Chapter 916 Too stupid! (five more)

"It's okay, it's just the Yan family, don't worry about it." Tang Zhong waved his hand.

When Bai Xiaochun heard this, he didn't say anything anymore, after all, the confidence on Tang Zhong's face had already told her everything, and Bai Xiaochun believed in Tang Zhong.

"But how could Yanlong be stupid? Feel like a three-year-old child?" This is what Bai Xiaochun didn't understand.

"Secret." Tang Zhong secretly smiled.

Tang Zhong didn't say anything, Bai Xiaochun had no choice.

"Aren't you really afraid of the Yan family?" Bai Xiaochun was still worried, she was from the martial arts world, and she knew the abilities of the Yan family.

"Soldiers will stop you, water will flood the earth, as long as the people of the Yan family dare to come, then I will ask them a few things." Tang Zhong said with a smile: "Okay, there is no need to discuss this anymore. Long time no see, please have a meal." Rice, and more importantly, thank you for helping me today."

Bai Xiaochun didn't refuse either.

Now, because of Yanlong's beating, the ceremony to confer the title of General Shenlong was soon over. Although this ceremony was also very hasty, everyone did remember Tang Zhong's name.

General Shenlong, Tang Zhong.

Everyone was wondering why he dared to beat Yanlong, and Zhong Guanhai's circle had never seen such a person, born out of thin air, but extremely beautiful.

This person's achievements are only so small, and he dared to go against the Yan family.

More people think that Tang Zhong is simply trying to die.

For a guy with no background to challenge a behemoth like the Yan family, what is it if he is courting death?
I'm afraid that once the Yan family knows that Yanlong has become stupid, they will run away immediately.

But everyone was wrong. After the fool Yanlong was sent back to Yan's house, Yan's house closed the door of Yan's house directly, not receiving any guests, and did not take any action against Tang Zhong's murder. Everyone They all find it strange that they knew that the Yan family is not a simple master, but now they don't go to trouble that Tang Zhong, which is too outrageous.

Little did they know, the entire Yan family was in chaos.

Inside the meeting hall.

Several members of the Yan family could be seen bowing their heads in anger.

After Yan Long was sent back, he was a fool, sitting there drooling, and a beautiful woman next to him kept wiping Yan Long's saliva. She was Yan Longzhong's mother, but the more she rubbed, the more angry she was. Looking at the child It hurts so much to look like this.

Turning his head, he looked at the leader in the hall.

Wearing a tunic suit, about 60 years old, with white hair, he is obviously Yanlong's grandfather, Yanhe, the current real head of the Yan family.

"Dad, my family's Long'er has been beaten into a fool, should we swallow it?" the beautiful woman cried.

Beside him, a middle-aged man in military uniform, Yan Long's father, Yan Biao, couldn't help saying: "Long'er is your grandson, we are going to seek revenge on that man named Tang Zhong, why did you stop him?" We? Aren’t we just a dragon general? Can’t we beat him with the strength of our Yan family?”

The old man Yanhe shook his head: "You think my grandson was beaten, and I don't feel heartbroken?"

"Then why didn't father let us go to trouble with that man named Tang Zhong, let alone a titled general, even if he is a hero, he is not our opponent." Yan Biao said.

"Hey, it's not that we don't go, but that person is not a simple person!" Yanhe sighed.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Is there anyone that the Yan family can't deal with?
"Isn't that the one recommended by that old fellow Peng Yuan to No. 1? I've also read the files, and it's just a person with educational ability, and the members of the Dragon Group, except for Qinglong and Zhang Changgong, are other people that our Yan family can't deal with. What is it?" Yan Biao asked.

"You guys are really high-sighted, don't take other people seriously, Yan Biao, you did something wrong this time, this Tang Zhong is not a soft persimmon like Peng Yuan 20 years ago." Yan He said.

"Isn't it just a person who has no background and relies on recommending superiors? Isn't this a soft persimmon? Will you witness the canonization for him?" Yan Biao sneered.

"Except for your grandfather, this Tang Zhong has no opponent at all. Do you think he has no background?" Yan He said coldly.

The faces of the Yan family present turned ugly.

People who only grandpa can deal with, then...that kind of people are the supreme powerhouses in China.

Could it be that Tang Zhong is not a simple person?
"Father, is Tang Chongqiang?" Yan Biao asked tentatively.

"Qiang, huh, Yan Biao, what you did this time was really stupid. Let me tell you, if Tang Zhong didn't kill Yan Long, it was already giving the Yan family face." Yan He said.

"We are the Yan family, what is he?" Yan Biao was not convinced.

"He is Tang Zhong."

"I know."

"He is Tang Zhong, number one on the list of masters, now you know who he is." Yan He said.

The first place on the list of masters, the Yan family has always been in Zhongguanhai, they have only heard a little about the world of martial arts, unless it is a big event, they will know.

For example, the number one on the grandmaster list, he knew it was a person named Tang Zhong.

But with the strength of her Yan family, with Yan Chihuo in charge, she would not take other people seriously at all, so she had long forgotten about it, and now that she was reminded, Yan Biao remembered it.

"But even if it is number one on the list of grandmasters, so what, our Yan family has the pinnacle of martial arts." Yan Biao said unconvinced.

"Hehe, stupid, if he is really a martial arts master, why should I be afraid of him, he is already at the pinnacle of martial arts, you should know the recent events in the Philippines in Zhongguanhai." Yan He said.

"That's right, Dad. The Philippines is very strange recently. It has devoted itself to China. I heard that some strong man from China has gone to the Philippines. Dad, do you know who it is?" Yan Biao said.

"It's Tang Zhong?" Yan He asked.

"how is this possible?"

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

"Father, you are lying. The strong man who went to the Philippines is a figure at the pinnacle of martial arts. Didn't you just say that Tang Zhong is the number one in the master list? How long has it been ranked in the master list, less than a year, How could it be possible to become a peak martial artist?" Yan Biao couldn't believe what he heard.

"Liar, what's the benefit of lying to you, do you think the No.1 thing is stupid? Will you canonize an ordinary person as General Shenlong?"

When Yan Biao heard this, he was like a thunderbolt.

"But there is nothing written in his file." Yan Biao had already read Tang Zhong's file when he was canonized as General Shenlong, and when he saw that there was nothing written on it, he targeted Tang Zhong.

"Stupid, what he did doesn't need to be recorded in the file at all, it's a secret, a state secret, you think about it carefully, hey, you are too arrogant to have your grandpa as the town Yan's family, if this continues, the Yan family It's over." Yanhe said.

Hearing this, Yan Biao sat down on the ground. This time, he himself killed his own child. If he had known that Tang was always such a powerful person, he wouldn't have dared to disobey him even if he had been given courage.

"Father, are we going to apologize to Tang Zhong?"

"No, just pretend it didn't happen, go find a good doctor for Yanlong, maybe his illness can be cured." Yanhe sighed.

When the beautiful woman next to her heard this, she became anxious: "How can this be done? Yan Long was beaten stupidly, and Yan Long is the No. 1 of the younger generation of the Yan family. What do people think of my Yan family?"

But no one cares about her anymore.

The Yan family didn't care about it, and soon it spread among Zhongguanhai's circles.

(End of this chapter)

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