Chapter 543 This is Destruction!
As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked, but a heated discussion soon arose.

"It's too arrogant to say this, let others 50 years.

"Who does he think he is?"

"That's right, it's crazy, this person is really crazy!"

"It's really a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. I'm afraid his knowledge is too short. He doesn't know what Long Wu is or what Secretary Qin is?"

At this moment, both Lei Nuo and Zhao Chuanxing sneered.

If someone else said this, they might still be angry, but if the person in front of them said it, they wouldn't be angry at all. Obviously, the person in front of them was too ignorant and didn't understand anything at all.

"In 50 years, I can crush you to death with one hand now!" Zhao Chuanxing said coldly.

" the vision of a frog in a well, this capital is far from being able to solve everything by fighting. In this capital, it depends on making friends and protecting each other. You are stronger alone, and you can be stronger than mine. Is Zhao Liang's home?" Lei Nuo also smiled coldly.

This is the truth, the capital city is a big dyeing vat, in this big dyeing vat, you must walk together with each other, otherwise, you will really die.

Tang Zhong smiled and said, "Then I'll call you!"

"Okay, I'll watch it!" Zhao Chuanxing said with a smile.

He stared at Tang Zhong, thinking that when Secretary Qin came, I'll see how stubborn you are.

As long as Secretary Qin comes, the person in front of him will probably kneel on the ground in fright.

It should look like a dog.


But at this moment, from outside the Renault Hotel, people from the Prince's Association came.

Drive several luxury cars.

Su Ao, Wu Jiaxiang and other four generals all appeared at this moment. .

After getting out of the car, go directly to the Renault Hotel.

They heard that Mr. Tang and the princess were being bullied, so they came here directly.

Soon we reached the floor of the ball.

Those people at the ball were still laughing at Tang Zhong's actions.

Suddenly seeing someone coming up, and there were still so many people, their faces changed.

Especially when he saw the fierce eyes of the leader, he was even more frightened, so he couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

"What the hell are these people? Whose are they?"

"It looks like he should be from Renault, otherwise, he wouldn't have come here!"

"Oh, I think that person will die very badly this time!"

Then their eyes fell on Tang Zhong in unison.

Tang Zhong's expression at this moment is very indifferent, but in the eyes of others, it is tantamount to a dying struggle.

Zhao Chuanxing looked at Su Ao and the others, frowned, and couldn't help asking Lei Nuo beside him: "Brother Lei, are those people from your Lei family?"

Lei Nuo was also shocked: "No... I thought it was from your Zhao family!"


"Whose is that?"

Then everyone's shocked eyes appeared, they actually saw this group of people walking next to the person who didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Tang!" Su Ao said respectfully.

Behind him, the person who came this time also bent down at the same time, and called Mr. Tang respectfully.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being shocked. They never expected that this group of vicious people came to find that person.

But is calling so many people ready to fight?
"Sure enough, he is a simple-minded character!"

"Yeah, fighting with the Lei family, have you forgotten Lei Tianlong, a member of the Longwu?"

"To sum up, court death!"

Even Zhao Chuanxing sneered: "Brother Lei, he is fighting with your Lei family!"

"My Lei family has a major general named Lei Tianlong, who fights with us... he dares?" Lei Nuo looked at Tang Zhong with disdain.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong looked at Su Ao and the others, and said calmly: "Now, destroy this place for me!"

"Yes!" Su Ao nodded.

Directly lead people to start smashing up.

More than 20 people came, and now they are starting to smash up.

Throwing everything, Su Ao broke the glass and punched through the glass counter, while the others held the benches and started smashing doors, lamps, everything that could be smashed, because what Mr. Tang said was destroy.

To destroy is to crush.


There are crackling sounds everywhere.

Renault and others didn't think of it at all.

"Security, security!"

Renault started to shout, but found no one to answer.

When Su Ao and the others came up, they brought the security room by the way.

No matter what he couldn't call the security guard, Lei Nuo's eyes turned ferocious, he suddenly turned to look at Tang Zhong, and shouted: "You dare to hit here, you are looking for death!"

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to see the destruction of your Renault Hotel? I'll show you right now!" Tang Zhong said.

"You're dead!" Lei Nuo gritted his teeth angrily, "When my cousin comes, I'll let him tear you apart!"

"I'm waiting!" Tang Zhong smiled lightly.

Originally, he had no intention of causing trouble.

But Lei Nuo didn't keep his word, Zhao Chuanxiong provoked him in every possible way, and Zhao Chuanxing didn't understand anything, so he called him scum.

These are trivial things, Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to them at first, the only thing he can't bear is that at the moment of letting go, Jiang Weiwei felt a little lost.

Tang Zhong once said that he would not cause any harm to the girl in front of him, even if it was loss.

So he got angry.

At this moment, the smashing sound continued.

The entire dance party is now back to the way it was when there was no decoration.

Su Ao and others also returned to Tang Zhong's side.

"Mr. Tang, it's over!"

"En!" Tang nodded.

Then he looked at Lei Nuo and said, "What you want, I give it to you now!"

Lei Nuo looked at his dance party and stomped his feet in anger. Seeing Tang Zhong's voice trembling: "You are dead!"

The people around also felt that Tang Zhong had gone too far and openly provoked the Lei family.

"court death!"

"Stupid, this person will never know what Longwu is!"

"Did you forget that he is an ignorant person at all!"

But at this moment, Zhao Chuanxing didn't speak. Suddenly his cell phone rang. When he saw the number, he immediately laughed and answered it directly.

"Secretary Qin, you're here, wait a minute, I'll pick you up right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Chuanxing did not forget to shout to Lei Nuo who was next to him, "Brother Lei, Secretary Qin is here, and I will go to meet him..."

This is for everyone, especially Tang Zhong.

When the people around heard this, they couldn't help but mocked even more.

"I didn't expect Secretary Qin to come first. It seems that Secretary Qin thinks highly of Zhao Chuanxing and wants to take him into his team!"

"This guy is dead!"

"A high-ranking official crushes people to death!"

Renault was also smiling, he didn't have to wait for his cousin to come, and handed over the person in front of him to his cousin, maybe it was just a beating, but it was wrong to hand it over to these literati, he was guaranteed to be imprisoned and lived there for several years .

while people are discussing.

Entrance from the prom.

I saw Zhao Chuanxing walking in with Secretary Qin, like a younger brother following the boss.

When everyone saw Secretary Qin, they couldn't help showing admiration in their eyes.

"Wow, that's Secretary Qin. My father seemed to want to make friends with him before, but Secretary Qin didn't see him behind closed doors. I didn't expect to meet him today!"

"My dad did that too!"

"What a coincidence..."

A group of ladies chirped.

Lei Nuo stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Uncle Qin, you are here!"

Secretary Qin with golden eyes smiled, and naturally knew that the person in front of him was from the Lei family: "Well, there is a Lei Tianlong from the Lei family, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Thank you, Uncle Qin, for your compliment!" Lei Nuo smiled, he never expected to meet Secretary Qin today, this is the blessing of their Lei family.

"By the way, I heard that someone bullied you, so I'll take a look. Where is he?" Secretary Qin asked.

"It's just a stupid kid who doesn't know how to live or die, so please trouble Uncle Qin to go there, he's right there!" Lei Nuo said with a smile, but he was still happy in his heart.

Immediately, he pointed to Tang Zhong in the distance.

And Secretary Qin also looked in the direction of his eyes, and the next second, his pupils widened, and he blurted out: "Tang Zhong...why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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