Chapter 2000 Strange Demons Are Actually Creatures of the Blood Demon Realm

Speaking of this, at this moment, a huge planet appeared in front of it, and now it was shining with an extremely dark light.

That is the transportation planet of the Blood Demon Realm.

Sporadic grabs Jiang Xiaofan.

Then the two hid behind a meteorite in the starry sky.

Then he looked at the meteorite in front of him and began to warn him.

The transportation planet ahead is now in a usable state.

Many flying monsters flew to the transport planet, and there was a huge jar on their backs.

Like the container behind the big truck, it is not surprising that it is filled with goods.

At the same time, on the head of the monster, there were people from the Blood Demon Realm waving whips.

Those people from the blood demon world are the same as the demons that Tang Zhong saw before.

Soon I saw those monsters carrying huge jars and arriving at the transportation magic star.

Tang Zhong and Sporadic were looking at the picture in front of them now, and began to think about what to do next?
"Is that dragon in this place?" Tang Zhong asked sporadically.

"Here." Ling Xing said, her eyes were bright, although she could see that the other party was very excited, but at this moment, she was very calm.

Compared to before, Sporadic seems to be much calmer.

"We have to sneak in and talk now." Tang Zhong said, "Do you know the art of transformation?"

"No, this can't be changed. I'm a dragon. People in the blood demon world are very sensitive to dragons. If I get closer to three meters, I will be discovered." Ling Xing said.

"Is that so? You can't go in, but I can." Tang Zhong said.

"No, you belong to the dragon too, so you can't go in either." Ling Xing said.

"No, I have a solution." Tang nodded his head.

Then he stood up and completely restrained the dragon breath on his body.

Now he is just an ordinary human being.

Before, because he released the breath of the dragon, his whole body was glowing with golden light, and there were scales on his skin.

Now it is the same as ordinary yellow humans.

"It's strange, the dragon breath on your body is gone, is it eliminated by you?" Sporadic said in amazement after carefully looking at Tang Zhong.

"Yes." Tang Zhong said.

His human identity has provided him with a lot of convenience.

He is a human race, many people can't feel his breath at all, even if they feel it, they don't know where he came from.

"In this case, you can indeed enter the transport planet, you should be careful, you know?" Lingxing trembled again.

Don nodded his head.

Then he went up quickly and entered the transportation planet.

But before entering, he hid himself and transformed into a strange demon state.

When he was in the universe of the earth, he devoured the dragon, the power of strange demons, and the power of the source. The three forces were condensed in his body, and he could change them at will.

However, the power of the strange demon has never been used.

Now it's just a matter of pomp and circumstance, no matter whether the strange demon has anything to do with the people in the blood demon world, but at least it looks like the people in it.

"How can you become a war demon?" Scattered looked at Tang Zhong in shock, the appearance of this statue transformed for the opponent's body was strange.

War Demon?

Hearing this name, Tang Zhong still felt a little strange. He was a strange demon. He used to say that his opponent was a war demon. There must be a reason. Perhaps the so-called strange demon was also a demon from the blood demon world. .

After all, it has been said sporadically before that the Blood Demon Realm is expanding outwards, so it is really normal that there are other monsters outside this realm.

War demons are strange demons that invade other universes.

"I'll explain this to you later." Tang Zhong said, "I'll enter the transportation planet first, and investigate the problem clearly."

"Okay." Sporadic nodded.

"However, if I find that dragon, how can I communicate with him?" Tang Zhong said.

If he found that dragon, there would be no point in communicating with that dragon.

"There are two ways. First, use the dragon language, and second, transform into a dragon." Speech said.

"Then the second one, I don't know Dragon Language at all." Tang Zhong said.

"Be careful." Scattered exhorted.

"No problem." Tang Zhong replied.

Then he looked at the huge transportation magic star in front of him and flew over.

The magic star is built on the star track.

The star trail is a deck similar to that of an aircraft carrier, but this magic star is much larger than an aircraft carrier.

There are many transport monsters on it, and there are more monsters.

Now, those devils took the huge jar from the transport monster, and then left with the transport monster.

Those transport monsters were very reluctant, but under the whip, there was no room for retaliation at all. They could only shake their wings, fly to the distance, and leave here.

Batch after batch of transport monsters arrived.

Tang Zhong was still in a panic as he was walking on top of the transportation magic star.

On this magic star, there are many demons, busy working there.

They walked past Tang Zhong, all staring at him very curiously.

Tang Zhong thought that his disguise had been broken, and he was ready to grab the weapon at any time. Once these demons made a move, he would do it directly.

But the demons didn't do anything, but cast their eyes on him.

There was respect in that gaze.

At this time, a leader who seemed to be the leader of these demons hurried over, arrived in front of Tang Zhong, nodded and bowed, and said something that Tang Zhong couldn't understand at all.

But what he said was not cruel, but rather flattering.

Tang Zhong was surprised, he stood with his hands behind his back and didn't speak, because he couldn't understand the words of these demons.

Not surprisingly, the words spoken by these demons are magic words.

And from the appearance of these demons, it can be seen that these people seem to respect him very much.

Maybe it's because he has transformed into a strange monster now, and this kind of strange monster is a strong creature in the blood demon world, surpassing these demons who transport the magic star.

Then it's easy to handle.

Tang Zhong walked straight forward.

He thought it would be all right if he could understand what these people said.

And just as he was thinking, beside his ears, he could understand the words of those demons.

This made Tang Zhong even more shocked.

Presumably it was because he turned into a strange demon, and these strange demons were born able to understand the magic language.

That's easier.

Here, the devil next to him said: "My lord, why are you free to come to our Y27 base?"

"I'll come and have a look." Tang Zhong said.

This y27 base should be the transport magic star.

Now Tang Zhong can understand what the devil said, and he can also talk to him.

Since the other party has no doubts, Tang Zhong should be busy with business now.

Immediately Tang Zhong said: "I heard that Y27 recently captured an enemy, a dragon. Where is that enemy now? I'll go and see lowly creatures like dragons, and see what they look like."

(End of this chapter)

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