Chapter 502 Fang Jingde Out!

The people around didn't know what to say anymore, they didn't expect that this person was such a powerful martial arts master, and he defeated Elder Wu.

The scene was extremely silent.

Elder Wu's head was grabbed, his whole face was extremely ugly, he couldn't move at all, his whole head seemed to be caught by pliers, and it was heart-piercing pain to move.

" let me go!" Elder Wu howled in horror.

Being grabbed by someone's head is like being controlled by someone to control life and death. That feeling is really uncomfortable.

At this moment Tang Zhong just squeezed his hand and said coldly: "What if I don't let go?"

"Don't let go...don't let go, I'll kill you!" Elder Wu suddenly swung his fist, and Tang Zhong swung his hand over.

But as soon as it was suspended in mid-air, it stopped.

Then there was a scream.

I only saw Tang Zhong's hand, tightly grasping Elder Wu's Tianling Gai, his fingers were like sharp knives, cutting off his head.

"Are you going to kill me?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"No...don't dare!" Elder Wu shouted, it was really painful, his skin was split open, and bright red blood flowed out, his pupils were full of blood, and he looked extremely hideous.

"Don't dare, but you did it!" Tang Zhong smiled ferociously.

If anyone offends me, I will kill them all!
"I am the elder of Hidden Sword Valley, what do you want to do, kill me, it is against Hidden Sword Valley... ah..."

Before he could speak, a roar came out, Elder Wu opened his mouth wide, and his whole face turned red.

The people around have seen that they are stupid in place, they dare not move, they cover their mouths one by one, all their lives, the elders of Hidden Sword Valley are like gods in front of them, but now they are kneeling in front of a young man , but he admired this man's courage even more, daring to attack the elder.

"Who is this person?"

"Is it a disciple of that ancient family?"

"It must be, otherwise, why would you not take Hidden Sword Valley so seriously!"

"Unless it is Huashan, Kunlun, Tianshan, where is the monster... Could it be that this person is from there?"

"How is it possible? What about the people there, how could they come to us!"

"That's right, where did he come from? Such a young martial arts master!"

But at this moment, Tang Zhong heard Elder Wu's words and said: "You Hidden Sword Valley is not a good thing? I think the so-called assessment this time is not an assessment at all!"

"You..." Elder Wu's pupils shrank suddenly: "How do you know?"

"It seems true, then you deserve to die!" Tang Zhong shouted, and in an instant, the blood in his hands condensed like magma, and then he was about to blast down suddenly.

The people around all opened their mouths wide. This guy is really going to be an enemy of Hidden Sword Valley.

But at this moment, loud cheers came from afar.

"My friend, this place is a martial arts gathering of someone from our side. If you kill people here, where will you put someone from our side?"

He saw, from a distance, a black-robed figure appeared, with flowing gray hair and an old man.

As for the people who heard the voice, they couldn't help turning their heads, and their eyes lit up.

"Yes, Patriarch Fang!"

"The head of the Fang family in Hangzhou!"

"he came!"

The person who came was Fang Jingde.

Then there are several Buddhas in martial robes, which look powerful and powerful.

"Aren't those Vajra Buddhas from the Kuanglong Temple? Why did they come here? Isn't the Buddha in the center Master Tianyun?"

"I remembered, it seems that Patriarch Fang invited them to this martial arts party, and they are indeed strong people!"

"They will definitely save Elder Wu when they come!"

Hearing the voice, Tang Zhong turned around and met Fang Jingde's eyes.

When Elder Wu saw the person coming, he became anxious: "Quick...Patriarch Fang, save me, this person is going to kill me!"

"Don't worry, with Fang Jingde, no one dares to touch you!" Fang Jingde said, then turned to look at Tang Zhong, and said, "Although I don't know who you are, but that person is my honored guest, so you'd better let him go." killed him."

"Then what if I don't let go?" Tang Zhong looked at Fang Jingde and said with a smile.

not let go?

The surroundings instantly exploded.

"This guy... dare not let him go?"

"Patriarch Fang is a great master of a generation. What does this guy mean by not letting him go?"

"Do you want to fight the master?"

Fang Jingde narrowed his eyes when he heard this: "Your Excellency, why should you say such a thing? Judging by your skill, you should be a Martial Dao Master. Such a young Martial Dao Master will definitely be a Grand Master in the future. At the same time, people in Martial Dao can't see you when you look up. , is it really okay to do this? How about just selling my face?"

The people around were shocked, there are really too few young people who can receive such praise from Fang Jingde.

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at Fang Jingde and said with a smile, "Do you have any face in front of me?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt being detonated.

"What does this fellow mean by that?"

"Say something like this to the master, doesn't he know that the master should not be humiliated?"

Fang Jingde's face turned ugly for a moment: "What did you say?"

There was coercion in the words, and it was released instantly.

The people around felt the oppression of spirit.

Such is the power of the master!
Seeing this, Master Tianyun next to him stepped forward slowly and said, "Master Fang, let me solve this matter for you!"

"Thank you, master, I don't need it now, I can solve it myself!" Fang Jingde smiled, then looked at Tang Zhong with deeper eyes, and said, "You'd better let Elder Wu go... Otherwise, I won't let you go, Even kill you!"

Everyone could tell that Patriarch Fang was determined to kill.

Then they all looked at Tang Zhong, thinking that this is a brat at all, come here, don't you want to find out if Fang Jingde, the head of the Fang Patriarch, is a grand master? "

At this moment, Tang Zhong had an ice-cold smile on his face, and immediately his eyes turned cold. He grabbed Elder Wu's Tianling Cap and crushed it suddenly.

There was a click, followed by Elder Wu's roar, which was extremely miserable.

From Tang Zhong's hand, a column of blood emerged from Elder Wu's head.

With a bang, Elder Wu fell to the ground, his pupils widened, his face still had that frightened look on his face, and he died directly.

And from the top of the head, there is still blood flowing out slowly.

Tang Zhong didn't even look at the corpse, but shook off the blood in his hand, then looked at Fang Jingde and said, "Okay, I let go..."

At this moment, the audience was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Did this kill Elder Wu?

What is the origin of this kid!
Ignore the majesty of the master.

This is what everyone has in mind.

When the master was angry, the killing was boundless.

When everyone turned their heads, they could see Fang Jingde's face, which was the color of a donkey, and everyone backed away.

The atmosphere around him became serious as Elder Wu died.

Killing someone in front of the grand master is simply ignoring the grand master, and then everyone wants to see what Fang Jingde will do?
At this moment, Fang Jingde squinted his eyes like a sharp sword, looked at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "I believe you will die ugly!"

Murderous aura enveloped here instantly.

"I don't think... If someone is really going to die, it can only be you..." Tang Zhong looked at Fang Jingde and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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