Chapter 1994 The woman who suddenly appeared

"Yes, the breath of the dragon is released from these monsters now." Speech said.

Tang Zhong immediately looked at these monsters and said, "Are you sure?"

"I'm [-]% sure." Sporadic nodded.

Tang Zhong believed that Sporadic would not deceive people, so he approached these monsters to see what was going on.

However, this is really too much nonsense.

The breath of the dragon is so powerful, after the magic beast absorbs it, there will definitely be some kind of transformation, but looking at these monsters now, no matter how you look at it, they are mentally handicapped.

Now everyone looks listless, like a dead dog.

After Tang Zhong checked these monsters carefully, he looked at Speech and said, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, it's these monsters." Ling Xing said immediately.

Tang Zhong said: "I don't think it's possible. I have checked these monsters now, and they look like rubbish... It can be said that they may only have these auras on them. It seems that they have stayed with the dragon for a while and have not received to any inheritance of dragon blood."

When Tang Zhong finished speaking, his pupils widened suddenly, and he realized that, yes, if he had been with a dragon, he would have the breath of a dragon on his body, not necessarily because he had received dragon blood or something.

So these monsters should have been with dragons before.

This is a circus. Could it be that before this, a dragon was caught by the circus and raised with these monsters?

Now, there is a problem again, nothing can be found from these monsters, and now the problem can only be found from the people who raise these monsters in the circus.

Sporadic seemed to have discovered the problem at this time, she immediately turned and went out.

Tang Zhong was shocked when he saw the other party's actions: "You... what are you going to do?"

"I went out to find people, caught them, and asked what was going on?" Speech said.

Tang Zhong really wanted to say to my aunt, can we calm down a bit, but don't be impulsive.

He immediately stopped Xing Xing and said: "We have to calm down now, don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil know, for example, you don't know what is going on in this circus at all, if you are so rash, we will have an accident .”

"Also, you are still not sure whether these monsters lived with the dragon here. Maybe there was a monster and the dragon together before these monsters were captured. Anyway, the matter is not that simple. We need to think about it in the long run." Tang Zhong said .

Over the years, along the way, Tang Zhong has seen too much cunning, and now he is very cautious.

It is best not to provoke something that is not necessary to provoke.

Their goal is the dragon, just look for the dragon.

Although people in this circus are like flies to Tang Zhong and the others, flies are very disgusting things. If your hands are contaminated with flies, your hands will also be very disgusting...

Hearing Tang Zhong's words sporadically, he stopped and said, "Okay, I will listen to you all."

"Yes, that's right." Tang Zhong said with a smile: "Let's leave here now, as if we haven't been here before."

"Hmm." Sporadic nodded.

But at this moment, there was a small sound from outside, as if someone had come in.

When Tang Zhong heard the voice, he immediately became cautious: "Be careful, there seems to be someone outside..."

The two immediately hid.

At this time, I saw a person walking in from the outside. I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. He was wearing a miscellaneous robe, covering his body.

When this person walked in, Tang Zhong immediately felt a powerful dragon's aura, which was released from this person. Could it be that this person has something to do with dragons?

I don't know what's going on now, so it's best not to startle the snake.

Tang Zhong suppressed Xingxing, telling her not to move.

The man came in, glanced at the monster, then turned back, looking at the area where Tang Zhong and Xing Xing were.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong thought that the other party knew that the two of them were hiding here.

about to attack.

But at this moment, I saw that the person did not move forward, as if he was about to leave.

It was a false alarm and was not discovered.

Soon, the man left.

And Tang Zhong and Scattering also came out.

"I also felt the breath of a dragon from that person just now." Speech said.

"Well, maybe it's because I'm often with these monsters, so the aura on my body is very strong now." Tang Zhong said.

It can only be explained in this way, otherwise it cannot be explained.

After all, the opponent's strength does not seem to be strong.

"Maybe." After a few seconds of sporadic thinking, he said.

And at this moment, the door in front of the two was opened again, and then the person who had just left was seen coming back again.

It happened to be face to face with Tang Zhong and Sporadic.

The scene fell into embarrassment.

Only at this moment did Tang Zhong see clearly the origin of that person. It was actually a woman with purple hair and purple pupils. Just now because of the black robe, he couldn't see clearly.

At this moment, the woman screamed.


Tang Zhong immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and covered the opponent's mouth: "We are not bad people, as long as you don't shout, I can let you go, you think about it."

At this moment, the woman's pupils were trembling all the time, but she finally nodded.

Tang Zhong let go of the opponent.

"We didn't come here on purpose, we'll leave right away, you can pretend we've never been here before." Tang Zhong said.

The woman still didn't speak, but looked at the two people.

It was as if he was looking at Tang Zhong and Sporadic.

Tang Zhong was very surprised, what could this person measure out?It seems that he is just the Warcraft breeder of this circus.

"Don't worry." Sporadic stared at the breeder carefully.

Tang Zhong was about to leave, seeing the other party's actions, he asked, "Did something happen?"

"I want to continue to perceive the other party." Ling Xing said.

Then she walked to the breeder, turned around, looked at him a lot, and sniffed him.

Tang Zhong was speechless, and said: "It's very rude of you to do this."

"Shut up." Ling Xing said.

Then she widened her pupils, looked at the breeder and said, "You...why do you have the breath of a dragon on your body?"

The woman was surprised for a few seconds when she heard the sporadic words.

Tang Zhong was speechless, and stretched out his hand to pull Xing Xing, what's the matter with this woman, how can she talk about dragons in front of just anyone?Are you not afraid of death?
"Go, go." Tang Zhong said.

Sporadic said: "You were dragged to me."

And at this moment, the woman who hadn't spoken all this time said, "Are you looking for Xiao Dingdong?"

(End of this chapter)

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