Chapter 806 Black Robe!

At this moment, everyone who heard the man's words all fell to their knees on the ground.

Although Miao Jiang's information is blocked, they know some relatively big things, such as the list of masters.

I heard that at the last Grandmaster Ranking Conference, a man named Tang Zhong won the first place in the Grandmaster Ranking, beating his predecessor Meng Wuxiang who was No. [-]. Later, I don’t know what this Tang Zhong did, and he became a blacklist First.

And these village owners in Miaojiang all know that person is called Tang Zhong.

That is a mythical figure. When they heard Tang Zhong's name just now, they didn't immediately realize it. Now that they were reminded, they remembered everything.

They never thought that the legendary figure would actually appear in front of him.

At this moment, the village owners of the 72 villages in Miaojiang stared at Tang Zhong with wide-eyed pupils, and then their legs began to soften.

With a puff, they all fell to their knees on the ground.

beg for mercy.

"Please forgive us Tang Dingfeng!"

"It's our eyes that don't know Taishan, we are wrong!"

They kowtowed their heads one by one, for fear that Tang Zhong would bear grudges.

Even if the head was bled, they didn't care.

Tang Zhong stood there with his hands behind his back, his eyes squinted, and the expression on his face did not fluctuate.

The surrounding ordinary people in Miaojiang were dumbfounded.

Li Chuwen's parents were even more shocked. You must know that these village owners were god-like figures in their eyes, and they were all capable of tricks, but now they are kneeling in front of a young man. Li Chuwen's parents remembered what they said to Tang Zhong before. , their faces turned red with embarrassment. They said how powerful Miao Qing's family was, and that Tang Zhong would never be able to fight against each other in his life. What they never expected was that Miao Qing's so-called strong family was in the eyes of the other party. , worthless, he alone not only oppressed the entire Miao village, but also suppressed the entire Miao border.

Li Chuwen also suddenly remembered what Tang Zhong said before. She said that she would not let Tang Zhong, because she felt that Tang Zhong could manage it for a while, but not for a lifetime. If Tang Zhong left in the future, it would be over, but she never thought of it But now Tang Zhong didn't make a move, but stepped on the whole Miaojiang with one foot.

Letting the kneeling people kowtow continuously, Tang Zhong just didn't move.

The majesty of the strong cannot be slandered, but if slandered, there is only a dead end. Now Tang Zhong gave these people a chance. If they directly killed all the people in Miaojiang, it would be too much, and it would be nothing to kill, but At least, Miao Jiang is also inherited in the same line, and it has been hundreds of years. Let them live, but all this is based on whether the other party is sincere.

"We were wrong, we shouldn't have done this!"

"Tang Dingfeng, we are willing to apologize, but can we release the wives and children in our village?"

Of course, the village owners also know that there is a price to pay for offending a strong man, and they admit that they are blind!
Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes when he heard the words of the village owners, and then he relaxed: "I will not kill your wives and children, and I am going to let you go. After all, those who should be punished have already been punished, but You are bound to live!"

When the village owners heard this, they knelt on the ground as if they were being pardoned, begging for mercy.

They didn't dare to say too much, their expressions were extremely ugly!
And Tang Zhong stopped looking at them, but walked to Li Chuwen's side, and said with a smile, "I said... no problem!"

Li Chuwen nodded in surprise.

"Let's go, there is no need to come back here!" Tang Zhong said.

While Li Chuwen looked at Tang Zhong, she thought of Jiang Weiwei again, and she decided that this time, no matter what, she would tell Tang Zhong about Jiang Weiwei.

"Tang Zhong, I have something to do to you!" Li Chuwen decided.

"Ah?" Tang Zhong was taken aback: "Then tell me!"

And at this moment, at the border of China.

It was a pier, a seaside city, and because of the time difference, it was already dark here.

An old security guard took a flashlight to make sure there was nothing wrong with the pier, and then returned to the security room. After a hache, he glanced at the news broadcast on the black and white TV in front of him, and muttered, "Hey, it's calm again. One day, forget it, get a good sleep!"

Just when the old man closed his eyes.

From the pier, a man in a black robe slowly came out.

He looked so gloomy that he couldn't see his face clearly.

He walked forward and walked past the security room.

There was a bang, and I don't know what happened, but a thick bolt of lightning clicked through the air.

Fall from the sky.

Then came the downpour!

The old man in the security room was woken up by a thunderbolt, then opened his eyes, just took a look, and then went back to sleep.

"It's thunderstorms, it must be fine. Absolutely no one, come to the pier after such heavy rain, let's sleep peacefully!"

Outside, the black shadow slowly walked over.

Wearing a black robe, he is not afraid of the rain around him.

And at this moment, in the dragon group.

In front of a huge screen, there are various cameras observing the safety of all cities. There are many pictures on it, because the cameras are all over the country.

Right now, in front of the screen, there is a staff member on duty here, but he didn't pay attention at all at this time, because it has been a long time, and the place is calm.

At this moment, the staff is looking at the mobile game with great interest.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared on the screen.

The staff took a glance and saw the black shadow. He quickly threw the phone aside and opened the screen. The screen was quickly enlarged. At this moment, his face changed.

This camera is shooting at the side of a building, and the place where the man in black is standing is under the building lights.

What was even more frightening was that the man in black stood where he was, looking up at the camera as if looking up.

Although the staff can't see the other party's face, they can feel that the other party is looking at him again. The cameras installed by their dragon team are very hidden, and it is impossible to be discovered so easily. If this person can see it, then only It shows that this person is definitely not a simple person.

But now, the man in black suddenly raised his hand and made a pistol pose, with his finger facing the camera.

Through the screen, the staff all have the feeling of being pointed at with a gun.

But at this time, he saw that a red light condensed from the finger of the man in black, and then turned into a beam of light, rushing towards the camera.

"Blood power, this is an ability user!"

The screen in front of him instantly turned white.

At this moment, the staff was already frightened, and he quickly picked up the alarm number of Longzu.

"There is... There is an enemy attack, the opponent is very strong, and the direction to go is unknown, all members of the dragon team must be on guard!"

Then the staff looked at the front covered in cold sweat, and the images on the screen continued to turn white, and before that, the man in black appeared below, that is to say, everything was done by the man in black. What kind of person is this person?
But at this moment, in the heavy rain, the black robe had just smashed a camera, and he could see the electric current on the camera.

Then the black robe turned and left.

At this time, a thunderbolt flashed in the sky, which just illuminated the face of the black robe, and one would find that under the black robe, it was an old but hideous face, which was Adam's grandfather Hu Ge, and his direction It is the capital!
(End of this chapter)

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