Chapter 529 So tricky! (Supplement 19)

" know I'm a warrior?" Pu Chongshan said in surprise, "You're also a warrior!"

"That's right! Just now I just shot for fun!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"You..." Park Chongshan said: "Soon, you won't be able to laugh anymore!"

"You should know how big a mistake you made, do you know what this base is for? Do you know what you destroyed?"

Park Chongshan questioned.

"I knew that this place would threaten Huaxia in the future, so I'm going to destroy him. Do you have any questions?...Hmph, hold on!" Tang Zhong sneered.

"I bear your mother..." Park Chongshan could no longer control his inner anger.

At this moment, a slap came over, and in an instant, that slap was full of surging strength, like sea water, tilting down towards Tang Zhong.


"Just this little strength?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"What?" Pu Chongshan's pupils widened: "Too arrogant, Chinese people, that's how arrogant they are!"

Squeeze it down with one palm.

At the same time, Tang Zhong punched him.

Forcibly blocked Pu Chongshan's palm.

With a bang, the collision wave suddenly exploded, and in an instant, it scattered towards the surroundings.

The powerful force suddenly rebounded, abruptly sending Pu Chongshan flying, and landed on the ground, still retreating violently, and did not stop until a dozen steps later.

"How is this possible?" Park Chongshan stabilized his body and asked in disbelief.

He didn't use all his strength. Ordinary warriors are not worthy of him at all. He used [-]% of his strength at will, but he was blocked. This guy, it seems, should be a martial arts master.

Huo Ya was beside her, her eyes wide open, she couldn't believe it, this second generation of gold-plated soldiers was actually a martial arts master, beyond her expectation, this time she really underestimated the enemy.

"Why is this impossible?" Tang Zhong smiled lightly.

"I used three successes, but I was blocked by you. Such a young martial arts master, I never thought that you are also a talent in Huaxia. Unfortunately, today, I will die because I am A martial arts master!" Pu Chongshan said.

"Oh, I don't use my skills at all..." Tang Zhong said lightly.

"You fart, I think you used your whole body strength to block my blow, and you are pretending to be calm here, I have already seen it!" Park Chongshan said.

"Whatever you say, anyway, today, I will definitely kill you!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Kill me... Based on you, I, Pu Chongshan, in my life, military and martial arts, how many martial arts masters have lost their lives, you should have heard of it, your Huaxia master list, then you should know, Fang Jingde, the master of the Fang family in Hangcheng , No. 9 on the grandmaster list, I fought with him for [-] rounds, and finally the grandmaster defeated me with a move of Wuyingjiao, so what kind of thing are you? Fight me!" Park Chongshan sneered.

"Oh, I once killed him!" Tang Zhong said.

"Hahaha, fart, you kill the grandmaster, it's up to you, go to hell, I will do my best, and I will kill your dog's head!" At this moment, Park Chongshan shouted.

The whole person flew out like an afterimage.

"The Taekwondo of Goryeo came from my hand...and I am a martial arts master, and my palm technique is not my best. Do you think you can beat me if you block my palm technique once?"

All he saw was a white light glowing on Park Chongshan's legs.

"Speedy legs!" Fire Crow screamed at the side. She admitted that she had missed Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong was not simple, but now, once General Park uses this move, the opponent will die.

Extreme speed kick is a kind of kick technique, within the fastest speed, counting kicks are raised, and the moves are not seen at all, so that it catches the opponent by surprise.

And she is also a fan of General Park. In the Koryo Army, this kick was imitated by many soldiers, and many people were proud to see this move.

This time, that Chinese man is dead!
But at this moment, Tang Zhong saw Park Chongshan approaching, and sneered: "No matter what you do today, I will kill you!"

At the same time, he also moved.

Whoever is faster, he will not lose. In an instant, his body turned into an afterimage, and he directly met the opponent, with his legs in front, and kicked out violently.

Seeing this scene, Park Chongshan sneered: "Compared with me, are you still far behind?"

"Stupid, ignorant, General Pu is a master of martial arts, and he is the most proficient in legwork. This person is too stupid, he is better than anything else!" Fire Crow sneered.

"Really?" Tang Zhong sneered.

"Yes, I, Park Chongshan, am the number one grandmaster of Goryeo. In the whole of Goryeo, I am a real taekwondo grandmaster, and I am even more proud of my leg skills. How many grandmasters have I defeated with these legs? You alone A mere martial arts master dares to call me scum in front of me, you China is not a big country in martial arts, how can there be such an ignorant person like you?" Park Chongshan sneered.

In his opinion, the person in front of him is a clown.

"After a while, you will know the answer!" At this moment, a smile appeared on Tang Zhong's face.

Pu Chongshan was getting closer and closer to Tang Zhong. When he saw the smile on the other party's face, he was startled for a moment, feeling a sense of danger.

And at the same time, it was infinitely close.

Leg skills exploded at the same time.

Park Chongshan felt that he was thinking too much.

At this moment, the legs turned into shadows, kicking Tang Zhong sideways, sideways, and spinning.

The sound of brushing and brushing sounded.

His leg was completely a shadow, and he couldn't see where the shadow was at all.


At the same time, Tang Zhong went up to meet him, and his legs moved.

He has Fang Shiyu's essence and blood, and even if he has never learned Wuying Kick, his leg skills are still very good.

The legs of the two collided, and there was a constant booming sound.

At first, the two could fight back and forth.

Park Chongshan was confident at first, but his face became more and more ugly.

Facing Tang Zhong in front of him, he actually had some difficulty!
"I don't believe it!" Park Chongshan roared. In his opinion, as a master, killing the person in front of him should be as easy as slaughtering a dog.

Get faster on your feet.

Their legs touched each other.

Constantly exploded and fluctuated.

The whole earth is constantly moving.

The fire crow in the distance also felt that Tang Zhong must die from the very beginning, but seeing that the two had been fighting for so long, Tang Zhong was still not defeated, and his face was full of disbelief: "How is this possible?"

At this moment, Park Chongshan was struggling more and more, and sweat began to pour out on his forehead: "I don't believe it, I don't believe you can surpass me!"

"you are too slow!"

"You're too slow!" Pu Chongshan roared, his legs sped up.

However, he found that the speed of the person in front of him also accelerated.

"you are too slow!"

Park Chongshan roared as if he had suffered a great humiliation: "You are talking nonsense!"

He had already exploded with all his strength, and with the kicks from his legs, he could hardly see clearly, almost to the extreme, but every time he attacked, he was blocked by the opponent.

"How is this possible? How can you be so fast?"

Pu Chongshan couldn't believe it, you know, what he was proud of all his life was his leg skills, definitely the first one, but now he found that he was not as fast as the person in front of him.

"It's impossible. I've practiced hard for more than [-] years. How can you beat me?"

"You have practiced hard for more than [-] years, which is really shocking, but think about one thing wrong!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Because, the gap between you and me is too big, like a gully, because I am a grandmaster!"

"What?" Park Chongshan's face turned ugly for a moment, and his pupils suddenly enlarged, in disbelief.


He should have thought earlier that the other party's legs could be so fast. Apart from the fast kicking speed, that means he is strong in martial arts. This person is actually a grandmaster... such a young grandmaster!

"I don't believe it..." Park Chongshan roared.

He didn't believe there was such a genius... no, it was a monster.

"You have to believe it!" Tang Zhong laughed.

At this moment, the blood power of the whole person was concentrated on the leg, and in an instant, he stepped on it suddenly.

As the feet landed, there was a bang, and the powerful force spread on the ground like an earthquake. On the ground, there was a crackling sound, and the cracks spread out like spider webs, and then at the last moment , burst with a bang, and saw that the entire ground with a radius of ten meters was lifted up abruptly, and it was all shaken into pieces, dusty and messy.

The generated berserk force also dissipated abruptly, rushing directly onto Park Chongshan's body, a stream of blood gushing out, and the whole person flew upside down.

While flying out, he kept staring at Tang Zhong, his eyes widening.

A kick broke the ground, this... This is the power of a master, this person is actually a master, a young master, at this moment, Pu Chongshan has never felt that life is so difficult!

(End of this chapter)

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