Chapter 840 Rich Ma Teng (Fifth Watch)
At that time, the whole capital will know Qin Liehuo.

This is Qin Liehuo's ultimate goal.

And at this moment, another Audi car slowly drove in at the door, and it was Prince Hui who was waiting for someone.

The moment Qin Liehuo saw the content on the paper, his expression turned ugly.

"You're kidding me!" Qin Liehuo became furious.

When the people around heard this, they were all stunned. They didn't even think about why Qin Liehuo would speak like that. Could something have happened?Everyone is confused.

Even Ji Ruochen, who had been drinking by the side, raised his head at this moment. He had agreed with Qin Liehuo before that he would not care about anything after he went in and just drink, but now hearing Qin Liehuo's words, he couldn't help but He raised his head, according to his understanding of Qin Liehuo, he was not a person who would get angry at will, and then his eyes fell on Tang Zhong, and Ji Lao's pupils shrank immediately, why did he feel that this young man had seen him there before? , but I can't tell.

The same goes for Li Chuwen, now that Tang Zhong sold the Prince's Club, Qin Liehuo should be happy, why is he so angry now?
Su Ao, Wu Jiaxiang and the others burst out laughing, they knew best what happened.

If you can see the content on the paper, you will find that the paper is not a land deed at all, but a paper with three large characters written on it.

That is to say, now Qin Lie spent 5000 million and sold a piece of waste paper.

Tang Zhong said with a look of ignorance: "When did I play you, didn't you always ask the prince to meet? Didn't I send you the prince!"

"I think you are looking for death. What I want is the land deed, not the paper that says the Prince's Association." Qin Lie gritted his teeth angrily.

He was very angry, because it was the first time he was tricked by someone like this. You must know that he is the unparalleled unicorn of the Qin family, and the hope of the entire Qin family. There are not thousands of people who have been teased by him, and there are hundreds. And the person who teased him was not sincere, but today, he was actually carried into the hands of a guild president, how could he feel refreshed?

The people around were all dumbfounded, they still didn't know what happened, but they could tell that Qin Lie was very angry, very angry, and it was definitely Tang Zhong's fault.

And just when Qin Liehuo was about to make a move, at this moment, Ji Ruochen who had been in the crowd shouted: "Liehuo, remember what you have to do!"

When Qin Liehuo heard this, he became quiet.

Of course, he will not forget what he has to do, integrate these small businessmen in the entire capital, and then buy the land of the Prince's Association, so as not to have any conflicts with any forces.

But he really couldn't bear to be played by someone alone.

"Didn't you say you've thought of a complete solution?" Ji Lao continued.

Qin Liehuo could only grit his teeth secretly, there was nothing he could do, if he was tricked by someone, he would really be tricked, there was nothing he could do: "I see, old Ji!"

"Continue!" Ji Lao said, and then continued to stare at Tang Zhong. The more he looked at Tang Zhong, the more familiar he was, as if he had seen it there before, but now he really couldn't remember it.

The people around also knew what happened.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Qin Liehuo would be tricked by someone and bought a piece of paper for 5000 million. However, no one thought Qin Liehuo was ridiculous, but everyone thought that Tang Zhong was finished and played Qin Liehuo.

And Li Chuwen almost laughed, feeling that she was really worrying for nothing.

"Brother Tang, you are really amazing. When I came here, I didn't believe that your paper could be sold, but I never thought it would be sold!" Su Ao looked at Tang Zhong with an expression of admiration in his eyes.

"Me too!" Wu Jiaxiang did too.

The piece of paper that said the prince meeting was written by Tang Zhong himself when he came here, and he made a bet with Su Ao that this would be sold. Su Ao and the others didn't believe it at all, but now they have to believe it. sold out.

Qin Liehuo is very angry now, he has been tricked by others, and it is still in front of so many people, he must earn it back, squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Zhong, and murmured: "You wait for me, You don’t want to sell the Prince Guild Hall now, but you still dare to trick me, soon you will be speechless!”

This is not the only thing he prepared today, he also invited the big shots that the Qin family is attached to, tonight is his glorious day for Qin Liehuo in the capital, I believe that soon, those guys from the Prince's Association will be speechless.

Holding back his anger, Qin Liehuo looked at the others with a smile and said, "Very well, today I called everyone together, in fact, I want to establish a fire business alliance, which is to let you unite to achieve economic win-win and resource sharing. , and in the future, I will be protected by my North China Qin family!"

The acquisition of the Prince's Guild Hall is an important matter, and the current matter is also an important matter.

Those who didn't take Qin Liehuo's being tricked seriously at all, it must be that Young Master Lie Huo didn't take him seriously at all, that's why he was tricked.

Hearing the Raging Fire Merchant Alliance at this moment, those who knew about it all applauded in unison. Those who didn't know, their eyes brightened at this moment. If it is true that they can join the Raging Fire Merchant Alliance, then It's a pretty good choice. If resources are shared in the future, wouldn't it be faster to make money?What's more important is the protection of the Qin family. After the Qin family enters the capital in the future, it will be fine.

"I want to join!"

"I want to join too!"


"So today we are recruiting members of the Merchant Alliance. If anyone is willing to join, just join!" Qin Liehuo continued.

After finishing speaking, he smiled slightly. He had already succeeded more than half, but he wanted to see how long the prince's gang would be so stubborn?
But there are also people who are not convinced. What is not convinced is that after all, the Qin family has not entered the capital yet.

"Your Qin family is certainly powerful, but this is the capital..."

"Yes, in the capital, there are many chaebols. Does the Qin family really have this ability? Even if it is to establish a business alliance, it needs a local businessman to organize it!"

Many people raised their own doubts, and the people who spoke were not small businessmen, but some well-known people.

Just as they finished speaking, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the backstage of the hotel.

"Of course the Qin family has the ability to organize!"

In the background, a man with a big belly came out, wearing a suit and eyes. He seemed to be a very business-minded person.

When the others saw this person appear, their eyes lit up, because how could this person be unfamiliar? Isn't that the rich man Ma Teng who became rich in the Internet industry in Beijing three months ago?He actually supported the Qin family, so it must be safe for the Qin family to establish a business alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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