Chapter 539 The dance begins!
And at this moment, in a villa in the capital.

On a sofa made of leather.

A well-mannered young man was there, holding a lot of documents in his hand, and handed them to a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses in front of him.

The middle-aged man took the document handed over by the other party, held the fragrant coffee in the other hand, shook it gently, and drank it slowly.

If you look at it yourself, you will find that this middle-aged man is Secretary Qin.

After reading the document in his hand, he said with a smile: "Chuan Xing, you did a good job, it seems that in the future, I have to recommend you to Minister Chen Hui!"

When the young man next to him heard this, he became excited: "Uncle Qin, you taught me these things!"

"Haha, that's because you're talented!" Secretary Qin said with a smile.

The person called Chuanxing didn't speak any more, but smiled from the sidelines.

"By the way, Chuanxing, there's something I need to tell you!" Secretary Qin said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Tell me, Uncle Qin!" Zhao Chuanxing said with a smile.

"Next month, Minister Chen Hui has decided that I will be the governor of a province..." Secretary Qin said.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Chuanxing immediately said, "Congratulations, Uncle Qin, this is a great deed!"

Secretary Qin smiled and said: "And if I am transferred, there will be no secretary next to Minister Chen Hui for a while. You are young and have strong work ability, so I recommend you. As long as you work hard, this step is not bad. Can ascend to the sky!"

Zhao Chuanxing's eyes lit up when he heard the news. This time, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Thank you, Uncle Qin, for the recommendation!"

"Get up quickly, what are you doing? That's because you are good, and Minister Chen Hui also agreed, young man, work hard!" Secretary Qin said, reaching out to help Zhao Chuanxing.

Zhao Chuanxing woke up now, thinking that he could be the secretary in front of Minister Chen Hui in the future, that would be a great success, as long as he worked for more than ten years, he could also be the head of a province.

Although their Zhao family is located in the capital city and is dominated by business, they have not yet had an official. If he can become a secretary, it will raise their Zhao family to a whole new level in China.

Thinking about how the Zhao family would grow bigger and bigger in the capital, his whole blood boiled.

"Yes, Uncle Qin!" Zhao Chuanxing said.

But suddenly, Zhao Chuanxing's phone rang, and he answered it as soon as he saw it was his younger brother.

Suddenly, a voice came from the phone: "Brother, I was beaten by someone, and that person even destroyed my Porsche, what should I do?"

That was Zhao Chuanxiong's voice.

When Zhao Chuanxing heard this, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

"What's the origin of that man?"

"Just a person who drives a BMW!" Zhao Chuanxiong said immediately.

"BMW... a car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars dares to hit you. Did he eat the guts of a leopard? Where are you now?" Zhao Chuanxing asked coldly.

"It's at the Renault Hotel, brother, you must avenge me, no matter who he is, you must send him to prison, so that he will never stand up again!"

"You wait for me!" Zhao Chuanxing hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

For Zhao Chuanxing, although his younger brother is a dandy and does nothing for the Zhao family, the blood of the Zhao family is running through him.

A person who drives a BMW dares to touch someone from their Zhao family. What is the difference between that and courting death? Zhao Chuanxing couldn't swallow this tone.

At this moment, Zhao Chuanxing just hung up the phone, looked at Secretary Qin beside him, and quickly said, "Uncle Qin, I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now!"

"It's okay, you're going to be promoted soon, so you should put on a domineering look, that's okay!" Secretary Qin said: "I heard from the phone that your younger brother was beaten up, and the other party doesn't have much strength, right?"

"Yes, the one who drives a BMW!" Zhao Chuanxing said.

"I won't say much, you should know what to do? You will be Minister Chen Hui's secretary soon, go ahead, let others know your name Zhao Chuanxing through this matter, if that person doesn't like this, you can let me Come!" Secretary Qin said.

"Thank you, Uncle Qin!" Zhao Chuanxing said excitedly.

Secretary Qin also laughed, he is about to become the governor of a province, he needs his own team, and Zhao Chuanxing is the person he needs!
"I'll go to Renault to see it!" Zhao Chuanxing said.


And at this moment, in the Renault Hotel.

Tang Zhong led Jiang Weiwei directly in. Today, because of the dance, the inside was decorated very nicely. You can see a lot of balloons around and a lot of glasses piled up together, which looks very stylish.

The huge chandelier turned slowly, giving the venue a different color.

Men in suits and their female companions danced to the music.

" beautiful!" Jiang Weiwei said excitedly looking at the scene ahead.

To be honest, Jiang Weiwei has never been to such a dance party. Although she is from the Jiang family, she was not qualified to join such a big occasion because of her own fate when she was a child. Later, she went to Jianghai, in order to prove herself. I have worked hard all day, and I have never been to such a dance party.

So, this is the first time for Jiang Weiwei.

"Just as long as you think it's beautiful!" Tang Zhong smiled.

Seeing Jiang Weiwei so happy, Tang Zhong has almost forgotten what happened in the parking lot before.

He doesn't want much, as long as Wei Wei is happy, that's better than anything else.

Suddenly, Jiang Weiwei exclaimed: "Oh, something serious happened!"

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"I didn't change clothes, people wear dresses for the dance!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Tang Zhong looked around and found that other people were wearing dresses. The men were wearing suits with white chests and flowers.

The women, on the other hand, all wore tutu skirts, various colors, and all kinds of jewelry on their heads, which looked extremely delicate.

"Ah, it's okay, come and dance with me!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"There's a dance competition over there, I want to participate, but we don't have any clothes, if we go up like this, we're bound to lose!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Don't worry, with me, you won't lose!" Tang Zhong said.

In the middle of the dance floor ahead, a competition is going on.

This time, the dance party started with a dancing competition.

At this moment, the light shines on several dancers.

The dancers are graceful.

The music kept playing.

It can be seen that many people are also heading towards the center of the dance floor at this moment.

Soon, the center of the dance floor was full of people.

Beside the dance floor, a person who looked like a master of ceremonies held a microphone and shouted: "Welcome everyone to come to this dance, next to me is the prize of this dance, only the No. Qualified to get it!"

All I saw was a huge flower basket next to the master of ceremonies, and there were all kinds of flowers in the flower basket.

"In this flower basket, there are lavender from Baodao, and roses from Shangri-La... There are many, many..."

"And this time the comparison is to dance different types of dances with the live music. The person who makes no mistakes is the No.1 this time. Now I announce that the dance will begin!"

At this moment, in the middle of the dance floor, the music started.

When many women saw this prize, their eyes lit up.

"That flower basket is so beautiful!"


"I want, I want!" A cute girl said to the male companion next to her.

Jiang Weiwei's pupils also lit up: "I want it too!"

"Then I'll get it for you now!" Tang Zhong smiled.

Reaching out to grab Jiang Weiwei's hand, she walked straight into the center of the dance floor.

Jiang Weiwei was totally unprepared and was pulled over directly.


Tang Zhong grabbed Jiang Weiwei's waist, and the two looked at each other.

Jiang Weiwei's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and under the sound of the music, she almost didn't know what to do.


"Don't talk, look at me, follow my rhythm!"

Tang Zhong said.

Hearing this, Jiang Weiwei nodded her head heavily.

She believed in Tang Zhong.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong started to move!
Since Wei Wei wants that flower basket, let her get it back.

(End of this chapter)

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