Chapter 838 Destined to be brilliant! (three more)

The invitation soon arrived at the prince's meeting.

The Qin character invitation card was sent to Tang Zhong all the way.

After reading the invitation, Tang Zhong laughed.

It seems that the people behind the scenes have finally lost their composure.

Tang Zhong sent people to investigate all the information about the Qin family.

Soon Su Ao came back.

"So?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Brother Tang, the investigation is clear!" Su Ao said. ,


"Then the Qin family is very powerful in North China. It can be said that they are the most powerful in North China. Many years ago, they were also very powerful in the capital, but because they did something wrong, they were expelled from the capital!" Su Ao said.

"What's the matter?" Tang Zhong said.

"I heard that during the war of aggression against China, the Qin family became the lackeys of the Japanese pirates..." Su Ao said.

"Traitor!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Later, I was protected by a certain big shot and stayed in North China. According to the gossip, the Qin family seems to want to return to the capital!" Su Ao said.

"So, you want to buy our Prince's Association and revive their Qin family in the capital, don't you?" Tang Zhong said.

"It should be like this!" Su Ao nodded: "Brother Tang, what should we do?"

"It's very simple!" Tang Zhong laughed, and immediately looked at the invitation sent by the Qin family on the table: "Just go!"

The indifferent smile gave off an extremely dangerous feeling.

At least Su Ao looked a little terrified, as if he saw that Master Tang in the Middle East.

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!" Su Ao nodded.

Soon, Qin Liehuo already knew the news that Tang Zhong had accepted the invitation.

Immediately he laughed: "I underestimated the president of the Prince's Association. It seems that the other party already knew that I was going to deal with him. He is a character. Unfortunately, it was me, Qin Liehuo, who I met. The president of the prince's association will hold a grand banquet to see if he dares to come in. If he dares to come, then I will let him know how ridiculous it is to be with our Qin family!"

Following Qin Liehuo, a banquet is going to be held!
The merchants who had already joined the Raging Fire Merchant Alliance quickly rushed out after hearing the notice.

Because it is Zhang Bin who has been yelling to join the business alliance. They only know that the boss of the Liehuo business alliance is Qin Liehuo, but they have never met Qin Liehuo. It's pretty good to get a glimpse of this North China bully.

The banquet was prepared very quickly. After all, the name of Qin Liehuo was quite famous in North China. Although the capital was powerful, they did not dare to provoke these local emperors.

So in the Hongdu Hotel in the capital, the banquet was in progress.

Hongdu Hotel is also one of the best five-star hotels in the entire capital.

Qin Liehuo had already entrusted them all. It can be seen how strong the Qin family's financial resources in North China are, and it made many people want to curry favor with them.

Those who were not familiar with the Qin family in North China, now that they heard that the Qin family was hosting a banquet in the Hongdu Hotel, they couldn't help but go over and have a look. After all, in the capital city, it has nothing to do with it, so they can't do anything at all. It would be nice to get to know more people.

Therefore, in front of the Hongdu Hotel, it is already overcrowded

There are vehicles coming and going everywhere, and people with faces in the capital come down one by one.

"Wow, Mr. Wang, are you coming to the banquet held by Qin Liehuo, the hegemony of the Qin family?"

"Mr. Feng, haven't you come here too?"

"Of course, many years ago, my ancestors had a very good relationship with the Qin family. Now that the Qin family is going back to the capital, how could I miss the opportunity to welcome them?"

"I heard that when the Qin family returned to the capital this time, they got the affirmation of a big man in Zhonghai, right?"

"Who knows?"

More people came and discussed there. You must know that many people knew what mistakes the Qin family made back then, but they were able to return to the capital, which shows how powerful the forces behind it are.

So many people are willing to come and have a look. If the Qin family is really well-backed, then they should also be members of the Zhong Hai family. If they know each other, they will not suffer at all, but if not, just come and walk It's not an exaggeration.

More and more luxury cars are coming.

Looking from a distance, the decoration in the Hongdu Hotel is refreshing for many people.

A Land Rover arrived next to the hotel at this time.

Inside the car were Qin Liehuo and Ji Ruochen.

"Old Ji, don't worry, there will never be any mistakes this time!" Qin Lie who was on the side said angrily,

Mr. Ji is a person who seems to have a lot of depth, and said: "Agni, you are really reckless for doing this!"

When Ji Ruochen knew that Qin Liehuo was going to hold a banquet to buy the Prince's Club, he didn't say anything, but gave the other party some advice.

"Old Ji, don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements. This time, our Qin family will definitely be able to return to the capital. I have invited all the wealthy people in the capital, as well as the president of the Prince's Guild Hall. I will be at the banquet at that time." Negotiate with the president, and if I pay enough, I will definitely be able to get the Prince Guild Hall into my hands!" Qin Lie said angrily.

"You're thinking too simply. You have to understand what the Qin family did in the first place. Although that big man in Zhong Hai will help us, it will take a process!" Ji Ruochen said.

"I don't need it at all. I have a way, and I will definitely succeed!" Qin Lie said angrily.

"Hey, forget it, since you are so determined, it's a good thing!" Ji Ruochen sighed.

Although the Tang family was really strong back then, it is indeed in decline now.

"Then Ji Lao can just watch from the sidelines!" Qin Lie said angrily.

Immediately Qin Liehuo got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, countless reporters immediately surrounded Qin Liehuo.

It's like the arrival of a big star.

But Qin Liehuo just waved his hand and didn't answer any reporter's words.

He called these reporters for one purpose, and that was to witness the scene of their Qin family entering the capital.

In his opinion, this time, as long as the members of the Prince's Association come, there is no possibility of discussing anything. No matter what it is, this time, the site of the Prince's Association will belong to their Qin family. He will make a big splash this time. Take over.

He quickly approached the hotel, under the eyes of everyone.

Qin Lie rushed forward.

In an instant, when everyone saw this young man, their eyes burned. The people who came here wanted to see Qin Liehuo more.

This tyrant of the Qin family has become the real No. 1 young man in North China at a young age.

And everyone also heard that the hegemony of the Qin family appeared here this time in order to take over the capital.

Soon, a large number of prominent figures in the capital took up their wine glasses and toasted Qin Liehuo.

But Qin Liehuo rejected them all.

To him, these people are just tools, just witnesses invited to witness the glorious moment when the Qin family took over.

This night is destined to be brilliant, and there will probably be no one in the capital who does not know him, Qin Liehuo.

(Update overnight tonight, don't worry)
(End of this chapter)

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