Chapter 594 Convinced!

"Why should I beat you now!" Tang Zhong said with a smile: "Then now, who will come!"

"I'm coming!" Gu Jin got up from the ground, clenched his fists, and bombarded Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong swung his whip, hit the center of Gu Jin's fist, and knocked Gu Jin out again.

"Your speed is too slow, I can see that your fist power is still very good, but if you lack some speed, life and death fights require more than strength.

No matter how strong you are, if someone else makes a move and you haven't made a move, you will be dead long ago! "Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, Chief Instructor!" Gu Jin became more and more courageous as he fought, and once again clenching his fists and blasting towards the front.

For him now, if what Song Yin said is correct, it is important to be beaten by the instructor a few times now.

So when he was beaten, he kept observing Tang Zhong's moves.

The other four people didn't care about the pain of being beaten, they stared at Tang Zhong with wide eyes, wanting to see if what Song Yin said was correct.

Moreover, every time Tang Zhong whipped out his whip, he carefully watched Tang Zhong's movements.

Fighting is the same, they all want to know their weaknesses when fighting, some soldiers want to make up for their weaknesses, and are afraid of being beaten badly again, and some soldiers want to take advantage of the opportunity to see other people's weaknesses, so that they can take care of themselves. Watch out.

Although there are only five people, the understanding among these five people is different.

Like Song Yin and Gu Jin, they are the most witty people among these five people, Tang Zhong just beat them to one side and clicked a few words by the way, and they saw their own flaws.

As for the others, they were beaten again by Tang Zhong, but there were also some people who didn't know where their flaws were at all. Tang Zhong didn't point out such things, but beat them hard. What is there is understanding.

In the end, the five people were beaten again by Tang Zhong, lying on the ground, and howling was heard.

Tang Zhong didn't even look at it, but said with a smile: "This is the end of today's class, I will give you two days off, think about what you saw today, think about it, what I said, I I hope, in the next class, don't let Fan know about the mistakes I made between me?"

After speaking, Tang Zhong turned around and left with the willow whip in his hand.

Five people were left on the ground.

And this scene was seen by a person at the door with a telescope. If you look carefully, you will find that it is a soldier of Longyin. When Tang Zhong finished his lecture, he put away the telescope and went to Longyin's base .

As soon as he entered Zhao Qiang's office, he saw Zhao Qiang preparing a training plan over there, so he said directly: "Brother Qiang, Long Yin is sure to win this time, that idiot is still beating people, I see that there are only five people inside." , In other words, two people were beaten away!"

Zhao Qiang didn't even raise his head, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "Stupid!"

The person was arranged by Zhao Qiang. Since it was an important match with Tang, he had to know the basics. He was the one who went out in person before, but seeing that Tang Zhong was just beating someone, he just stopped going and sent the soldiers in front of him.

"Brother Qiang, there is one more thing. After being knocked down once, the weak soldiers of Gu Jin stood up strangely and were beaten again. You said these people are not stupid, and they are so active after being beaten. I It seems that these people must have been out of their minds!" The soldier said with a smile.

"That's it, I don't need to observe Long Wu anymore, I'm just a bunch of scumbags, practice hard, and there are three days left for the competition. I want you to win Long Wu, you know?" Zhao Qiang said.

"Brother Qiang, don't worry, with Long Wu's level, they can't possibly be our opponents!" The soldier said excitedly.

"Go down!"

The soldier turned around and left.

Zhao Qiang was the only one left in the entire office, with a sinister smile on his face.

The two-day holiday passed in the blink of an eye.

Tang Zhong appeared in Longwu's base again, this time at the base, everyone was present.

And everyone wore very little clothes, the men only wore vests, while the women wore a layer of gauze.

Then Tang Zhong glanced at the five people, and said: "Today is the last day, but the curriculum does not need to be changed at all, and we still get beaten!"

As soon as Tang Zhong's words were spoken, the faces of the five people couldn't help but changed. No one was afraid of being beaten. After all, being whipped by willows really hurts, but they didn't resist it very much. .

During these two days of vacation, they have already figured out many things. They found that their physique is getting better and better, and the speed of their moves is getting faster and faster. More importantly, they can quickly find themselves As for why such a change occurred, they knew that it had absolutely nothing to do with them. After all, it was no surprise that they had trained in Longwu for so long. After being beaten by Chief Instructor Tang a few times, they directly It's already very obvious why this scene happened.

Then, Tang Zhong looked at the five people standing, and said with a smile: "This time, will you stand up by yourself, or should I call the roll?"

"I... I stand up!"

"I also want to come first!"

The five people actually started looting.

It would be unbelievable if others saw this scene. It is really rare to see people who know that they are going to be beaten by others and still take the lead.

In the end, Gu Jin was never the first. After stepping forward, he first bowed respectfully, straight to 90 degrees, and then said: "Gu Jin, soldier of Longwu, come to ask the chief instructor for advice!"

Going back these two days, Gu Jin thought about his own changes, and the more he thought about it, the hotter his heart became. Although he was beaten by Tang Zhong, his harvest was really too great, no matter his physique or speed, he was soaring. For Gu Jin, it can be said that it is a godsend at all for a weak person like him. If he can become stronger, he would rather be beat.

"Very good, then I'll start!" Tang Zhong picked up the willow whip and swung it over again.

These people finally knew his hard-working conscience, and he was also relieved.

Every time the whip is swung, he is stimulating the blood power of these people.

Let them evolve in the direction of warriors.

Genius and waste material, genius can be made for him.

The process was difficult, and not everyone could bear it, so Tang Zhong was very enlightened, and if he didn't want to bear it, he just left.

After all, in this world, there are things that are so easy to get. Only after going through hardships can you see the blue sky behind the clouds.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people, Tang Zhong doesn't need to think so much at all.

He's just a guy who makes geniuses.

"here we go!"

Tang Zhong said, and then he started to swing the whip in his hand, and there was a whirring sound, hitting Gu Jin over and over again.

What Song Yin said earlier awakened the five people. When they saw Tang Zhong whipping out his whip, they stared wide-eyed and watched each blow carefully, for fear of missing it, and they were very touched.

"Oh, it turns out that you can fight like this!"

"Wow, this move is too strong!"

"I'm convinced, I can't help it, I'm going to get beaten!"

"I also want!"

They have no complaints now, and they are all willing to be beaten up by Tang Zhong. Although Tang Zhong's attacks are becoming more and more ruthless, they are also willing, because the reward is huge, and no amount of pain is worth it.

Only by suffering through hardships can one become a master, and now it is a shortcut in front of them, how could they let it go?
In short, they would never miss being beaten by Tang Zhong now.

Get knocked down once, then get back up again.

Never give up.

Everyone has the goal of victory in their hearts. They have emerged in the competition of Longyin, Longying and Longwu three teams, but every time they fail, they are also unconvinced. Now that the opportunity comes, how can they give up? !

It can be seen that under Tang Zhong's willow whip, there are constantly fallen people, and then the fallen people get up again, and it goes on and on again.

(End of this chapter)

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