Chapter 586 Beating!

"If you have an opinion on me, then come together!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

At this moment, other people around looked at Tang Zhong one after another, not knowing what to do. Although Tang Zhong was alone, they were startled when they saw Chen Dagang lying on the ground.

Therefore, no one dared to move.

"Why, you dare not come up?" Tang Zhong asked with a sneer.

Still no one speaks.

"Get out of here!" Tang Zhong shouted directly: "If you don't come over, then I will go over!"

More than 30 Longwu members had been drinking before, and they were a little drunk at first, but now when they saw Tang Zhong walking over with a willow stick, they suddenly sobered up.

You look at me, I look at you.

"What are you afraid of? He is only one person. Why should we be afraid of him? He is strong, and it is impossible to defeat so many of us!"


Then more than half of Longwu members rushed towards Tang Zhong at this moment.

"Kill him!"

Some people fought, and the courage of others gradually grew.

However, no amount of people could help, and a large group of people didn't need to rush to Tang Zhong's side.

The oncoming wicker whip swung directly at them, the seemingly small whip seemed to have the strength of a thousand catties.

All of a sudden, he hit the person in front of him.

A thud.

When it landed on the man's chest, the blood of the whole person trembled.

Then the whole person was blown away abruptly, and even the people behind him were also sent flying.

A dozen people all fell to the ground miserably.

One by one cried out in pain.

Especially for those who were whipped, the situation was the worst.

A dozen or so people were just about to get up, but at this moment, Tang Zhong had already arrived beside them, swaying wicker whips in his hands.

The people who fell to the ground covered their bodies and screamed in pain. One by one, they fell to the ground and called for their parents, leaving bloodstains on their bodies. They looked miserable and couldn't stand up for a while.

At this moment, those who didn't come forward to speak against Tang Zhong stood by one by one, dumbfounded, especially when they saw that the person who was standing with them just now fell to the ground and howled, they were all glad that they didn't Go up, or they are the ones who are lying on the ground now.

But at this time, Tang Zhong knocked down the people who fought with him before, and just looked at them who didn't fight.

"Get out of here!" Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

The rest of the dozen or so people were really frightened this time, and their voices stuttered: "That... Instructor Tang, we didn't say we were going to target you!"

"I know!" Tang Zhong said: "My first class is very simple, just to let you know what will happen if you provoke me!"

Tang Zhong didn't care how these people reacted, and went straight forward.

Holding a wicker whip in his hand, he stepped up and knocked the person in front of him to the ground with one blow.

When Tang Zhong went up, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, knocking down more than half of them in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the people are stupid.

"Run away!" Someone shouted, everyone was frightened, turned around and ran away.

However, they had no chance of escaping at all, Tang Zhong had already arrived in front of them, and swung his whip directly at the bodies of these people.

In an instant, a large group of people were beaten to the ground again by the willow whip.

However, these people Tang Zhong didn't hit Chen Dagang as hard as he did, but fell directly to the ground, and as for why, only he knew.

Soon there were wailing sounds everywhere, and people lying on the ground everywhere, no matter whether their bodies were bloody or bloody.

In short, the 35 members of Longwu have all fallen to the ground now, and all the members of Longwu are pale, even if they don't hurt their bones, they will hurt their bones.

In the distance, Li Linglong could only stare wide-eyed. Tang Zhong's method really made people... feel terrible, and he had expected such a scene a long time ago.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong ignored the gazes of the people around him, but held the wicker whip in his hand, like a teacher, and said: "As the chief instructor, what I want to tell you now is the first lesson. It's okay to provoke me, and I am very happy." Welcome, but it depends on your own ability, today is just an appetizer, and it won't be so light in the future!"

"Also, since I am the chief instructor of Longwu, then I am your teacher, and I will be responsible for you if you fall to the ground. You are the so-called King of Soldiers, who will enter the dragon group in the future, but in front of me, you are all trash, and the hypocrisy in your heart has been shattered now. In front of me, geniuses are as worthless as dogs and shit , you are dragons, hold it for me, and you are tigers, hold it for me, with me, you only have one title, and that is Longwu members!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Chen Dagang, who was the first to fall to the ground, felt even more aggrieved when he saw his companions fell to the ground. Then, when he heard what Tang Zhong said, he pointed at Tang Zhong and shouted: "Tang Zhong, you have done this to us! Ruthless, what qualifications do you have to be our chief instructor, I tell you, you are not worthy, I want to quit Longwu, I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Then he turned his head to look at the others, and said: "Brothers, quit Longwu, we have already angered this Tang Zhong, he will not let us go, we stay in Longwu, there is only suffering, every day we are hurt by people Bully!"

As soon as Chen Dagang finished speaking, there were a few people beside him who also said together: "We also withdraw, Longwu has such a chief instructor, and it is not what a chief instructor should do, Longwu has such a ruthless hand against his own head. Wu is hopeless, we quit Longwu!"

They thought about Tang Zhong's words and it was true.

They all provoked Tang Zhong, so Tang Zhong must not target them to death in the future?
So absolutely can't stay in this Longwu anymore.

But they are also a plan, Long Wu only has such a small number of people, if they really leave, Long Wu will really be finished, an army, just a few people, it is impossible to succeed at all, they can be regarded as advancing by retreating, Threatening Tang Zhong, in fact, they didn't want to leave Longwu either.

"Okay, I allow you to leave, and you can go through the formalities today!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

No one thought that Tang Zhong would say that.

Chen Dagang's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at Tang Zhong, he couldn't believe it, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to say that.

"You... Tang Zhong, you are going to destroy Longwu!"

"Yeah, we veterans of Longwu are all gone, let's see what is left of Longwu?"

"There's nothing left!"

Those who were about to threaten Tang Zhong that they would leave all panicked. They didn't want to really leave, they just said something casually, and they didn't expect Tang Zhong to agree.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong smiled and looked at the people in front of him and said, "Aren't you going to leave? I'll let you go, it's okay!"

"Tang Zhong, you are letting Long Wu go to ruin. Without us, what is Long Wu?" Chen Dagang shouted.

"I'm afraid this has nothing to do with you. I declare that from now on, Chen Dagang, Xia Li, Shen will be expelled from Longwu!"

Tang Zhong directly read out several names in succession.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the few people in front of him and said, "Only I am here, and Longwu is here with you. Also, I will give you three seconds to get out, otherwise, I will let you get out!"

(No, this plot is a passionate plot)
(End of this chapter)

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