Chapter 889 An accident! (four more)

The first song of the concert caused such a big sensation.

But more people heard what Medina said last.

"Tang Zhong, thank you!"

More fans were about to become a sensation. The male friend Madina was talking about was probably this person named Tang Zhong.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's name suddenly became a hot search on Weibo.

After all, Medina's fans are very powerful.

Even on the Internet in foreign countries, Tang Zhong's name is being used frantically.

After all, Madina's fans are not only in Huaxia, they are all over the world.

"Damn it, who the hell is Tang Zhong? To be able to be Medina's male friend, this guy is really lucky!"

"Yeah, I'm really jealous!"

"I'm not convinced, why!"

But at this moment, among the fans, when Liu Zuo heard the name Tang Zhong, he always felt that he had heard it somewhere, as if he had only heard it recently.

Behind him, other members of the Long Group branch said, "Brother Liu, where have I heard this name?"

"I've heard it too!"

Someone thought about it for a while, and suddenly his pupils lit up: "I know where I heard it. Do you still remember the man who came from the headquarters of the Dragon Group in Beijing? He seems to be called Tang Zhong!"

After being reminded like this, Liu Zuo suddenly realized and fell into a brief shock.

So are others.

"Brother Liu, the Tang Zhong mentioned by Medina is the Tang Zhong from the Dragon Group?"

"Fart, how could it be, what is that Tang Zhong we picked up, he came here by train, and what kind of character is Madina, a world-renowned star, so it is absolutely impossible to be alone!" Liu Zuo said with a look of knowing everything: "Okay, you are all at ease!"

Only then did the others calm down. It would be bad if they offended a big shot from the dragon group.

At this time, Liu Zuo's phone rang.

He looked at the name on it.


Immediately, Liu Zuo's face turned ugly, why did this person call him?

Gu Jin, who was transferred to their Chang'an Longzu Branch recently, directly became an executive of the Longzu Branch. He graduated from the Longyin Army. I heard that he is the favorite student of a big man in the Longzu headquarters. Anyway, he is very powerful. Why is this person Suddenly called him?
Liu Zuo didn't dare to have any hesitation. This person can't be offended. He quickly answered the phone and said with a smile, "Old man..."

A voice came from the other end of the phone immediately: "Has anyone received it?"

"Got it!" Liu Zuo immediately said with a smile.

"Very good, bring it back to the dragon team!" the phone said immediately.

"Yes!" Liu Zuo was taken aback when he heard Gu Jin's words. Could it be that the person he picked up was Gu Jin's disciple?
Judging by the age, it should be the same, that Gu Jin is about 25 years old, and the Tang Zhong he picked up is 20 years old.

It seems that Tang Zhong is not easy to mess with.

I have to curry favor with you for a while.

Now Liu Zuo has no intention of listening to the concert, thinking that he will find Tang Zhong in a while.

And the concert was still going on, and after the song "He Said" was sung, it started to get on the right track.

Tang Zhong sat on a tall building in the distance, listening to the song seriously, but suddenly, his face darkened.

There is a murderous look around.

And this murderous intent is approaching extremely fast.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Because of this murderous intent, he was heading towards Medina.

I saw a black shadow suddenly jumping down from a tall building in the distance.

From under the sky, head towards Medina who is in the martial arts.

"I've never seen a woman with such fine skin and tender flesh. It would be great if I could enjoy it!"

The ordinary people in the audience did not think of it at all.

Even Medina didn't expect that when the black figure arrived on the stage, it caused panic in the arena.

When Medina saw the black shadow, she screamed in fright, turned around and ran, but because she was wearing a long skirt, she fell to the ground before taking two steps.

At this time, the fans saw the black shadow that had just appeared on the stage. They thought it was a special program, but when they heard Madina's shout, they realized that something was wrong, and got up from their seats one after another. Their goddess can't be violated like this, they are all ready to go up and argue with the man in black robe.

As soon as the security guards under the stage saw it, they immediately rushed up to carry it, and said to the black shadow, "You... who are you, get out of here, this is the concert site..."

But before the security guard could finish his sentence, the man in black tore it with his claws, and the bloody claws flew out of the air, passing over the security guard's body, the security guard was dismembered, and then fell to the ground , blood drenched the entire stage.

At this moment, those who were about to go up to the stage to argue with the man in the black robe turned ugly and froze in place, not daring to move.

"Kill... kill!"

I don't know who shouted with a trembling voice.

No one thought of this.

This time, the fans were all scared.

You know, if it's a fight, they can help the idol go up, but they don't dare to kill people.

Immediately turned around and fled.

Those women were already pale.

The whole concert hall was in chaos.

No one thought that there was nothing wrong just now, and such a situation suddenly appeared, and it was really terrible.

People kept getting trampled.

The faces of Liu Zuo and the others from the Long Formation branch also turned ugly. It could be seen that the person on the stage had an unusual method. It was blood power, which meant that this person was a warrior and very powerful.

Several people have gathered together.

"Quick... report to the Dragon Group!"

"What's the matter with the report, let's go first, that person is so strong, we can only die if we stay here!" Liu Zuo shouted.

"Okay!" The others were also afraid of death, and nodded immediately when they heard what Liu Zuo said.

A large group of people ran away.

But at this moment, on the stage, Linda and Medina were together. Medina fell to the ground, and Linda reached out to help her. The two of them had been together for a long time, and it was absolutely impossible for them to give up on each other.

"Get up... get up!" Linda yelled.

" go, leave me alone, or we will all die!" Medina became anxious.

At this time, the man in the black robe looked at Medina and said grimly: "What pure blood, if I can suck it, it will definitely be quite good!"

"Blood sucking..." Medina's face was abnormally livid.

She kept shrinking back, but the black robe moved much faster.

Soon, the black robe arrived at Medina's side.

Linda got anxious, stood in front of Medina, and stretched out her hands: " can't hurt her!"

"Go away!" The man in the black robe slapped him out, and saw Linda was sent flying, fell to the ground and passed out.

"Linda..." Medina yelled.

"You'd better worry about yourself!" Heipao looked at Medina and laughed grimly.

"Don't..." Medina kept stepping back.

But there is no way out.

"Come here, let me suck your blood. I never thought that I would meet a treasure like you once I went out of customs!" Heipao said with a smile.

Then he took off his hood.

Immediately, I saw an ugly looking person, who looked like an alien, with pointed ears, just like ET.

Medina screamed even more.

"don't want……"

"No one can save you!" The man in black robe started to move.

But at this moment, a voice came from behind the man in black robe: "You should worry about yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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