Chapter 835 Let them terminate the contract! (four more)
"Did I tell you that this kind of bitch has to be beaten to death!"

The voice came out.

Immediately everyone was shocked.

Li Chuwen was the most familiar, turned around suddenly, and saw Tang Zhong, her eyes became moist immediately, everyone said Tang Zhong was dead, she didn't believe it.

"Brother Tang!" Su Ao, Wu Jiaxiang and others also turned around.

Everyone here is going to see Tang Zhong.

But at this moment, at the door, under the leadership of Situ Minglang.

Tang Zhong walked in slowly, his eyes indifferent.

Liu Guang heard the voice and saw Tang Zhong, but he didn't know Tang Zhong. When their company signed a contract with the prince, Jiang Weiwei was solely responsible for it. Trembling: "Just because of you, you also want to kill me. What are you? Seeing that you are also a member of the Prince's Association, let me tell you, just based on what you said just now, our contract is over. Damn, what, you dare to be mad at me, and don’t even look at what your crown prince has become? This time, it’s useless for you to beg me!”

But before Liu Guang finished speaking, Su Ao took the first step and said, "Yes, Brother Tang!"

Then he looked at Liu Guang with a smile.

Su Ao stared at Liu Guang's scalp and felt numb: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Of course I beat you to death!" Su Ao sneered and walked in front of Liu Guang.

" me stop him!" Seeing Su Ao's expression was wrong, Liu Guang quickly shouted to the bodyguards behind him.

Two bodyguards came up, but Su Ao knocked him down with a single punch. This Liu Guang is the boss of a small daily necessities company. There are no warriors around him as bodyguards, so he is not Tang Zhong's opponent at all.

Liu Guang thought that his two special forces bodyguards would cripple each other, but he never thought that the two would fall down so quickly, and immediately began to tremble.

Looking at Su Ao, he shouted: "You...what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, kill you!" Su Ao said with a smile.

Then he kicked out on the spot, concentrating all his strength on his feet.

It kicked directly on Liu Guang's stomach, and the whole person was kicked and flew out, hitting the glass wall directly.

There was a crashing sound, the front of the glass was broken, and Liu Guang screamed in pain.

The glass crashed to the ground.

Liu Guang flew out directly, and then fell hard to the ground.

Seeing this, Su Ao turned around to look at Tang Zhong, and said, "Brother Tang, after the beating is over, please ask Brother Tang to instruct you!"

"Very good!" Tang Zhong waved his hand.

Liu Guang didn't die, he got up slowly from the ground, at this moment, looking at Tang Zhong, he gritted his teeth angrily: "Your crown prince meeting is over, damn it, the boss is dead, you dare to be so crazy, you wait for me, I will definitely let your prince finish it!"

"Soon, no one will cooperate with your princes!"

I saw Liu Guang take out his phone and start making calls.

"Hi, I'm Liu Guang, your company and the prince will terminate their cooperation!"

"Stop cooperating with this shit prince!"


Liu Guang called one after another.

Every time I make a phone call, it is said that the cooperation with the prince will be terminated. This time, as long as I make a phone call, I basically agree to it.

In the distance, Li Chuwen was in a hurry. Although Tang Zhong is alive now, the Crown Prince will survive. If all cooperation is terminated, the Crown Prince will collapse soon.

She wanted to talk, but now that Tang Zhong was back, everything was left to Tang Zhong, and she saw that Tang Zhong was very calm now.

At this moment Tang Zhong was very indifferent.

Liu Guang quickly finished the phone call, came in again from the outside, and yelled at Tang Zhong viciously: "Boy, you should be someone in the prince's meeting, I tell you, your prince will be finished this time." Now, I want to see, who else dares to cooperate with your Prince Guild!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Guang laughed, and continued: "If you kneel in front of us and call my father now, and let that woman stay with me all night, I will let you go, otherwise, hehe!"

"Kill!" Tang Zhong didn't move, but waved his hand.

Su Ao continued to go up, kicked out again this time, what he heard was not typing, but dead words.

Liu Guang didn't expect it at all. He thought that the other party would definitely come to him to beg for mercy. He never expected that it would be like this.

A foot was stepped on again, and the whole person flew upside down. This time, he vomited blood.

It fell hard to the ground, and then rubbed a long distance before stopping.

At the same time, Tang Zhong said: "I don't care who sent you, next time, let your master come, and want to deal with my crown prince, you... are still far away!"

This Liu Guang is the boss of a daily necessities company, but he doesn't have the guts to deal with their princes. There must be someone behind him.

Now Tang Zhong is warning the other party.

Before Liu Guang fainted, his face changed when he heard Tang Zhong's words, but the pain was so great that he fainted.

Those bodyguards already knew how powerful Su Ao was, but they didn't dare to stay here any longer. After helping Liu Guang up outside, they quickly left here with the car.

In the prince's meeting, only our own people are left.

"Brother Tang, you are finally back!" Su Ao excitedly said.

He almost went up and hugged Tang Zhong.

"En!" Tang nodded.

Then he turned around and looked at Li Chuwen, and said, "What's the matter with that person, tell me what happened?"

Li Chuwen fully explained the matter that Liu Guang wanted to break the contract.

But at this moment, Li Chuwen's phone rang.

She reached out to answer it, and a voice came from the phone immediately.

"Manager Li, the contract between our company and the Prince's Hall will be terminated!"

"How can this be done?" Li Chuwen said.

But Tang Zhong waved his hand directly, telling Li Chuwen to hang up the phone without worrying about it.

But as soon as he hung up, another one came immediately.

Still terminated the cooperation.

Tang Chong told Li Chuwen not to worry about it.

There were more than a dozen calls, all of which were terminated.

Li Chuwen was anxious, and said, "Should I call a lawyer and sue them?"

"No, don't take it seriously!" Tang Zhong waved his hand.

"But, in this case, the prince will collapse immediately!" Li Chuwen said anxiously.

"No, with me here, it won't happen. They don't want to do business, and more people are willing to do business with us!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah..." Li Chuwen didn't believe it.

"Pass down my order and tell all the people in the Prince's Association, just say, my prince is back, so don't panic!" Tang Zhong said.

When the people around heard this, especially when the prince came back, their blood boiled.

At the beginning, Tang Zhong didn't care about the Prince's Association, but now, he has to do it himself. Tang Zhong was able to create the Prince's Association when he was only ten years old, let alone now?

Many people got excited.

(End of this chapter)

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