Chapter 559 Sword Prison!

The swords flying in the air were densely packed, floating in the air, and the tip of each sword was facing Tang Zhong.

When everyone looked up and saw Feijian coming, they couldn't help being horrified.

Because there are thousands of swords flying, and each sword is real, not so many illusory swords produced by Master Hidden Sword's first move just now.

Everyone's eyes lit up involuntarily. You must know that these flying swords are not ordinary products, at least they are much stronger than the swords auctioned before.

"This is the real foundation of Hidden Sword Valley!"

"As expected of the 300-year Hidden Sword Valley, this time, no matter who goes there, they will die!"

"These swords...could they be the swords from the Sword Prison in Hidden Sword Valley?"

Sword prison, as soon as the word was uttered, the whole audience fluctuated instantly.

Everyone in martial arts knows this name. It is rumored that in the Hidden Sword Valley, there is a place called the Sword Prison, and in that Sword Prison, it is said that there are all swords, and every sword is not ordinary, it is a hidden sword from the past dynasties A good sword forged by Master Gu.

Those who didn't know about Jianlao were surprised by the power of Jianlao after hearing the introduction from the people next to them.

"Sword prison, sword prison, isn't this the same as the sword prison? Why did Hidden Sword Valley throw all those good swords into that sword prison!"

"No, Hidden Sword Valley put those swords into the sword prison. It is said that they want to suppress something. It seems that that thing is also a sword. As for the sword, no one knows!"

"Wow, using so many good swords to suppress another sword, I don't know what that sword will be like, I really want to see it!"

"What you're talking about is nonsense, I want to see it too, but is the sword prison something you and I can enter?"

"No, then my question is even bigger. Didn't I say that these swords were used to seal a sword? If all these swords were taken out, wouldn't it mean that the sword is about to unseal it!"


The people around were all amazed, could it be possible to see the sealed sword this time?

But at this moment, Master Hidden Sword stood there, his white hair was blown by the wind, his pupils were bright, he looked at Tang Zhong, and said: "Tang Zhong, didn't you say that no matter how many swords you use, the result will be the same? Now the sword comes , I think you still dare to say what you said before?"

Then Master Hidden Sword laughed ferociously.

Tang Zhong frowned, looking at the swords flying in the air, it could be seen that those swords were not ordinary at all, and a very powerful sword energy was raging on each sword.

A mere master of hidden swords, he is not a problem, but with so many swords, it is really difficult.

Suddenly, the strange stone in his arms started to move, beating repeatedly, as if receiving guidance.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes. It must be the aura on these swords that attracted the stone to become what it is now, but it is not these swords that attract the stone. The thing that attracts the stone must be next to these swords. Because of the Yellow River, the things that attract stones probably also come from the Yellow River.

"Don't be afraid, these swords are all the swords of the valley owners of the past 300 years since I have hidden the sword valley. It is very easy to kill you alone!" Seeing Tang Zhong's appearance, the hidden sword master thought that Tang Zhong was afraid, Just sneered.

But Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to Master Hidden Sword at all, he was only studying the stone.

Being ignored by others, Master Hidden Sword went berserk.

"You are looking for death!" Master Hidden Sword roared.

Point out.

At this moment, those swords wrapped in chains flew into the air, turned into an iron dragon, and bit down towards Tang Zhong.

"Before you broke the sword, it was my deep shame, but this time you will definitely die, but before you die, I will tell you everything!" Master Hidden Sword said fiercely.

Tang Zhong saw the iron cage engulfing him, and quickly began to dodge. His whole body stepped on the ground and dodged.

The iron dragon came over to destroy it, and rushed directly into the ground. The extremely solid ground was completely like a layer of paper under the iron dragon's mouth.

It was seen that the whole iron dragon missed Tang Zhong, but sank into the ground.

Seeing this, the people around quickly backed up, looking ahead in horror.

As soon as Tang Zhong landed, he felt the ground trembling slightly, that is to say, the iron dragon was shuttling underground and would rush out.

Then the place where he is going to rush out is...

Tang Zhong suddenly reacted, he quickly bent his knees, and stepped back. At this moment, an iron dragon pierced through the ground where Tang Zhong was standing just now, flying dust and rubble!

Indeed it is!

"Hidden again!" Master Hidden Sword said coldly: "But no matter how you hide, today, you will die!"

At this moment, as soon as Master Hidden Sword pointed out, in an instant, the iron dragon straightened its body and spit out an iron ball towards Tang Zhong.

The iron ball came from several swords condensed together. If this is an omen that Tang Zhong will be penetrated, the ferocious sword tip shone coldly.

Shrouded in all directions, completely surrounded Tang Zhong.

"It doesn't matter if you are a martial arts master. The swords here belonged to sword masters. How can you hide?"

At this moment, Tang Zhong had to get nervous.

This master of hidden swords is simply playing tricks, a master of hidden swords, he will not pay attention at all, but with so many swords, he is after all alone.

"Damn it!" Tang Chong clenched his teeth.

It's really tricky.

Seeing this scene, the people around couldn't help discussing it.

"Then Tang Zhong is indeed powerful, but unfortunately, he is only one person, and the other party is the foundation of the entire Hidden Sword Valley!"

"Now the fighting power of Master Hidden Sword has completely surpassed that of a martial arts peak!"

"That's right, any grandmaster, facing this person, can only die!"

At this moment, everyone saw several sword points, facing Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhongxue sword in hand, began to resist.

The sword that flew over was blocked by Tang Zhong's blood sword, ding ding ding, Tang Zhong could only block the sword, there was no way to fight back, there were scattered swords everywhere.

But suddenly, Feijian's speed was too fast, and the sword just cut through Tang Zhong's arm.

Bright red blood flowed from his arm.

Pain came.

Although Tang Zhong's body is strong and unbeatable in the realm of a master, but now there are many swords that used to be at the peak of martial arts, and even a strong body will be injured.

Tang Zhong clenched his teeth, and it became even more difficult.

But suddenly, a sword flew over his leg again, cutting right through his leg.

Swish, swish, thousands of swords flew by.

Tang Zhong became a little embarrassed.

He can block a sword, but he can't block a thousand swords, and these swords are not at their level at all.

Just when Qian Jian flew past, Tang Zhong was riddled with wounds, his teeth were clenched tightly, and the dark red blood slowly dripped from his body to the ground.

Master Hidden Sword saw this, and showed a more ferocious smile on his face: "Tang Zhong, didn't you say that no matter how many swords you come, you can fight against me? Why can't you say anything now? Come to my Hidden Sword Valley to play wild, Even if Meng Wuxiang came today, he would have to die, not to mention you Tang Zhong, trash!"

(This is the third update, and there are three more!)

(End of this chapter)

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