Chapter 1979 Entering Cangye Upper Kingdom
The words of the palace lord were spoken out, and no one resisted anything!
Because everyone knows that if the Spring and Autumn Academy is not disbanded, if they are caught by the Cangye Shangguo people, then they will definitely die in an ugly way.

So everyone understands, just a little heartache.

You must know that after studying in the Spring and Autumn Academy for such a long time, no one can seriously accept it if they say they are dismissed!
The Palace Master of the Spring and Autumn Academy didn't say anything more to the others, but directly found a torch, and then directly moved forward, and burned it out!
Directly set fire to a house ahead!
The fire quickly surged past.

The house was quickly ablaze, and at the same time, it was still spreading, and soon other houses were now ablaze.

The familiar classroom of Spring and Autumn Academy has been lit up.

Then there is the canteen, and then the business district in the distance!
The last one is the archive room of the Spring and Autumn Academy!
The archive room is what needs to be burned the most, as long as it is burned, the people of Cangye Shangguo will not be able to find anything interesting about the people of Spring and Autumn Academy.

They don't know who is from the Spring and Autumn Academy, so they won't continue to slaughter!
If the list is obtained, the people of Cangye Shangguo may wantonly massacre tribe by tribe!

And if they don't understand, if the people of Cangye Shangguo kill people at will, it will cause a big rebellion!

At that time, if the people from Qingyunshang Kingdom make a move, Cangye Shangguo will definitely be in chaos!
Therefore, burning is the only way!
After all the rooms have entered the flames.

The palace lord continued to shout: "Okay, everyone can leave now, let's all leave!"

Those students also knew that the situation was irreversible, so they chose to leave.

It's just that when everyone leaves, they will kneel down in the direction of the Palace Master, and then kneel down towards their mentor, and only turn around and leave after doing all this!

The palace lord is standing there now, grinning!

I feel sad!

At this time, Tang Zhong also walked towards Shi Tianjun.

Although Shi Tianjun did not provide any substantial help to Tang Zhong, Shi Tianjun is a good person.

He was thinking of Tang Zhong from the beginning to the end.

"Teacher!" Tang Zhong said.

Shi Tianjun smiled and said, "Yes!"

Tang Zhong's performance today shocked him, surprised him, and he couldn't believe it.

Even Cang Wuji is no match.

One must know that Cang Wuji is a genius in Cangye Shangguo, but now he has lost to his own students.

I'm cool!

"You shouldn't be called Yi Zhong!" Shi Tianjun said.

Tang Zhong really didn't expect Shi Tianjun to come back and say such a word, "Yes!"

"What's your name? Can you tell me? I will remember it firmly!" Shi Tianjun said.

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, I will firmly remember that I have a student named Tang Zhong. Although I didn't teach him anything, he is my best student!" Shi Tianjun said.

As he spoke, he hugged Tang Zhong directly!

Tang Zhong did not resist.

hugged, and then separated.

Shi Tianjun should go.

Now not only the students are leaving, but even the teachers are leaving!
This is inevitable!
It was time for Tang Zhong to leave, he couldn't see everyone leaving.

Then he grabbed the dying Cang Wuji with one hand, stretched out his wings, and flew forward!

This time he went to Cangye Shangguo!

As for the direction, it was determined based on what Cang Wuji said and his own sense of the keel.

It's the same place!
I don't know how long it took to fly.

Tang Zhong felt that the aura of the keel was getting closer and closer, it was near here.

Then, far away, he saw a huge city!

This city is huge!

And the walls are high!

Visual inspection of this city seems to be as big as the entire earth!

Is this the so-called Cangye Shangguo?
And he can feel that there are many strong people in this Cangye Kingdom!
Tang Zhong was too lazy to fight with so many people from Cangye Shangguo, all he wanted was the keel, now with Cang Wuji, just find the keel, as for the trouble, I don't want to cause trouble!

After all, he doesn't know much about Cangye Shangguo, so he really doesn't know how much military power there is!
He pretended to be a commoner, led Cang Wuji, and walked in through the city gate!
To be on the safe side, he had already destroyed Cang Wuji's voice channel.

After all, to find a keel, you don't need a sound at all.

Just give directions.

This is also just in case!

For the enemy, absolutely not credulous.

The best thing is to destroy each other.

At the gate of the city, those soldiers didn't look carefully at all, Tang Zhong led Cang Wuji in.

"Where are we going now, you just need to point it out to me!" Tang Zhong said.

Cang Wuji is completely stupid, now he only wants to live, as for other things, he doesn't even think about it!

So he pointed in a direction!
In the distance, is another city!
This direction should be the palace of Shang Cangye!
Tang Zhong covered his face, and continued walking forward with Cang Wuji.

At the same time, Tang Zhong sensed the strength of the people around him, and found that they were all at the King of War level!
Huang Jin, Zhan Pu, Zhan Wang, Zhan Huang, Zhan Zun, and the strength of Zhan God.

It is the level on this Lingyuan Continent.

Cang Wuji before was the strength of the King of War.

It is already very powerful.

But now Tang Zhong found that there were many battle king level figures around, and Cang Wuji should be the best among the battle kings before!

With his current strength, it is absolutely possible to face a war king, even two or three can deal with it!

However, with more than thirty war kings together, it may not work.

And there is the Emperor of War!

We have to be careful together!
He has been walking on both sides of the road!

Surrounded by people doing business in the Cangye Kingdom!
In the Cangye Shang Kingdom, there are still a lot of poor people, and there are many voices of peddling around!
Tang Zhong was walking among the crowd, and when he saw those people selling food, he felt a pang of hunger in his stomach!
It seemed that the previous battle had consumed his energy.

He can transform into a dragon clone now, but it also needs strength, which must be affected by the transformation during the battle with Cang Wuji.

Now, Tang Zhong wanted to find a place to have a meal!
At this time, he saw a place selling buns.

After walking over, Tang Zhong said to Cang Wuji: "You better be quiet, otherwise, when I run away, I can shoot you to death!"

Cang Wuji, who is now a dignified prince, was so frightened that he looked like a fool, nodded his head quickly, and dared not say a word of nonsense now!
After Tang Zhong got the answer, he went to the place where the buns were sold and said, "Bring me the buns!"

The merchant is very nice and brought the buns quickly!
He has the money!

I hunted many monsters with A-Ding before, and exchanged a lot of money.

And when Tang Zhong was eating the steamed stuffed bun, suddenly, the ground shook, and from a distance, a pair of people came slowly riding a beast.

(End of this chapter)

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