Chapter 224 Migrant Workers Ask for Salary!
Gu Dong was grabbed by the collar, and his face was as dry as a donkey's.


"Where is it?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

If he didn't help Wu Xiaoyu, no one would help Wu Xiaoyu. Without him, Wu Xiaoyu would become Boss Song's plaything now.

As Tang Zhong's friend, he would not allow that scene to happen.

Gu Dong looked at Tang Zhong, he was already frightened and stupid, but when he found that Tang Zhong didn't hit him, he secretly cheered up: "In my company!"

"What company, take me there!" Tang Zhong shouted.

"Okay...okay, I'll take you there right away!" Gu Dong said immediately.

At this moment, he secretly laughed, as long as Tang Zhong doesn't hit him, it's fine, if he wants to find Boss Song, then he will take this Tang Zhong and hand it over to Boss Song to solve it. After all, Boss Song has several I hate the characters, I heard that they are all retired by foreign mercenaries.

However, he did not let Tang Zhong see his joyful expression, but still looked sad.

Then Tang Zhong walked up to Xie Qing and said: "Sister Qing, take care of Xiaoyu, I have something to do, come and go!"

Xie Qing was pushed there just now, and at this moment, he had already stood up, and when he heard Tang Zhongzhong leave, he hurriedly said, "Where do you want to go? Are you looking for Boss Song? It's not good for the boss to confront you. Those rich people have bad intentions. If you mess with them, they will pay and find someone to deal with you. Now that there are so many bad people, you better not go!"

The world is not peaceful.

You have offended some people, they will not fuck you clearly, but they will secretly fuck you behind their backs!
Some well-born people never do anything, they just hire people.

Xie Qing knew this.

"Don't worry, Sister Qing, it's fine!" Tang Zhong said.

Before Xie Qing could continue speaking, Tang Zhong walked up to Wu Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, wait for me to come back!"

Then Tang Zhong grabbed Gu Dong's collar and walked downstairs.

The entire Laiya International people were all stunned.

Tang Zhong took Gu Dong and got off the elevator.

"Where's your car?" Tang Zhong shouted.

"Outside!" Gu Dong said hastily.

"Drive me to find Boss Song, immediately, immediately!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah, Boss Song's company is a construction company, not far from here, I'll take you right away!" Gu Dong said.

It seems to be scared, but inside it is a fluke.

"Boy, just wait. When you arrive at Boss Song's company, you'll be the one to see!"

Last time, the Passat was beaten into scrap metal by Tang Zhong, and Gu Dong didn't have a car. Now it's a black Da Ben. The car belongs to Boss Song, and he lent Gu Dong to bring someone here.

Then get in the car, Gu Dong is driving, Tang Chong is in the co-pilot.

The vehicle quickly moved towards Boss Song's construction company.

But at this moment, at the entrance of a company with a courtyard in a five-story building, it is a factory, and it says Fugui Construction Co., Ltd.!

The blue iron gate separates the factory from the outside.

However, at this time, at the gate of the blue iron gate, there were quite a few people wearing workers' uniforms, about five or sixty people, both men and women, sitting on the ground and shouting.

"Hurry up and pay me back!"

"Song Fugui, come out for me, the project is over, we have finished the work, when will we pay back the wages owed to us!"

"Don't hide in there, like a son of a tortoise bastard!"

"Turtle, we know you're inside!"


Various dialects are mixed together.

The people here are all migrant workers who came from the village to work for Fugui Construction Co., Ltd.

But after finishing the work, he didn't get a salary.

The boss dragged their wages!
In addition to migrant workers, there are also a few reporters.

They are all around at the moment, filming the scene in front of them with a camera.

The one carrying the camera was a man, while the one holding the microphone was a beautiful woman, it was the reporter Ren Jing who was called Tang Zhong Camouflage Man a long time ago.

These reporters came here spontaneously to ask for wages for migrant workers after they knew that migrant workers were cheated by a construction company.

And this time it was broadcast live, and it was reported on Jianghai Satellite TV.

I want to tell other migrant workers the true face of this company, and I hope that under the exposure of the media, I can help these migrant workers get their money back.

At this moment, Ren Jing was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, she looked like a female reporter.

"Anchor Ren, are you ready?" asked the man carrying the camera.

"Okay, you have to take a clear picture. It's best to put the company's name on it. This time, we have to ask for the wages of these migrant workers without delay!" Ren Jing said.

"Don't worry, anchor Ren!" The man made an ok gesture.

Ren Jing coughed her throat.




Ren Jing looked at the camera, held the microphone, and started.

"Welcome everyone to watch the news program of Jianghai Satellite TV. Today there is a piece of news. Migrant workers have always been a vulnerable group. In this society, they can only rely on their own efforts to make money. However, there is such a company that defaults on wages for migrant workers. , let’s expose it today!”

After finishing speaking, Ren Jing asked the camera man to take pictures of the company plaque of Fugui Construction Co., Ltd.

Soon, the plaque was clearly photographed.

Because it's live.

Almost anyone watching the TV can see it.

At this time, everywhere in Jianghai, people who saw the picture on TV couldn't help but clenched their fists.

"My Cao, there is such a company."

"Is it easy for migrant workers to earn some money, but they still don't give it to them? I'll wipe it."

"Really, without migrant workers, how can we have the development of our Jianghai City? How many real estate buildings are built by migrant workers, you bastard!"


With the exposure, voices of complaints continued to come out.

But at this moment, in Fugui Construction Co., Ltd., it was a different scene, especially the office of the company boss.

Song Fugui was leaning on the chair, with his feet resting on the desk in front of him, playing with the two round bodhi woods in his hands, staring at the TV in front of him, watching the live broadcast on the TV.

Someone came in through the door.

It was Song Fugui's secretary. He was trembling and a little scared: "Mr. Song, what about the live broadcast on TV?"

Song Fugui didn't speak directly.

"Mr. Song, such an anchor will have a bad impact on our company's reputation. The leaders of the other construction teams saw this live broadcast and called me directly to stop us!" said the secretary.

Song Fugui still didn't speak.

The secretary had no choice: "President Song, what should we do now?"

At this moment, Song Fugui stood up suddenly, picked up the ashtray from the table, and threw it towards the TV in front of him, hitting the center of the TV.

The LCD TV was smashed into a big crater, sparks burst out, and the picture on the TV suddenly crashed and fell from the wall to the ground.

The secretary next to him was startled.

"President Song..."

Song Fugui was trembling with anger, but he finally spoke: "Don't worry, exposure is exposure. What are you afraid of? By the way, is that Gu Dong back now? I need a woman now. Didn't that Gu Dong say to bring his niece here?" ? People?"

"Back to Mr. Song, that Gu Dong hasn't come back yet!" The secretary trembled.

"Call...Call, damn, a group of migrant workers want money, don't think about it, I will delay my playing with women, I will let them not get a dime!" Song Fugui said: "The reporter just now is not bad, find me Get in touch!"

"Yes, Mr. Song, but does this scene outside need to be suppressed?"

"No need, go down!"

The secretary left, and then Boss Song walked out of the window, looking at the people asking for salary below, his eyes were full of viciousness: "I want money...calling a reporter, I count you as cruel, but I will not give you money!"

And at this moment, not far from the company.

A Mercedes is coming.

It was Gu Dong who brought Tang Zhong over.

Hear the shouts ahead.

As soon as you see the situation ahead and hear people talking, you will know that you are asking for a salary.

"Well, we can't make it through!" Gu Dong looked at Tang Zhong and said.

"Are you sure that Boss Song is here?" Tang Zhong asked Fugui Construction Co., Ltd. in front of him.

"It's inside!" Gu Dong said.

He was unhappy at the moment. He thought it would be easy to trick Tang Zhong into Boss Song's territory, but he didn't expect this scene to happen. He was really upset.

"Okay, come down!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah!" Gu Dong froze for a moment.

I saw Tang Zhong lifted Gu Dong up, pulled him down to the co-pilot, and he got on the main driver directly.

Gu Dong was stunned, he always felt something was wrong!

All I saw was Tang Zhong stepping on the gas pedal, and immediately, the Mercedes-Benz started to move.

Since he came to settle accounts with Boss Song, let's start.

Outside the company, live streaming continues.

Ren Jing is constantly interviewing the debt collectors this time, so that more people can see their tragic experiences.

One by one, migrant workers were interviewed.

I saw a worker in his 40s, in front of the microphone, a little nervous: "I am the only labor force in my family, and now I am waiting for my salary. My child needs to go to school and needs me for everything. I must ask for salary. Everyone help us!"

"My wife is hospitalized in the hospital and needs hospitalization fees. This salary is not enough, and he still doesn't pay us. It's too bad!"

"Please help us, if someone helps us get back our wages, he is our benefactor!"

Everyone in front of the TV was extremely angry.

They all want to help migrant workers to ask for wages.

Suddenly, they saw a strange scene. ,

Inside the TV, a Mercedes-Benz appeared, attracting everyone's attention.

"Look, there's a Mercedes-Benz on TV!"


Not only the people in front of the TV found out, but also the people present.

Migrant workers also saw a Mercedes-Benz, coming towards them.

A large group of migrant workers who had been sitting on the ground stood up quickly.


"Don't be dumbfounded!"

Because the Mercedes-Benz was coming, and it was about to hit them.

Even Ren Jing panicked, what's wrong with this car, why is it driving here.

But at this time, the speed of the Mercedes-Benz suddenly slowed down, and then suddenly accelerated again. The tires rubbed against the ground, sparks splashed, and finally exerted force suddenly, and the Mercedes-Benz was seen soaring into the sky.

Flying over the heads of a large group of migrant workers, all of them looked up at the Mercedes-Benz, their mouths agape.

Then looking at the direction the Mercedes-Benz was going, I was even more shocked.

Because at this time, the Mercedes-Benz is facing the big blue iron gate of Fugui Construction Co., Ltd.

(Last update today!)

(End of this chapter)

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