Chapter 526 Follow the vine!

The next day, the news of the death of Xin Dongbin, director of Kuaitian Group, quickly spread throughout Korea.

However, there are only written reports on Xin Dongbin's death, and there are no pictures.

It is said that the reporter who arrived at Xin Dongbin's mansion took pictures of Xin Dongbin's death. He only kept vomiting. He was said to be a very strong man, but in the end he turned into an old man. Beside the old man, there were four others who were already in a coma. A young model who didn't wear clothes in the past.

Obviously, the cause of death came out, excessive indulgence and lust, leading to death.

When Tang Zhong got the news, it was just as he thought.

Now that Xin Dongbin is dead, it's almost time for the Korean officials to jump out, as long as they stay here and wait for the rabbit.

Tang Zhong hid outside the mansion, looking at the people who entered and exited Xin Dongbin's mansion, and the place has been sealed off by the police. After all, Xin Dongbin is the president of Kuaitian Group.

During the day, everything was normal, and there was no suspicious person, only a few policemen patrolling back and forth, but at night, suspicious people appeared.

A black Hummer parked outside the villa. More than a dozen men in black got out of the car and began sneaking into the villa. You could see that the men in black showed their IDs to the police at the door. let go.

Tang Zhong has been staring outside.

About half an hour later, I saw those four men in black carrying something out together. It was white, and it seemed to be wrapped in a sheet. It should be the body of Xin Dongbin. It seems that it should be the official of Korea. Some people were dispatched, trying to control Xin Dongbin.

Tang Zhong is now looking for where to install the monitoring system in Korea, as long as he follows these people.

Watching those men in black take Xin Dongbin's body away, they started the car with a rumble.

When Tang Zhong saw this, he immediately followed behind. The place where these people went should be the place where the monitoring system was installed.

As long as the location is determined, Tang Zhong will let this little Gaoli know the price of angering him!

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message. It was an order!
Then the whole person turned into an afterimage, following behind the car of the group of men in black.

He will let the Korean know what cruelty is.

At this moment, in the Hummer in front, there are four people in black. One person in the front row is driving, and the other is holding a cell phone to communicate. Behind the two men in black is a man wrapped in a sheet. Xin Dongbin's body.

The man in black in the front row started calling: "General Park, you have already got Xin Dongbin's body in your hands, what should we do now?"

A voice came from the phone: "Just bring it back, don't be followed!"

"Don't worry, General Park, we will erase all traces of taking Xin Dongbin away, and no one will find out." The man in black said.

"Then come back!"

"Yes!" The man in black responded, hung up the phone, and said to the driver: "Now drive directly to the base!"

"Okay!" The man in black who was driving slammed on the accelerator, and the speed of the Humvee accelerated instantly, and it quickly walked towards the night.

From Seoul, drive directly to Jeju.

Tang Zhong followed closely behind. His current speed was comparable to that of a Hummer, and he was not tired at all.

Finally, the Hummer went around and around, turned over several mountains, all of them were barren hills, and finally came to a place surrounded by barbed wire.

Tang Zhong also followed, hiding in the dark, watching the scene ahead.

I saw that the Humvee came to a stop next to the barbed wire fence. There was a gate in front of it. There were people guarding the gate. When they saw the car coming, they walked to the side of the Humvee. After the man in black in the car showed his ID, then The guard just saluted, and then opened the barbed wire gate.

Soon, the Humvee drove in, and after it disappeared, the guard closed the barbed wire gate and continued patrolling.

Tang Zhong can be sure that this is probably the base where the monitoring system is installed. You can see that there are several lighthouses in the center of the base in the distance. At this moment, they are constantly emitting lights to check the movement outside.

Regarding these military means, Tang Zhong knew better than anyone else, it seemed that he could not proceed rashly now, this base was so hidden, there must be other means of defense outside.

There must be thunder buried in the ground. Tang Zhong directly took out the crossbow that destroyed Kuaitian Supermarket before. He had been carrying it behind him all the time. Now he took it out, took off the rubber band, and continued to make the wire into a simple deminer .

Tang Zhong had seen such things as deminers eat more salt than others, and soon after they were done, they began to clear them.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, he realized that something was wrong with the ground. He clenched his fist and punched it near the minefield.

A strong force poured into the soil all of a sudden.

In an instant, I saw the landmine being shaken out from the ground, directly grabbed by Tang Zhong's hands, and then placed on the ground safely.

One after another, the work of clearing mines, to Tang Zhong, was simply a child's work.

Immediately approaching the barbed wire fence, he folded the wire again into a crossbow, put on a rubber band, and carried it behind his back.

And at this time, I finally saw the scene inside from the outside, and the area was indeed very large.

The surrounding area is full of grass, but there is no inside. It should be completely removed with herbicides, and the inside is paved with concrete.

It seems that this must be the place to install the monitoring system.

Looking ahead, there are many military camps. Outside the military camps, there are a number of excavators over there.

Looking at the ostentation, it seems that this time, Gao Li is determined to make big trouble.

Immediately took out the mobile phone, sent another command, which was a location address, and then installed the mobile phone. Now that Tang Tiansha came back, let the people of Korea tremble.

Immediately, his hands tore the barbed wire in front of him, and his blood burst out. In an instant, tearing the wire was as easy as tearing flesh.

Clap clap clap!

The iron wire was torn apart abruptly.

Immediately, he took a step forward and arrived at the base.

The movement of the wire being torn was quickly discovered by the lighthouse.

In an instant, all the lights from the lighthouse in the center shone on Tang Zhong.

"Someone broke in!"


All of a sudden, the Korean soldiers on the lighthouse looked ugly, and began to grab the big pineapple machine gun in front of them and shoot.

Da Da Da Da!

You can see the continuous firing of shell casings from the machine gun.

But at this moment in the ground, Tang Zhong hurriedly dodged, and when he turned his head, he saw the bullets and bullets hitting the ground, invincible, and a row of holes were forcibly punched out.

Tang Zhong looked back at the crater.

"M2495.56 [-]mm squad gun, it seems that this must be the right place!"

Seeing that Tang Zhong was not shot dead, the people on the lighthouse picked up their machine guns again, ready to shoot.

"I still want to shoot, dreaming!" Tang Zhong took out the crossbow directly from behind, and immediately took out a dozen needles, put them on the crossbow, and shot towards the lighthouse.

I saw a few swishes.

The needle flew out.

The man on the lighthouse was about to shoot, and the gun was still firing, and suddenly it turned off. Three silver needles were hit on the neck, directly penetrated the skin, got into the throat, and died directly, falling from the lighthouse down.

Seeing this, the others accelerated their shooting speed.

But it was still the silver needle that greeted him.

Boom boom boom, the flesh fell from the top and fell into a meat paste.

At this moment, the faces of the others were ugly, the night was pitch black, and the soldiers on the other lighthouses could only see their companions being thrown down, but they couldn't see how they were hit, and they all had cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, hurry...notify everyone!"

At this moment, the soldier on the lighthouse pressed the alarm, and in an instant, there was a buzzing sound throughout.

When Tang Zhong saw this, a smile appeared on his face, it was time to level everything here!
As soon as the devil came out, who dared to refuse to accept, the bow and crossbow in his hand shot out the silver needle again!
(I have already gone to the hospital to get sore ointment. The doctor told me not to sit for a long time. The idea that everyone wants me to lie on the hospital bed cannot be realized, oh yeah!)

(End of this chapter)

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