Chapter 804 Wind in the ear!
Why does that figure look so much like Tang Zhong.

Li Chuwen thought she was wrong, the previous Tang Zhong had left?

At this moment, from a distance, Tang Zhong came out slowly, his face was unusually gloomy, he had seen smoke from a long distance before, but he did not expect that when he arrived, he found Li Chuwen lying on the ground, as expected What he thought, something happened to Li Chuwen.

At this time, Miao Jingtian and others also saw Tang Zhong walking out, and their pupils lit up immediately.

"It's you!"

Seeing this, Miao Qing sneered.

At this time, the village owners of the surrounding 72 villages heard Miao Jingtian's words, turned around and looked at Tang Zhong.

"Brother Miao, maybe that guy is the one who caused trouble in your Miao village!"

"You look really young, and you're actually a martial arts master!"

When the head of 72 villages came before, Miao Jingtian had already told about Tang Zhong's situation, he was a martial arts master.

"Yes!" Miao Jingtian said.

"But so what if you are a martial arts master, come to our Miaojiang, come to such a challenge!"

"Yes, we, Miao Jiang, must let him come and go!"

But at this moment, Tang Zhong walked up to Li Chuwen's side, stretched out his hand to stroke Li Chuwen's forehead, his face was extremely gloomy.

"what happened?"

Li Chuwen never thought that it was actually Tang Zhong: "You... why are you back, haven't you already left? Go, don't stay here any longer, they won't let you go!"

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

Then he grabbed Li Chuwen's wrist, and he felt Li Chuwen's pulse beating fast.

"Don't look at it, I've been tricked, and it's a heart-piercing Gu!" Li Chuwen said, her voice was more cold.

Because once the heart-piercing Gu enters the human body, the person under the gu will definitely die, and the whole Miaojiang knows it.

"En!" Tang nodded his head.

But at this time, Miao Jingtian looked at Tang Zhong and laughed wildly: "I really didn't expect that you are still back!"

"Boy, are you coming back to die?" Miao Qing also said with a smile.

But Tang Zhong was unhurried, looked at Miao Jingtian and Miao Qing, and said: "I remember, you once said that you will never trouble Li Chuwen again!"

"Haha, idiot, what do you think you are, if you tell us not to look for it, we won't look for it?" Miao Qing laughed and scolded directly: "We lost to you last time, it was because we were careless, but this time we didn't I will!"

"No... this time, you all have to die!" Tang Zhong shouted coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

When the people around heard this, their bodies trembled. Although the other party hadn't made a move yet, it made them terrified.

"It's up to you?" Miao Jingtian said despite being frightened, but pretending to be calm.

The other 72 village owners were also unconvinced, and immediately shouted: "Boy, you are the young man from the city, I think you are talking big, and you want to challenge our Miao Jiang!" ?"

"What are you guys?" Tang Zhong raised his eyebrows.

He is a little angry!

He gave Miao Jingtian a chance before, but that Miao Jingtian didn't cherish it at all, and went even further to make Li Chuwen look like this. There is only one chance, if you don't cherish it, then it will be gone.

Miao Jingtian never thought that the person in front of him would be so domineering: "What are you? Don't think that you are a master of martial arts, so you can do anything wrong in Miaojiang!"

Then Miao Jingtian sneered and said: "It seems that you really like that bitch Li Chuwen, but she is going to die soon, I have already placed a heart-crushing Gu on her, and soon, the Gu worm will directly penetrate Her heart, when the time comes, she will definitely die very ugly, haha!"

After speaking, Miao Jingtian laughed out loud.

"Really?" Tang Zhong turned and looked at Li Chuwen.

Li Chuwen nodded, expressing her agreement: "It's the heart-piercing Gu. Once this kind of Gu enters a person's body, that person will die!"

"No, you won't die! Bring your hand!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah?" Li Chuwen was stunned for a moment, then enduring the severe pain, she handed Tang Zhong her hand.

I saw Tang Zhong holding Li Chuwen's hand, at the same time, the blood began to gather, and then the palm of his hand was attached to Li Chuwen's.

Immediately, Li Chuwen felt a warmth coming from the palm of her hand.

"I'll help you force the Gu out!"

Although Gu is planted in the human body, it is transmitted through the blood of the human body.

"It's useless!" Li Chuwen said.

"Concentrate!" Tang Zhong said.

The people around saw Tang Zhong's move and immediately burst out laughing.

"Delusion to force Gu worms out with blood is really a dream!"

"Although the heart-crushing Gu worm is in the blood, it takes so much blood power to force it out. It must be at the peak of martial arts. It is stupid for a martial arts master to want to do such a thing!"

Miao Jingtian sneered: "Boy, am I waiting to see how disappointed you are?"

At this moment, Tang Zhong's blood began to swim in Li Chuwen's body. For Tang Zhong, forcing a Gu worm was a piece of cake.

Soon, he found the Gu worm in Li Chuwen's blood vessel, and started to force it, forcing it to the center of Li Chuwen's eyebrows.

From where it came in, from where it now goes out.

It was forced out of the skin abruptly.

Immediately Tang Zhong grabbed it in the palm of his hand, and then with a sudden force, the Gu worm was crushed into flesh and blood.

The people around were still laughing, but when they saw this scene suddenly, their expressions turned ugly.

"how is this possible?"

"That's the Cruciating Gu!"

Everyone was completely dumbfounded, you know, no one has ever cracked the Cruciating Gu.

"Dad, didn't you say that only the peak of martial arts can force that Gu worm out? How can this person do it?" Miao Qing was shocked.

"I don't know..." Miao Jingtian was also shocked. Suddenly, his expression turned ugly: "Is this guy a peak martial artist?"

It is well known that only the peak of martial arts can force the heart-crushing Gu!
Looking at Tang Zhong, at this moment, everyone's expressions turned ugly.

Such a young martial arts master has already shocked many people. They never thought that this person is actually the pinnacle of martial arts.

But at this moment, the Gu insect on Li Chuwen's forehead flew out, and the whole person felt relieved, extremely relaxed.

She was also surprised by Tang Zhong's strength.

"Take a break!" Tang Zhong said.

"En!" Li Chuwen nodded.

Then Tang Zhong stood up, looked at the village owner of Village 72 in front of him, and showed a cold smile on his face: "I said before, I will protect Li Chuwen, do you think you are listening to the wind?"

The voice is loud, and the whole person is like killing a god.

The people around who heard it couldn't help trembling.

(Talking about the update, it is said that there will be 25 updates in the second half of this month, and there are still nine days left. Within these nine days, as long as there are ten updates a day for five days, the task of the update will be completed. There will be no more tonight, and it will start tomorrow Ten more on the first day!)

(End of this chapter)

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