Chapter 808 I love you so much! (four more)
But at this moment, the outside is already in disrepair!

Hu Ge, who was wearing a black robe, was like a killing god. After breaking into the Tang family's mansion, he immediately killed people.

Those servants, old maids, and cleaning people were all smashed to pieces by Hu Ge.

This man who has been through the first and second world wars is totally a butcher, once on the battlefield, he killed a lot of people, all these years, has been hidden behind the scenes, he never killed a person, but a butcher , his desire for blood is terrifying and irresistible, now that he can kill people, he naturally let go of them all!
He has always been hidden behind the scenes, and this time he appeared to find Tang. He wanted Tang Zhong to take full responsibility for his grandson's death.

"Where is Tang Zhong?" Hu Ge shouted loudly.

The sound was terrifying.

His strength can no longer be described in words.

In the room, Jiang Weiwei heard Hu Ge's voice, and her face turned ugly for a moment. She knew that Brother Tang's enemy might have come to her.

Standing up from the ground with difficulty.

The head and arms are beginning to stiffen, but the legs can still walk.

Taking steps, he got up from the ground, opened the door and walked out.

I saw the entire Tang family's courtyard, which was already in chaos.

The flowers and plants planted before have all been smashed to pieces now, and a man in black can be seen wantonly slaughtering. At this moment, he is holding a servant of the Tang family in his hand, and with a sudden force, he can see that servant's head was crushed. It was lifted directly, and the body fell to the ground, blood gushing out continuously.

Seeing this, Jiang Weiwei's face instantly turned ugly, and she took a few steps back.

At this time, Hu Ge also turned around abruptly, his eyes fell on Jiang Weiwei, and he immediately shouted: "Where is Tang Zhong? Tell me!"

Jiang Weiwei didn't run away, but looked at Hu Ge, she was going to die anyway, she knew that her man had been fighting outside, and must have provoked many enemies, and now the enemies came to kill him.

"I don't know!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"You don't should know Tang Zhong. Judging by your age, you should be Tang Zhong's woman!" Hu Ge said coldly.

In the next second, the whole body turned into an afterimage, and soon flickered in front of Jiang Weiwei, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

Jiang Weiwei's expression changed drastically.

And at this moment, from the side, there was a burst of shouting: "Who..."

I saw Li Linglong coming. He drove over in a jeep in a hurry, but he didn't catch up with this person. He didn't expect to see such a scene after entering the Tang family. This was the last thing he wanted to see. Seeing that the man in black wanted to attack Jiang Weiwei, he immediately organized it.

How to put it, Tang Zhong is his brother?How can a brother's woman be bullied?
Immediately, Li Linglong punched out.

I saw a hot light burning above the arm.

When Hu Ge saw Li Linglong, he smiled and said, "Looks like he's from the Dragon Team. Do you want to hit me? I really don't know if I'm alive or not!"

When Hu Ge raised his hand, he saw red light condense on his palm, and then a ball of red light burst out, rushing out directly to the front.

Like a laser.

Seeing this scene, Li Linglong's face turned ugly for a moment, and he said badly in secret, and quickly backed away, but the laser shot came, and only his fists went up to meet him, but he was not the opponent's opponent at all. blood.

"It's really vulnerable!" Hu Ge said coldly.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Jiang Weiwei, and he walked closer.

"I won't let you hurt him!" Li Linglong continued to roar, he never expected that the capital he was guarding was actually the place where the man in black came.

Immediately gathered his blood power, he was learning Taiji Qigong, and saw a Qigong tiger head appearing on his arm, and then he rushed forward with a punch.

"Stupid!" Hu Ge said coldly, this time he just pointed his finger.

Just like a sharp sword, a beam of light directly penetrated Li Linglong's chest, blood flowed out, Li Linglong also spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell to the ground without moving.

"Li Linglong!" Seeing this, Jiang Weiwei yelled, she never thought that it would be like this, that the other party would be so strong.

Hu Ge sneered, then looked at Jiang Weiwei: "You are Tang Zhong's woman, right? Tang Zhong killed my grandson Adam, so I will kill you!"

Jiang Weiwei was not afraid at all, because she was about to die anyway: "I know, Tang Zhong killed your grandson and caused you pain, then kill me, and don't bother Tang Zhong any more, let Tang Zhong Try your pain again!"

Jiang Weiwei wanted to exchange her life for Brother Tang's.

"Are you talking about conditions with me?" Hu Ge said.

Jiang Weiwei didn't speak.

"No one dares to negotiate terms with me!" Hu Ge continued to roar: "Because I am Hu Ge, you must die. I will not only kill you, but I will also kill everyone who has relations with Tang Zhong!"

Raise your hands high!
But at this moment, a gunshot was heard.

Behind Hu Ge, a monkey appeared, holding a pistol in his hand. He just went out for a while, but he didn't expect to see this scene when he came back. He happened to see someone trying to kill Jiang Weiwei. Knowing that all of this was done by that person, he just picked up the pistol and shot.

"Put up your hands and squat down!" the monkey shouted.

He is a mercenary!

The bullet hit Hu Ge, but Hu Ge didn't react at all. He turned around and looked at the monkey with an unusually ferocious expression: "You shot it?"

"Squat down!" the monkey continued to shout.

"Then I'll give you the bullet back!" Hu Ge said.

I saw that his body was like rubber, and the bullets that had entered his body were directly bounced out.

After Jiang Weiwei saw it, his face was extremely ugly, and he shouted: "Go, monkey!"

The monkey said: "It's okay, Sister Weiwei, he was shot, if one bullet fails, I'll shoot him a few more bullets!"

But before the words were spoken, the monkey only felt a sharp pain in the abdominal cavity.

Looking down, the bullet he shot just now hit him.

"Go to hell!" Immediately afterwards, Hu Ge stretched out his hand, and a laser shot directly at the monkey. There was a loud noise, and in an instant, the monkey was directly blown away. It was extremely embarrassed and bloody.

"No..." Jiang Weiwei roared, but his body became more and more stiff.

She didn't know what disease she had, but she hated this disease, she looked at Hu Ge, gritted her teeth and said, "You damn guy, Brother Tang will definitely kill you!"

"However, you have to die first!" Hu Ge raised his hand, facing Tang Zhong, and saw the blood power condensed into a ball in the palm of his hand, and then directly turned into a laser beam, which exploded directly forward go out.

Jiang Weiwei couldn't move, and she wasn't ready to move either. Her biggest last wish now was Tang Zhong. If she left, I don't know what kind of brother Tang would be like, what kind of girl would she meet?Will that girl treat him well?Does that girl love him wholeheartedly?She didn't knit the sweater, so that girl should knit another one for him. It doesn't matter if she didn't knit it, as long as Brother Tang is not cold, as long as Brother Tang can live happily, she is not too sweaty. That's enough to ask for more.

At this time, the light from Hu Ge's palms shrouded him, making his face extremely hideous. Soon, the light shrouded Jiang Weiwei's body, his pupils closed slowly, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

"Brother Tang... I don't know, but you will remember that there was a girl named Jiang Weiwei who once loved you deeply..."

I really really love you!
But at this moment, far away in Miaojiang.

Li Chuwen is going to tell Tang Zhong everything about Jiang Weiwei.

And suddenly, Tang Zhong's heart ached, that feeling was a piercing pain, as if he had lost something, before he knew it, Tang Zhong started to cry, tears streaming down his face: "Why am I crying?"

(Don't worry, it was Wei Wei who saved Tang Zhong, so her life is not good... Master Yigu's fortune-telling has also hinted!)

(End of this chapter)

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