Chapter 899 Stone Man! (one more)
"Could it be that you are the chosen one?" The huge stone face Xu Fu became terrified.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong frowned. He is also the chosen one. When he heard this term for the first time, it was Zhang Changgong who told him.

The stele from the sky said that a man from the sky would appear, but Zhang Changgong didn't seem to know much at the time, and it was just a guess that Tang Zhong was the chosen one. On the contrary, Xu Fu now said such words directly, and it was also true. That is to say, Xu Fu knows a little more about what this chosen person is.

Tang Chong remembered that the stele recording the chosen one seemed to be in Zhongguanhai, and he thought that he must visit it if he had time in the future.

But now, let's kill the stone face Xu Fu first.

After Xu Fu was frightened, he quickly recovered and roared, "There are so many holy stones on your body, from now on, they will all be mine!"

But as soon as the words fell, Tang Zhong Fen Tianzhan directly slashed up.

In an instant, Xu Fu's huge stone face was directly beheaded.

The powerful sword qi cut from top to bottom.

The stone wall was cut down into a deep ravine, and the broken stones flew.

The face of the stone face was cut open in an instant, the stone wall in front of it completely collapsed, the stone rolled down, and all fell into the river.

Then Tang Zhong put away the Tang Dao, but he didn't look back, because he could feel that Xu Fu's power just now hadn't disappeared?In other words, Xu Fu is not dead yet.

"Dead?" Qinglong asked next to him.

"No!" Tang Zhong shook his head.

Qinglong's brows also frowned, and the two looked at the place where the stone wall collapsed in front of them together.

Suddenly, a wild laugh came out.

"Two juniors who don't know whether they are dead or alive are also trying to kill me!" Xu Fu's voice came out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure rushing out from the gravel. If you look carefully, you will find that this figure is not real flesh and blood, but is covered with stones. That is to say, it is a stone man , lifelike, with the appearance of a human being, wearing a costume of the Qin Dynasty Xiangshi, holding a sword in his hand.

This person is Xu Fu!

Xu Fu's real body.

Qinglong's face was ashen, and he murmured: "I never thought that Xu Fu's real body is still alive after all these years. This stone man is the essence condensed from the stone after his death, and the stone used to condense this body is..."

"Original stone!" Before Qinglong finished speaking, Tang Zhong murmured while looking at Xu Fu.

"Yes, it's the original stone. The power of the original stone is very strong. This guy actually uses the original stone to condense his body. These Yin-Yang masters are going crazy, it's really desperate!" Qinglong said.

At this moment, the stone man Xu Fu stood in the air, with red light shining in his pupils: "The Chosen One who carries the holy stone, hand over the holy stone, and you will not die."

The sound came out, and the whole audience shook.

"If you want it, then you can get it!" Tang Zhong said directly.

This stone is his treasure, he wants to use it to revive Wei Wei, and it must not be taken away by others, so he immediately gripped Tang Dao tightly.

"Big words!" Xu Fu said coldly.

Immediately, he waved the long sword in his hand and pointed it straight at the sky, and the thunder and lightning from the sky were pulled down.

"In front of this emperor, don't kneel down!"

"You can be regarded as an emperor. The real emperor is only the first emperor. What kind of dog are you!" Tang Zhong scolded.

When Xu Fu heard this, he became furious and his pupils turned scarlet red: "What is the first emperor? His whole life depends entirely on me. I am the real emperor!"

"Death!" Immediately, he shouted loudly, pulling the thunder and lightning in his hand, and swept out towards Tang Zhong with a sword.

Tang Zhong quickly raised the Tang knife to block the thunder and lightning that flew over.

The fierce thunder light illuminated his face, directly knocking him back.

"Hand over the holy stone, or die!" Xu Fu roared.

The sword in his hand swung towards Tang Zhong suddenly.

I saw a thunderbolt sword blade, crackling, turning into a full moon shape, coming from the sky.

Tang Zhong and the two hurriedly avoided.

I saw the blade directly cut on the stone wall.

Nuoda's mountain was split in half, and the stone fell into the river, causing thousands of waves.

Then Xu Fu struck Tang Zhong horizontally with another sword strike.

It still cut an empty space, but the powerful thunder and lightning sword energy forcibly split the river, and countless rivers rose into the sky.

The entire valley really felt like it was raining.

And the riverbed was completely exposed.

"Look, Yuan Shi!" Suddenly, Qinglong pointed to the river bed and shouted.

Tang Zhong turned his head suddenly, and saw that under the river bed, there were all crystal-like stones. They gathered together and looked transparent, but now they were shining with a weak green light.

Look carefully, there are many stones.

This is indeed the breath of the original stone!

No wonder the river is green.

There are also those monster fishes that keep jumping out of the river, they must be ordinary small fishes, they became like this after being given vitality by the rough stone.

Xu Fu built the tomb here, and it must be because there are original stones here.

Soon, after the river water flew into the air, it all fell down like raindrops.

Cover the original stone completely.

Tang Zhong and the others were not given a chance to hesitate, and soon, Xu Fu was attacking again.

The stone sword in his hand kept waving, thunder and lightning came ferociously.

If Tang Zhong can block, he will block with him, but if he can't block, he can only dodge, because Xu Fu is really too strong.

The pinnacle of martial arts is definitely not his opponent, because the two are not at the same level at all.

Tang Zhong dodged while staring at Xu Fu. On Xu Fu, the aura of the original stone surged wildly. In other words, Xu Fu became like this because of the power given by the original stone, and Xu Fu seemed unable to absorb more power from the original stone. up.

The power of the original stone is powerful, and Tang Zhong has already experienced it.

"What should I do? This guy's strength is too strong!" Qinglong said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, just kept staring at Xu Fu, a little thunder and lightning were thundering on the stone body.

Between the behavior, the power of the original stone burst out.

Qinglong continued: "This guy, after absorbing the power of the rough stone for so many years, isn't he afraid of pushing himself to death?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Tang Zhong's pupils lit up.

"Stick to death..."

"There is a way!" Tang Zhong said suddenly.

"What way?" Qinglong asked hastily.

"It's very simple, don't forget, there is a raw stone mineral in this seawater, and there is power in those rough stones. If all the power is transmitted to that guy's body, think about it... "Tang Zhong said.

When Qinglong heard this, he laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, this is a good way!"

"But, how do we send the power into that person's body?"

"It's very simple, feed him!" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes and said.

(I really want to make movies!)

(End of this chapter)

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