Chapter 1997 Ambushed
The calmer the place, the more dangerous it is.

Tang Zhong absolutely did not believe what he saw in front of him.

He stopped Xingxing: "Don't go up there."

"Why, the dragon is right in front." Scattered Xing said in surprise.

"It always feels weird, and now everything looks absolutely not so simple." Tang Zhong said.

"It's not that difficult, I have to go." Scattering started immediately.

She rushed out, and very fast.

Tang Zhong's complexion changed instantly, he didn't dare to go forward, if there was a problem, something would happen.

They rushed out sporadically, but the strange thing was that those scythes didn't react at all, and they were still sleeping there.

She didn't care about other things, and immediately went to the chained Tinkerbell, and stretched out her hand to pull the chain where Tinkerbell was tucked in.

Tang Zhong has been watching from the side, so there must be something wrong with being so quiet.

Suddenly, he saw those sickle demons who were sleeping, opened their eyes one by one, revealing a red light.

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, he shouted: "Oops, be careful."

He said to Lingxing: "Quickly go back."

He heard voices sporadically, and at the same time saw that tied up Ding Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and flashed red, and his face suddenly became ugly.

This is not a dragon. Dragons have blue eyes, not red.

Sporadic wanted to stretch her hand back, but black air suddenly appeared from the chain she was holding, covering her hand.

Then a black chain appeared on her arm.

Then I saw that Tinker Bell began to change into a black mist with long limbs and a cunning face.

"Shadow Demon..." Scattered saw the other party and shouted.

At the same time, the sickle demons around stood up and approached Sporadic with a sickle in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong secretly thought that it was terrible, this time it might be the end.

Sure enough, there is a trap.

He has to save Xing Xing.

But calm down now.

Tang Zhong rushed out with the Broken Dragon Pestle in his hand.

Facing a sickle demon, he waved a broken dragon pestle.

On the broken dragon pestle, the roar of the dragon came out, giving people a feeling of shock.

The sickle in the hand of the sickle demon slashed.

It was directly sent flying by the broken dragon pestle.

Then Tang Zhong stretched out his claws, grabbed the sickle demon's throat, and squeezed it suddenly.

In an instant, the scythe turned into a black mist, and at the same time, a black crystal fell from its body.

Is this the scythe dead?
And what is this black crystal nucleus?
"Be careful." Zero Xing shouted again.

When Tang Zhong heard the sound, he turned around and saw a scythe attacking.

This scythe is very fast, as if it is not walking on the ground, but flying in the air.

A sickle struck.

Tang Zhong dodged immediately.

Right now, he could only dodge, but just as he escaped the attack of the scythe, the scythe behind him immediately attacked again.

Tang Zhong could only keep dodging.

These scythes are indeed very powerful.

Damn, only change into a dragon.

With a roar, Tang Zhong directly entered the giant dragon clone.

He still looks like a human being, with bone wings flying behind him, and his speed becomes faster.

Crushing with a broken dragon pestle.

After transforming, his power soared, and those ordinary scythes were no match for Tang Zhong at all.

With a few blows, several sickle demons were turned into black mist, and black crystal nuclei appeared from their bodies.

Those sickle demons obviously did not expect that Tang Zhong could erupt with such a powerful force.

They came to attack together, and the magic words came out of their mouths: "Kill...kill him."

Sporadic voices also shouted: "Don't be afraid, these people are all low-level sickle demons, and their strength is not very strong. Use your strongest strength."

Hearing this, Tang Zhong used his strongest strength.

Roar shrouded.

With the introduction of his power into the Polong Pestle, now the Polong Pestle has also begun to evolve, transforming into another form.

Tang Zhong's fighting is timid now because he has never fought with sickle demons before, so he can't figure out the real strength of these sickle demons. Now sporadically saying that these sickle demons are not powerful, it must be.

He roared wildly, the roar of a dragon.

Suddenly, a violent roar spread around.

Those scythes that were shocked began to stiffen up.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong immediately started to act. This is a great opportunity and cannot be missed.

His body kept flickering, swishing, swishing, and the broken dragon was in his hand, directly piercing through the bodies of those scythe demons.

When Tang Zhong stopped, those sickle demons turned into black mist, and black crystal nuclei appeared from his body.

Now the sickle demons are all dead, and now there is only the shadow demon left.

But at this time, seeing his companion died, the Shadow Demon started to panic, turned his head and was about to run away.

Tang Zhong could see the other party's thoughts: "If you want to run, there is no way."

Tang Zhong flickered to the side of Shadow Demon, and directly blasted out with his palm.

The shadow demon only had the ability of alien shape, and had no ability to fight. He was blasted out by a palm, and fell directly to the ground. The black aura on his body began to become weaker.

Then Tang Zhong went to his side and thrust the Broken Dragon Pestle into the ground.

Immediately King Kong was released, suppressing the Shadow Demon.

Tang Zhong didn't know how to kill the Shadow Demon, so he had to learn from the Shadow Demon what happened.

Then Tang Zhong walked in front of Ling Xing, looking at the black shackles in Ling Xing's hands.

He touched the black shackle sporadically just now, and the black shackle fell into his hands.

So Tang Zhong must not touch it.

I can only think of other ways.

Now it can only be done with the power of the dragon.

Then Tang Zhong began to transform, stretching out his feet.

Originally, human feet directly became dragon claws.

The dragon claw stepped on it suddenly.

With a snap, the chain was stepped on.

Sporadic also because back to normal.

"Are you okay?" Tang Zhong asked.

Now Sporadic seems to be blaming herself, she just whispered: "I...I'm fine, I was really impulsive just now."

Sporadic thinking about it now, I am really too impulsive, if I am the only one here, if I am so impulsive, then I can only die.

This time it was really Tang Zhong who saved him.

"This time, thank you." Scattering looked at Tang Zhong and said.

Tang Zhong said: "What's the big deal? We're all dragons. Should we go and see that Shadow Demon first? See if we can get something useful from the other party."

Sporadic nodding: "Yes, I did feel the breath of the dragon, which means that these scythes did find the dragon and took it away, but we rushed here now, but we were in vain and fell into the opponent's trap Among them, the reason why such a thing happened, I guess someone should have notified them that we are chasing them."

When Tang Zhong heard this, his first reaction was the woman in the circus: "Ask Shadow Demon first, and find information from him."

(End of this chapter)

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