Chapter 887 I'm looking for an acquaintance! (two more)

After Liu Zuo and others got off the car, they ran directly towards the concert.

Don't care about Tang Zhong at all.

"Medina...haha, I asked someone to buy Medina's front row this time, and this time I will be able to see Madina's appearance up close!" Liu Zuo excitedly said.

Then he took out a ticket directly from his pocket. If you looked carefully, you would find that it was a silver ticket.

The people around instantly cast envious looks.

You must know that although they are obsessed with Medina, they haven't had close contact with this big star yet.

"Boss Liu, if you get closer to Medina in a while, take a few more photos for us to see, okay, Medina is really beautiful!"


Everyone around was drooling.

The Dragon Group branch is just a branch after all, not as formal as the headquarters, and it's normal for members to chase stars!

"Don't worry!" Liu Zuo said excitedly holding the ticket.

One person pointed to Tang Zhong in the distance and said, "Then Brother Liu, what about that person from the capital?"

Liu Zuo looked back at Tang Zhong, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is no urgent matter anyway, and even if there is an urgent matter, it is not his turn to take care of it!"

"That's right!"

"Look at him, standing in front of Medina's poster, his eyes are straight like that!" Someone looked at Tang Zhong and said.

At this moment, Tang Zhong stood in front of Medina's poster, looked at the blonde girl in front of him, and began to think about the past. He remembered that when he saw Medina last time, he was forced to act when he was in Hong Kong Island. At that time, although It is said that Medina is also very popular, but it is definitely not as popular as it is today. It seems that Medina's star career will go smoothly in the future.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong laughed, it's been a long time, it's pretty good to see you again.

And Tang Zhong looked at the poster with a smile. In the eyes of others, he became the look of a senior star chaser seeing an idol.

"My God, did you see his smile..."


Night falls.

The venue for the concert ahead has almost been set up, and you can see that the lighting is being tested inside, and the concert will start almost immediately.

At the gate, fans were holding tickets to enter the concert.

This fare has been sold directly to more than 2000.

But people are still in an endless stream.

Liu Zuo and others have already entered.

But Tang Zhong was blocked from the door.

With so much money for tickets, he didn't have that much cash with him.

When Liu Zuo and the others saw it, they immediately ran away and disappeared. What if the guy asked them to buy him a ticket? They didn't want to spend such a waste of money.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was blocked at the entrance.

A security guard with a height of 1.8 meters blocked him: "Your ticket, let me see!"

"I don't have a ticket, I'm here to find an acquaintance!" Tang Zhong said.

"What kind of acquaintance are you looking for? You can find acquaintances, but to enter here, you must buy a ticket, otherwise you can't!" The security guard said, suddenly, the security guard was still a little uneasy. Big man, what should we do then?

"Which acquaintance are you looking for?" The security guard still felt that it would be safer to ask.

"I'm looking for her!" Tang Zhong pointed to the huge Madina Sea not far away and reported.

On that poster, Medina had blonde hair and was wearing a long white dress. Her figure was set off extremely beautifully.

The security guard turned his head to see if it was the acquaintance, but only saw Medina's poster, and he felt humiliated: "Who are you looking for?"


"You can go!" The security guard ignored Tang Zhong, this guy is just crazy.

Not allowed to enter, Tang Zhong did not enter, looked up and saw a tall building in the distance, that location is also quite good,

At this time, in the venue of the concert, a brunette woman has been shuttling back and forth, checking the inside of the venue.

If you look carefully, you will find that that person is Linda, Medina's manager.

As an agent, he checks everything about Medina!

"Steady this shelf for me..."

"There are also things hanging high in the sky, they must be tied up, it will be bad if they fall down!"

Linda will not let anything happen to Medina!

But suddenly, her eyes swept to the entrance, and a figure fell into her eyes, and her whole heart jumped.

Because that figure is so familiar to her!
Isn't it the man named Tang Zhong?

She hurriedly ran to the entrance where she bought tickets, then looked outside, turned her head to look around, only to find that the figure she saw just now was gone.

"Where is the person? I just saw it!"

Linda hurriedly asked the bodyguard next to her, she remembered Tang Zhong's height clearly.

"Have you ever seen a person, about 1.8 meters high, who appeared here just now?" Linda asked the security guard.

When the security guard heard Linda's words, how could he forget who that person was?Isn't it the person who pointed at the Madina poster and said that he knew it?
"I saw it just now, the person was still here just now..." The security guard immediately pointed to the direction where Tang Zhong left just now, but when he looked ahead, he found that there was nothing: "Hey, it's strange, the person was still here just now , Why is the person missing now? That is really a strange person, pointing to Miss Medina's poster and saying that he is looking for an acquaintance, but I blocked him."

Linda was even more sure that she was not mistaken, it was definitely Tang Zhong, she quickly took out the phone: "Hello..."

Medina's gentle voice came from the phone: "What's wrong, my little baby... don't worry, it's just a concert!"

Linda had told Medina countless times before that she must sing well at the concert, so now that Medina heard Linda's call, she would react immediately.

"I don't mean this, I mean, that guy...he seemed to be here just now!" Linda shouted.

As soon as that guy said it, Medina immediately knew who he was talking about, and her whole face changed.

"Where is the other person?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's nearby, but it's blocked!" Linda said.

The next second, there was no sound on the phone.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Linda kept asking, but there was still no sound on the phone.

Who knows the next second.

Backstage at makeup.

Madina dragged her long skirt and ran out. It was the kind of wedding dress, because today she was going to sing a few songs about love, so now Madina was dressed like this. When she went outside, she looked around in panic.

She really couldn't wait to see Tang Zhong.

She knew that Jiang Weiwei was in Tang Zhong's heart, and Tang Zhong might not like him, but this couldn't stop Madina from liking Tang Zhong at all.

As soon as she came out, the whole audience was in chaos.

Those audiences who hadn't entered the venue covered their mouths one by one when they saw Madina's appearance. It was really beautiful.

But the show hasn't started yet?Why did Madina come out?Is this a benefit for everyone?

And Madina ran all the way to Linda's side.

"He... what about others?"

"He's gone!" Linda had already known how Madina would react when she heard the news, so she was used to it.

"Ah..." Medina was a little disappointed.

Dragging her skirt, she walked towards the backstage of makeup again.

Seeing Madina's appearance, the fans around didn't know what happened: "Come on, Madina, we will always support you!"

"come on!"

Medina took a deep breath, maybe he just came over to take a look, after all, our two life trajectories can't be together after all, cheer up, go to the day after tomorrow, no matter what today is, she will be beautiful Da, what if he is nearby?
And at this moment, on top of a tall building in the distance.

Tang Zhong sat on the edge of the building, overlooking the entire open-air concert, and saw Medina who was in a hurry. He didn't move. The distance was just right. There was a small bottle of soju next to him. He didn't do anything today. Yes, watching the show is also quite good. It has been a long time, and Tang Zhong has not relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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