Chapter 564 Missed a big opportunity!

At this moment, the scene that appeared shocked everyone. Master Hidden Sword was a master of a generation, but now, he died in front of everyone.

Everyone in martial arts could no longer speak a word.

In martial arts, it has never been said that who will follow whom forever. Everyone chooses a good tree to live in. Whoever is strong, everyone chooses to submit to whom. This is the rule of martial arts and the rule of this world.

Now, Master Hidden Sword has died, and everyone has forgotten him.

At this moment, they all knelt on the ground and respectfully said: "Welcome Tang Chong, Master Tang!"

There is no one who doesn't kneel, you know, they are willing to kneel and bow when they face Master Hidden Sword, let alone facing a stronger person.

You know, in the past, almost everyone thought that the living person would definitely die now. You know, the opponent was the Hidden Sword Master, but in an instant, that person couldn't help but counterattacked, and even killed the Hidden Sword Master. Such means have exceeded the imagination of too many people.

Moreover, Master Hidden Sword spent his whole life trying to recover the weapon, but this person easily recovered the weapon, which is not surprising.

Moreover, Master Hidden Sword is the strongest kendo master on the list of masters. Although he is ranked seventh on the list of masters, the power that Master Hidden Sword has displayed just now is more than enough to rank in the top three.

Tang Zhong killed the top three on the list of grandmasters, which is not shocking.

The list of masters is the list of martial arts masters. It is the result of the challenges of the world's masters, and it is very authoritative.

What's more, that person is so young, he looks only 20 years old.

A 20-year-old grandmaster is already scary, and it is rare to meet in a hundred years, let alone a 20-year-old grandmaster in the top three?

In the distance, Zhong Tianyue and Zhong Ya Zhong Tao stood together, they didn't know what to say anymore, the other ordinary people were scared away just now, only they stayed.

However, staying here, they only have deep regrets in their hearts.

Because in the past, that person named Tang Zhong personally said that he wanted to teach Zhong Ya, but was rejected by Zhong Tianyue.

They were also complacent because of their refusal, thinking that it was the most correct way to apprentice to Master Hidden Sword, but now, in just half a day, that man named Tang Zhong killed Master Hidden Sword.

Zhong Tianyue was trembling all over, he knew what he had done, if Zhong Ya was allowed to be under this person's door, then from that day on, the Zhong family would definitely be a male family.

"Grandpa..." Zhong Ya whispered.

If she had known that the other party was so strong, she would have directly agreed. ,

"Don't worry, Xiaoya, just now Tang Zhong personally mentioned that he wanted to take you as his apprentice, so there must be a turning point, and you are so beautiful, I believe that young man will definitely let go of the past!" Zhong Tianyue said .

"En!" Zhong Ya nodded, she was quite confident about her appearance, and she acted like a baby after a while, I believe that person would soften her heart.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was also shocked by the strength of the Ten Daoyan dragon soldiers.

Then came a voice from among the Ten Daoyan dragon soldiers: "How about it, boy, are you shocked by my strength? Let me tell you, this is just a drop in the bucket of mine. You are too weak. It's still the same old saying. You are the heir to the will of the dragon, if you are a waste, short-sighted, I will definitely kill you!"

"Yes, senior!" Tang Zhong said respectfully when he heard Shi Dao Yanlong Bing's words.

Although he doesn't know what the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers are, but he knows what the will of the dragon is, that is the senior, and today, the other party saved his life, so he can't forget it.

Shidaoyan Longbing didn't expect Tang Zhong to speak like this at all. After a brief silence, he roared: "Forget it, I won't tell you. Since you are the chosen one, my mission is to follow you. You must not let me down." !"


"Get out!"

Immediately, the Ten Dao Yanlong Soldiers in Tang Zhong's hands flashed slowly, and then disappeared.

Tang Zhong knew that this was the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier fused with him.

Then he looked at his hands and couldn't help but marvel: "This feeling is really good!"

It turned out that Master Hidden Sword arrested people to take blood for this weapon.

But he didn't understand why the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier was waiting for him. Suddenly, Tang Zhong remembered the stone he got from the Yellow River, and wanted to ask what was going on with the Ten Dao Yan Dragon Soldier, but no matter how he shouted, he couldn't see him In response, I had no choice but to give up.

This time I came to Hidden Sword Valley, the most important thing is to find Fang Susu, I don't know where she is, I heard that she is in the dungeon, what about the dungeon?

Seeing this, Zhong Tianyue walked forward with a smile, and said respectfully: "Master Tang... I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes, please don't blame me, Master Tang!"

Tang Zhong didn't even look at Zhong Tianyue.

Zhong Tianyue secretly thought something was wrong, quickly pulled Zhong Ya to his side, and then said with a smile: "Master Tang, granddaughter Xiaoya is here. I heard that Master Tang said that he would teach his little granddaughter by himself!"

Zhong Ya quickly smiled and said, "Master Tang..."

The two people no longer looked contemptuous before.

The martial arts people around couldn't help being shocked when they saw this, Tang Zongshi actually said that he would teach that girl, wouldn't that girl want to reach the sky in one step?This family is about to start to prosper!

Countless people cast envious eyes.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong turned his head to look at Zhong Tianyue, and said, "Did I say such a thing?"

"Of course I said it, it's at the foot of the mountain, Master Tang said it himself!" Zhong Tianyue said hastily.

"I forgot!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Zhong Tianyue secretly thought it was wrong, he knew that Tang Zhong must be jealous, and quickly said: "I beg Master Tang to give my little granddaughter a chance, if Master Tang doesn't dislike her, my little granddaughter can marry Master Tang as my concubine!"

Zhong Ya didn't refute at all, if she could marry a master, then she would be the master's woman in the future, and she was very confident in her appearance, I believe Tang Zhong would agree.

"Is she worthy?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

Tang Zhong really despises this kind of woman who is so careful.

Zhong Tianyue and Zhong Ya couldn't help but feel cold when they heard this. This is the rhythm of rejection, which is absolutely impossible.

"Grandmaster Tang, the little granddaughter is the number one beauty in the south, like a dehydrating lotus, Master Tang, think about it, she is just right for a genius like Master Tang!" Zhong Tianyue said.

But Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to him anymore, because Fang Susu walked over in front, Tang Zhong's attack method directly shook the dungeon, so Fang Susu escaped, and although Fang Susu was locked up, his clothes were a little messy , but that face is like a fairy.

When Fang Susu came out, she was shocked by the scene in front of her. How did Hidden Sword Valley become like this? When she was surprised, she saw Tang Zhong from a distance, and immediately shouted: "Mr. Tang!"

"Well, it's me!" Tang nodded his head.

"You...why are you here!" Fang Susu said in surprise.

"You have an accident, how can I not come, after all, I once said that I will protect you!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

When Zhong Ya heard Tang Zhong rejecting her, her whole body trembled, saying that she was not worthy, why she was not worthy, she was so beautiful, she must have a good argument with Tang Zhong, but when she turned around, she saw Fang Susu in the distance, Zhong Ya's words came to his lips, and he swallowed them back abruptly.

She suddenly thought, how could the other party lack beauty?
This time, their Zhong family missed a big opportunity!
(End of this chapter)

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