Chapter 592 Answer my question!

Early next morning!

The Gu Jin seven had already arrived.

But today they are different from usual. Although it is June, some people actually wear cotton padded clothes.

Gu Jin also thought of a countermeasure, a round iron cover in his hand.

Yesterday they heard from the chief instructor that they wanted to resist countermeasures, so they began to think about it.

The intensity with which the chief instructor swung the whip was simply irresistible to them. It was impossible to fight Tang Zhong, so they began to think of other countermeasures.

For example, wear thicker clothes, or take other defensive measures. It really hurts them to be beaten with a whip, so it's better to start from other aspects.

Tang Zhong arrived as scheduled, saw the samples on the seven people, shook his head involuntarily, and then took out the willow whip in his hand.

"It seems that you are all prepared!" Tang Zhong said.

None of the seven dared to speak!
"I've already said the content of the third lesson, but I still get beaten, but before this time, I have a question to ask you!" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

Seven people, you look at me, and I look at you.

"What question, chief instructor, you can ask!"

"Very well, let me ask you, who of you knows why I beat you?" Tang Zhong asked.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

How could they know why Tang Zhong beat them?
"we do not know!"

"Okay, then, let's start!" Tang Zhong said, then pointed to a thin soldier among the seven and said, "Come out!"

"I..." The thin soldier's face changed. He was wearing a cotton padded jacket and looked like a ball.

Some reluctantly walked out.

I saw Tang Zhong directly picked up the whip and went up to beat him.

The whip landed on the cotton-padded jacket, and with a tear, the cotton-padded jacket exploded, and the cotton inside was scattered, and the thin soldier stood there without any clothes on.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Zhong fell down with a whip, and directly threw the thin soldier to the ground, his whole body was like a tortoise.

Then he stepped forward and continued to frantically wave the whip in his hand.

Each fell on the soldiers.

"What I'm saying is, let you think about how to resist my whip, instead of saying, let you wear such clothes and come here to waste time, understand?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The skinny soldier gritted his teeth and shouted.

"I...I want to quit, I want to quit Longwu!"

In an instant, Tang Zhong stopped hitting.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong smiled brightly.

I saw the thin and weak soldier patted up from the ground, pointed at Tang Zhong and shouted: "Tang Zhong, you beat people so hard, are you killing us? Didn't you keep saying that you would win Long Yin? I thought Do you have any special training methods? This is the second day, you are still doing useless work here, and you are still beating people. I am really blind. I follow you. I quit Longwu and go to participate in Longyin !"

"Good!" Tang Zhong said.

The remaining six people dare not speak any more.

The thin soldier turned around and left, he couldn't help but mocked: "Tang Zhong, just like you, you seem to be fighting Long Yin, you are still far behind, you are the real trash, why don't you have a genius in front of you, haha!"

People who knew the weak soldier immediately organized: "Xiaohu, don't talk nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense? I'm telling the truth. Just like this person, what level can he have, and he will teach you what kind of thing he is. I'm just waiting to see him run away, that embarrassing look, haha Haha!" said the thin soldier.

"Little Tiger, you can't talk like that!" Gu Jin stopped him.

"I'm just talking like this, what's the matter, I'm not afraid that he will hear it, and the trash won't let people talk about it!" said the thin soldier.

But Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to Xiaohu at all, but turned around and looked at the remaining six people, and said with a smile: "What do you think? Do you want to leave? Let me tell you now, if you want to leave, just go straight away, don't need to follow me greet!"

As soon as the voice fell, one of them said directly: "Then Chief Instructor Tang, you have said so, then I will leave!"

Tang Zhong still smiled.

"I'm leaving too!"

Among the six people, two people left directly.

Only four people remained.

"Are you still leaving?" Tang Zhong looked at the four of them and asked.

Three men and one woman!
After the four looked at each other, they said, "Instructor Tang, we won't leave!"

"Okay, since you're not leaving, then continue with the class, are you ready?" Tang Zhong went up with a willow whip.

clap clap clap!
Four people fight together.

I saw willow branches flying, and all of them fell on the four of them, which was more ruthless than before.

There were screams constantly.


But Tang Zhong simply ignored their roars.

"It's the same question as before, do you know why I beat you?"

"we do not know!"

"We are the ones who offended Instructor Tang!"

The four shouted.

"This is not the answer!" Tang Zhong said: "Don't lie on the ground for me now, stand up and fight me!"

"We can't beat Instructor Tang!"

"I said fight with me!" Tang Zhong shouted.

"Fight!" Gu Jin gritted his teeth, got up from the ground, and punched Tang Zhong.

At the moment of punching.

When he saw Tang Zhong's wicker whip swinging towards him, he subconsciously threw the back of his fist to the side.

But when he swung his fist, he felt that something was wrong. Chief Instructor Tang's whip was so powerful. If it hit the past like this, wouldn't his hand be destroyed?

Absolutely not.

Thinking of this, Gu Jin's complexion became ugly, and with a bang, his fist and the whip slammed together fiercely.

The strange thing is that Gu Jin didn't feel the pain, and he beat Tang Zhong's whip back.

At this moment, Gu Jin couldn't believe it was true.

"My fist..."

Tang Zhong laughed when he saw this: "It seems that my strength is even stronger!"

With a cry, the whip swung again.

At that moment, it was bombarding Gu Jin.

Gu Jin blocked the blow and was ready to continue to resist.

But being knocked down to the ground, Tang Zhong's strength was stronger than before, and the four of them fell to the ground and twitched fiercely. There was still black blood all over their bodies, but it was much less than before.

"Today's class is over, drink some wine after you go back, you will see a different picture, let's go now, go back and think about it, why did I beat you?" Tang Zhong said.

The four fell to the ground with bloodstains all over their bodies. Apart from the pain, they couldn't feel any strange feeling.

But for this question, they really can't guess.

Sure enough, the next day!

Tang Zhong came early in the morning and saw the four people waiting.

"Let me ask you, do you know what my problem is now?" Tang Zhong asked.

After the four of them went back to listen to the chief instructor's words, they drank alcohol before going to bed, but found another strange scene. When they got up in the morning, they found that there was no scar on their bodies.

But for Tang Zhong's question, after thinking about it all night, there was still no result, so he could only shake his head.

"That being the case, let's continue the lecture, today's class will still be beaten!" Tang Zhong took out the willow whip after finishing speaking.

(Guess why you have to be beaten!)
(End of this chapter)

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