Chapter 910 Target! (four more)

Soon, the martial arts venue was overcrowded.

It can be seen that the inside is overcrowded. The generals in the capital already knew about this place, so they all dared to come.

Entering the venue, they all talked with each other.

"General Xiao, you are here too!"

"General Chen, you came early!"

The fat general named General Chen said with a smile: "Haha, after all, he is the eighth canonized general in China, how could I miss it?"

Indeed, the general who came here today is more because this is the eighth titled general in Huaxia since the founding of the country, and this title is enough to attract many people to come.

After Bai Xiaochun and Bai Ruoxing entered, they sat in the corner.

No one talked to them, because their rank was too low, and those who could come here were not ordinary generals.

"Xiao Chun, you stay here, I'll go over and talk to other people!" Bai Ruoxing said.

Even so, it's actually just flattery.

"Dad, is it okay not to go!" Bai Xiaochun said.

"No way, I have to go!" Bai Ruoxing said helplessly.

Then he got up and walked over, passing through one crowd after another, trying to answer the other party, but the other party ignored Bai Ruoxing at all.

The grade is too low!
With great difficulty, the canonized general gathered all the great figures in the martial arts world together. How could anyone waste time talking to people who are lower in rank than themselves.

Soon, Bai Ruoxing came back with a sigh.

In some circles, the level gap is too big, and they can't talk at all.

With more and more people, Bai Ruoxing and Bai Xiaochun could only give up their seats and go to the back.

And those people made two people give up their positions, and they didn't have any good words.

Several times, Bai Xiaochun was about to go berserk, but was suppressed by Bai Ruoxing.

Soon, the venue was full.

According to the practice of titled generals, it is the high-level people in the martial arts world who come out.

At this moment, you can see that there are signs with familiar names on the venue in front of you.

"Girl, take care, these are our bosses in the future, so don't offend them!" Bai Ruoxing said.

Bai Xiaochun didn't care about this.

Glancing at the front, I saw that Yanlong who bumped into him was on top, and such a rude person could go up.

Who are the people at this meeting? Looking at the other people on the rostrum, why are they all young people?

"Dad, do you mean that they are all big figures in the martial arts world? Why are they all young people!" Bai Xiaochun was surprised and puzzled.

Bai Ruoxing glanced away, and he didn't understand. According to the routine, it should be those big names in the martial arts world. Those people on the stage seemed to be the descendants of those big shots.

"This... I don't know!"

"Didn't you say that titled generals are very formal? Why do I look like a child's play?" Bai Xiaochun was very upset.

"This..." Bai Ruoxing didn't know what to say to his daughter. However, he could see the standpoint of these big figures in the martial arts world. It seemed that he didn't like this newly named general, so he didn't come in person, but let them The younger generation came over to perfunctory, and I don't know, who is this new titled general?
Soon Bai Ruoxing remembered, probably only the old general.

Bai Xiaochun didn't want to watch it, so she didn't watch it at all, and took out her mobile phone to play with it.

Wait a while for the titled general to come out and see what he looks like.

And at this moment, on the rostrum.

Yan Long was already sitting on the stage.

Beside them are other young people.

And they all know Yanlong.

In the martial world, Yan Chenglei and Li, the four major families occupy the martial world.

There are also several other late-stage star families who are also quite influential.

Beside Yanlong is the descendant of Cheng Lei and Li Sanjia, who naturally knew Tang Zhong.

Cheng Wu from the Cheng family, Lei Tian from the Lei family, and Li Ao from the Li family, are all outstanding young people from the Zhongguanhai side!
"Why are you here?" Yan Long asked in surprise when he saw several people.

Cheng Wu is a fat man, now he said with a smile: "Didn't your Yan family send you, Brother Long?"

"That's why our family sent a few of us here!" Lei Tian was tall and thin, with fair skin, which didn't match the military uniform he was wearing.

Yan Long heard a few people talking, and immediately understood: "It seems that your families think the same as our Yan family, that person is not worthy of being a titled general at all!"

"That's right, our families, my third uncle Lei Tong, died in the country and made great military exploits!" Lei Tian said.

"Yes, although it is said that these titled generals are the No. 1 titles in China, our family is really not convinced. After all, they are titled generals. Since the founding of the People's Republic, there have only been seven of them, which shows how precious they are. If it is a family of several Everyone got this titled general, and our Cheng family will never say anything. If someone else gets it, then we have to debate it. After all, our families have been prominent for so many years, and our family is not titled. , is he worthy of the others?" Cheng Wu also asked.

"And more importantly, this time, that General Shenlong belongs to that old fellow Peng Yuan... as long as it belongs to him, he must be targeted!"

Several people nodded after hearing this.

Yan Long laughed when he heard a few people talking, it seems that other families thought the same as their Yan family, and were very dissatisfied with this titled general!

Thinking of Tang Zhong punching him before, he secretly laughed. It seems that this time, he doesn't need to target the opponent specially, because the whole martial arts world is targeting this Shenlong General, he wants to see, that How can the guy resist.

Soon, Yan Long smiled, looked at the people around, and said: "Since several families are not satisfied with the titled general, why don't we dismiss him together!"

"Okay, pay attention to this!"

When the other young and old heard this, they all agreed.

Outside, old general Peng Yuan and Tang Zhong were also approaching the venue.

"For a while, I'll show myself to be more polite. Those people on the rostrum are all big figures in the martial arts world. If you perform well, in the future, the leader of the dragon group may also be yours!" Old General Peng Yuan began. Give Tang Zhong the last advice.

"Don't worry, old general, I will definitely get this titled general successfully, but ah, you should be the leader of the dragon team yourself!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Today is also a very glorious time for him, he needs to be more handsome.

It should also live up to the love of the old general!
"Let's go, there will definitely be something to say in a while, your voice should be louder, you know, tell everyone that you are a member of the Dragon Group, and earn some energy for me!" Old General Peng Yuan patted Tang Zhong on the shoulder .


The two quickly approached the venue.

But when Old General Peng saw the rostrum in front of him, his expression instantly became ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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