Chapter 574: By the West Lake!

At this moment, the mourner didn't even have time to utter a scream, and he turned into a pile of meat paste.

But Tang Zhong didn't stop at all and directly pulled out the Leifeng Tower in his hand, and then continued to hunt other killers.

Didn't the Undertaker say that all the dead shots are coming?Then kill them all.

Immediately turned around and stepped into the air, leaving this place.

At this moment, more than half of the walls of the entire bar were demolished, and those people in the bar, whether they were gay, friends, or la la, all went to the window, wanting to see what was going on in front of them?
Everyone was stunned. They never thought that such a scene would appear, and there was such a powerful person.

to the window.

When everyone looked down, they saw a big hole in the ground three meters high, and there were cracks all around the hole.

"This...what the hell is going on here?"

"too frightening!"

At this moment, everyone thought of the person holding the spire of Leifeng Tower, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

Zhang Li didn't dare to say a word at this time.

The fat man next to him said: "Brother Li, what should we do? If that person bumps into you, just hit him!"

"Yes, yes!" The current tension is such that he doesn't dare to talk nonsense.

If he knew Tang Zhong was so strong, he wouldn't have dared to fart in the coffee shop back then.

And at this moment, from outside the bar, Luoshui brought people over. After coming out of the police station, he kept investigating who killed those killers, and happened to see the picture ahead, and he was stunned.

When I got to the side of the broken glass, I looked down and saw a hole in the ground, and quickly asked the people next to me: "Is there a person with a black cloak here?"

They also knew a little bit about the mourner. He was a man with tattoos all over his face, who regarded himself as a ghost, and that person seemed to have come here recently. The police haven't fully caught the mourner yet.

Most of the people in the bar are unclean, facing the police, after all, they are a little scared.

"There is such a person!"

"Where is the person?" Luo Shui asked anxiously.

Now the danger in Hangzhou, if you see a killer, you must control it, otherwise the safety of the people will be affected.

"Dead!" said a bearded man.

"Dead? Where's the corpse?" Luoshui must take back the corpse of this kind of person, otherwise, it will lead to unnecessary disasters.

"There!" The bearded man pointed to the ground and told Luo Shui.

There is a big hole in the ground, and there is still some blood on it.

Luo Shui just took a look and said, "What? It's a puddle of blood!"

"Officer, that's the man's body!" the bearded man said.

"What?" Luo Shui's face became slightly ugly.

"Who killed him?"

"It's the person holding the Leifeng Pagoda. I remember that when he entered the door, he stabbed that person to death!" the bearded man said.

Leifeng Pagoda, what and what? **Isn't Fengfeng Fengfeng Tower good?Luo Shui stared at the bearded man: "If you are telling lies, I will arrest you and give you one last chance!"

The bearded man became anxious: "Really, Jinghua, I really didn't lie, if you don't believe me, you can ask them!"

Then point to the person behind you.

"Really?" Luo Shui asked.

A large group of people nodded.

"It's over for you too. Take the top of the tower. Next time you make up a lie, can you make up a convincing one? The Leifeng Pagoda is right there!" Luo Shui said.

But the voice just fell.

The policeman next to him answered a phone call, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said to Luo Shui next to him, "Sister Luo, there is news from Leifeng Pagoda that the top of the pagoda is really gone..."

Luo Shui's pretty face suddenly turned ugly. Over the years, she has seen such perverted things stolen, but she has never seen the top of Leifeng Pagoda stolen. This is definitely the first, and that thing is similar to a As thick as a telephone pole.

"Officer, let me say what we said is true!" the bearded man said.

Luo Shui was about to speak, but at this time, her phone rang, and when she reached out to answer it, her face became even more ugly: "You said that the dead shot appeared? Or is it in the West Lake?"

He hung up the phone with a snap, and then shouted to the police next to him: "Now you follow me to West Lake, the death shot is coming!"

The faces of the surrounding policemen began to change, dead shot, is this finally coming?
The number one hitman on the international killer charts.

At this moment, beside the West Lake, it is the candlelight festival.

The West Lake is full of tourists, both men and women.

Most of the couples taking pictures with selfie sticks should be people who come here to play during the holidays.

You can see girls in sexy clothes being dragged by their boyfriends, and there are also elderly people who take their wives to appreciate everything around them.

West Lake, a major feature of Hangzhou.

by the lakeside.

Wei Xiaoqing and Su Mingya squatted there. Wei Xiaoqing was wearing short jeans. When she squatted down, her legs were very long. She released a lotus lantern into the lake water in her hand.

"Xiaoqing, let me tell you, if you have any wish now, hurry up and make a wish. Let me tell you, there is a white lady guarding the lakeside of West Lake, making a wish is very spiritual!" Su Mingya said.

Wei Xiaoqing looked at the lantern, and then began to make a wish.

She doesn't have any wish, she just hopes that the Wei family can be well and open their eyes for a long time.

"Go, after setting off the lanterns, I'll take you to see the White Lady, which is Leifeng Pagoda!" Su Mingya said.

Wei Xiaoqing, the White Snake, has long known that many years ago, the love between Xu Xian and the White Snake caused a sensation in the world. If it wasn't for the fact that Fa Hai was too cruel to break them up and put the White Snake under the pressure, Later Xu Shilin rescued his mother.

Wei Xiaoqing already knew these stories.

When we got to the Leifeng Pagoda, we didn't get in as we wished.

I saw a lot of policemen ahead, not letting the tourists go on, and behind them was the mysterious Leifeng Pagoda hidden in the night.

"What's going on?" Su Mingya was surprised, usually nothing happened next to the West Lake, but now after Xiaoqing came, accidents kept happening, it's really strange.

"Okay, I can't see it anymore, something seems to be wrong ahead!" Su Mingya could only apologize to Wei Xiaoqing.

"It's okay!" Wei Xiaoqing nodded, looked up, and suddenly found that the entire Leifeng Pagoda was missing the top of the pagoda.

"Look, there doesn't seem to be a roof on the Leifeng Pagoda!" Wei Xiaoqing pointed to the front.

"Impossible, how is this possible?" Su Mingya took a look, and also saw the scene in front of her: "It's really gone, is it too strange that it is being renovated, this time there is no sign of renovation, alas, bad luck !"

"Let's go!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"Okay, anyway, there are many interesting places in the voyage!" Su Mingya said.

The two were just about to leave.

At this moment, there was a bang, and a huge blasting sound came out.

It was deafening, and I saw an explosion in front of me.

The raging flames began to burn.

And the people next to the building in front, those who were close, the flames burned directly on their bodies, screamed, and jumped into the water closest to the water.

People around are starting to be vigilant.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were cast on the sea of ​​flames, and the tower was surrounded by flames.

"What... what's going on here?" Su Mingya's expression turned ugly.

Wei Xiaoqing didn't know what to say.

And at this moment, from above the Leifeng Pagoda, a loudspeaker sound was suddenly heard.

"Dear friends in Hangzhou, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shishe. I came to China this time to find a man named Tang Zhong. I don't know if you know him. If you do, Let him come here to look for me, I really don't want to look for him!"

If you look carefully, you will find a black man sitting on the top of the tower. It is the No. 1 killer in the world, Deadshot.

At this moment, everyone who heard this and saw this scene knew that Leifeng Pagoda had met a bad guy!
(I saw that someone in the book review area asked me to update in the afternoon. Now that I’m here, I can only update secretly! Let’s vote for all recommended votes!)
(End of this chapter)

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