Chapter 576 A sack of heads!

The sound came from afar.

Attracting everyone, they couldn't help looking back, and saw a black shadow on the West Lake in the distance, stepping on the water from the West Lake where countless lotus lanterns wandered.

"who's that person?"

"He actually floats on water?"

"Is this an expert?"

"He is from Huaxia!"

And Wei Xiaoqing and Su Mingya squatted together, heard the voice, and looked at the figure in the distance, their pupils lit up: "Xiaoqing, wasn't that voice just now your boyfriend's voice?"

"'s him!" Wei Xiaoqing said, of course she couldn't forget Tang Zhong's magnetic voice.

"It's great that he's here. I remember that the person above the ** Tower seems to be looking for him. If he's here, everything will be easy!" Su Mingya said with a smile.

"Yes, everything is really easy!" Wei Xiaoqing nodded, with Tang Zhong's master method, it was absolutely easy to kill that person.

And Luoshui also heard Tang Zhong's voice, and became anxious, but seeing Tang Zhong actually stepping on the water, they all froze. Could it be that this guy is a master, but he immediately dismissed this idea after thinking about it. Experts, the organization will not send them to protect this person, and now they are able to walk on the water, they must have used some means.

She really didn't understand what Tang Zhong was thinking, the other party's thoughts were very obvious, they were coming to Tang Zhong, but this Tang Zhong dared to come out, he really didn't feel any sense of crisis.

On the tower, Sishe heard the sound, turned his head to look, and saw Tang Zhong who was stepping on the water, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said coldly: "Pretending to be a ghost!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong was holding the spire of Leifeng Pagoda in one hand, and in the other hand, he was holding a sack of stuff, which was bulging, and he didn't know what was bumping into it. He stepped on the water and jumped onto the shore.

Then he threw the sack directly on the ground, and then looked up at the dead shot in the sky.

Dead shot held a sniper and crossbow, and then sneered: "You are Tang Zhong?"

"It's me!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then do you know who I am?" Sishe looked at Tang Zhong and smiled ferociously.

"I don't need to know, because you will be dead soon!" Tang Zhong said.

When Death shot heard this, he was taken aback for a moment: "You... what did you say?"

"What you hear is what you hear!" Tang Zhong said.

At this moment, Shi She raised his head and laughed loudly: "I'm really scared if you want to kill me, but how are you going to kill me? And you alone deserve to kill me?"

The people around were shocked when they heard Tang Zhong's words.

Isn't it a joke to kill such a person?

People who have seen the shooting level of Deadshot, they don't believe that someone can touch that person, and they are afraid that they will be killed before they reach the side.

Su Mingya's whole face almost twitched when she heard this: "I...I heard you right, Xiaoqing, your boyfriend is actually talking nonsense with his eyes open, saying that he killed that person, he even 888 I can’t even afford coffee worth [-] yuan, and I still want to kill people, no matter how stupid I am, I can see that the person on the Leifeng Pagoda is not simple, is he worthy?"

"Actually, you should ask that killer whether he is worthy of being an opponent with Tang Zhong!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

She decided not to lie to Su Mingya anymore. Tang Zhong's reputation cannot be misunderstood by her all the time.

"Xiaoya, there is one thing I have to tell you. In fact, I am not Tang Zhong's girlfriend at all. To be precise, I am not worthy to be her girlfriend at all!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"What?" Su Mingya couldn't believe it: "You're talking nonsense again, Xiaoqing, who are you? You were a school belle when you were in school. Why don't you deserve that guy? He has nothing, and he deserves it." It's not right for you!"

"He has everything, he is the son of the Tang family in the capital!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"What?" Su Mingya's pupils widened.

"I'm not his girlfriend, but I really hope to be his girlfriend, but unfortunately, I will never be better than his girlfriend!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

"Nonsense, who is his girlfriend?" Su Mingya didn't believe it: "I don't believe anyone can compare to you!"

"Yes, his girlfriend's name is Jiang Weiwei. Tang Zhong is not Jiang Weiwei's brother at all, but the person Jiang Weiwei has been waiting for." Wei Xiaoqing said.

"What!" Su Mingya couldn't believe it.

She couldn't believe it was real.

"Then why do you still say that he is your boyfriend? Just tell me who he has sex with!"

"No... Even if I tell you, you won't believe me, so I can only do that. Besides, this is not his strongest side. I'm afraid that if you mess with him, it will bring you disaster!" Wei Xiaoqing road.

"Isn't he just a son? What's there to be afraid of?" Su Mingya said.

"No, this is not his strongest identity. For some reason, he cannot tell you some things. After a while, maybe you will know it yourself!" Wei Xiaoqing said.

General Tang, Master Tang, these are all secrets that cannot be told, even though Wei Xiaoqing really wants to tell her best friend now.

"Cut, I don't believe it!" Su Mingya refused to accept the disdainful expression, but she still couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart. Think about it, the person you thought was always frustrated suddenly changed into a real dragon. No one can believe this is true.

Luo Shui was even more anxious. How could the organization send them to protect such a person? If they came out to seek death like this, they might not be able to protect this person if they were Zhongguanhai's bodyguards.

"Damn, damn, don't you know your status at all?"

She was really anxious, if she didn't protect Tang Zhong, she would have no way to explain to the organization.

Tang Zhong looked at Shi She in front of him, and said with a sneer, "It's a pity you met me!"

"So what if I met you? If it weren't for your high bounty, I really wouldn't have come to take this order. I would have killed you for 2000 million yuan!" Shi She grinned ferociously.

"Oh, then do you think you still have life to spend?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

"If I kill you, I'll know!" Dead She raised his sniper and crossbow, and aimed at Tang Zhong.

"There are many people who want to kill me, but unfortunately, they are all dead!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's so funny, you are such an idiot, you know that I'm here waiting for you, but you still dare to come out, anyone on the international killer list, just anyone, can kill you, now I ask you, what are you from hiding?" What Jianshan got, hand it over to me now!" Shi She said.

"Are these people the killer list you are talking about?" Tang Zhong didn't answer Deadshot's question, but asked with a cold smile.

Then he kicked the sack in front of him.

I saw the sack fell on the ground, the mouth of the sack was loosely tied, and as the sack fell, the mouth also loosened.

Immediately, a dozen bloody human heads rolled out of it!
When this scene appeared, everyone in the audience shouted in shock.

(No, this is more of a make-up!)

(End of this chapter)

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