife of the village chief, had an extremely ugly face.

Just now she thought that she would die, because the opponent was from Cangye Shangguo, but she didn't expect that A-Ding would solve all the problems just after he came back.

This is simply incredible!
At this time, the village head's wife didn't know what to do, she cried out directly, walked to the side of A Ding's mother and said, "Old sister, I'm really sorry just now, I was only thinking of the whole tribe, if they don't find If A-Ding said, he would kill all the people in our tribe, so I had no choice but to act like that, and please forgive me, old sister!"

A Ding's mother is a simple old man, and she hated the village head's wife's behavior at first, but now seeing the village head's wife's reaction, her face changed slightly, and she couldn't bear it.

Seeing this, the village chief's wife immediately said: "Please, let me go, I will never dare again!"

She knew that no matter how strong A-Ding was now, he would never go against her mother's words.

That's why she dared to stand up and speak like that!
As long as A-Ding's mother agrees to let him go now, A-Ding will basically not do anything to her.

After all, in her impression, A-Ding belonged to the kind of very filial person, generally speaking, he would never disobey his mother's words.

A-Ding's mother was about to speak, but she really softened her heart, after all, she was an old sister in the tribe for such a long time.

But at this time, Ah Shui said first: "Mom, you must not let her go. She didn't do it for any tribe at all, but for her own survival, and then betrayed our entire tribe!"

Ah Shui's grade is not too young, and he can tell who is a bad person and who is a good person!
The face of the village head's wife changed, because what Ah Shui said was not beneficial to her at all, she immediately said: "Ah Shui, how can you slander the innocence of others like this? I just want to save the whole tribe, do you think I thought, as long as you stand up, no one else in our tribe will die, and the lives of the two of you can save the entire tribe, what's the problem?"

Ah Shui said coldly: "Really? Only you know whether you are for the whole tribe!"

The village chief's wife started to play tricks, he turned to look at the tribe next to him, and said: "Listen, everyone, we usually treat Ah Shui as a family member, but listen to what they say... I am a member of the tribe in the tribe. Who, I know best, I am for the tribe, but you say that I am only for myself, you are so sad!"

People from other tribes looked over, but no one stood beside the village chief's wife.

Instead, he stood beside Ah Shui.

Everyone knew that if A-Ding and his friend hadn't come this time, everyone in the tribe might have died, and no one could live.

To be precise, the Ading family helped them.

How can these people avenge their kindness?
It was the wife of the village chief who was the first to come forward and report that it was Ah Shui. In order to save her life, this method was really ridiculous and shameless!
Seeing that the people around her were silent, the village chief's wife cursed and said, "You people are really white-eyed wolves, can't you even see this clearly? Hehe, it's really funny. I don't want to say anything more to you people!"

Then she turned around and walked away.

If you don't go now, you may not be able to go.

So she is panicking now!

"Stop him!" Ading said coldly.

If he imitates the previous Ading, maybe he will let the village chief's wife go.

But during this time, A Ding was trained by Tang Zhong in various ways, and now he has become cold-blooded.

Doesn't take anyone seriously at all!
And with his words, the people in the tribe immediately stopped the village head's wife.

The village chief's wife panicked, looked at A'Ding, and changed her face again: "A'Ding, my aunt is always nice to you, so just let her go, okay?"

"I don't know where you come from. It's ridiculous to dare to say such things to me. My mother almost died because of you. Now you let me let you go. Funny!" Ading Said viciously.

"To put it bluntly, I can't wait to use the blade to pierce your body directly and drain the blood from your body!"

His voice was extremely cold, giving people the feeling of killing a god!

When the village head's wife heard it, she cried out in horror, knelt on the ground, and apologized to A Ding: "No, no, A Ding, let me go, I will never dare again, this time I am really a ghost I don't dare anymore, A-Ding, if there is another time, you can do whatever you want with me, A-Ding!"

"Hehe!" Aden sneered.

The village head's wife knew that there would be no results in asking for help from A-Ding, so she could only look at the village head next to her, and said, "Old man, please help me, and beg A-Ding to let me go." Okay? I don't want to die now, I really don't want to die!"

But the old village chief just frowned fiercely and said nothing.

In his opinion, this woman is damned!

Who made you stand up?There is no need to stand up, but you stand up and seek death!
"I won't help you!" the village chief shouted.

When the village head's wife heard this, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar!

At this moment, Ading raised the knife in his hand and chopped it down.

The village chief's wife was split in two, and blood spurted out at the same time. Such a scene was truly terrifying!
Everyone around covered their eyes!
Then Adin looked at the other people in the tribe like a leader and said: "My fellow citizens, from now on, we have to leave. Now everyone follow me, this ancestral land is gone!"

I killed Cang Lie before, thinking it would be fine, now that Cang Jingtian is here, and now that Cang Jingtian is dead, maybe the person who will come next time will be the king of Cangye Kingdom?
Ading and the others still need to practice. It is impossible to stay in the tribe all the time, let alone protect the people in the tribe. The best way now is to find a new place and survive there. the safest.

The people in the tribe nodded and went to prepare their luggage for the migration!
The so-called luggage is just to bring the most precious things with you.

This scene, Tang Zhong has been watching behind A-Ding, he is very satisfied with A-Ding's current performance, A-Ding can be said to have grown up, it seems that he should go.

He is now going to Cangye Shangguo to find that dragon bone!

(End of this chapter)

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