Chapter 923 Madam Yazhai! (four more)

When Xia Ling reacted, Tang Zhong didn't know where he was going, so he muttered.

At this moment, Tang Zhong had already run towards the volcano.

How could Tang Zhong not be familiar with the name Xia Yuqing!
He had an intuition that the captured woman was Yuqing, he didn't know, but as long as it was this name, he would go.

Wei Wei had already had an accident, how could he see that Xia Yuqing had an accident?
The whole person is like a civet cat.

Looking at the mountains ahead, he could already smell the stench of wild beasts.

and a human scent.

Because of the contrasting smell, he could smell the fragrance clearly.

And this smell is very familiar to him, it is Xia Yuqing.

Immediately, the speed under his feet became faster.

And at this moment, in the depths of Corinth Volcano.

That's a valley.

There, at this moment, is like a prosperous age.

The day of the full moon is the feast of werewolves.

This is the village of werewolves.

From a distance, there are torches everywhere.

They are all bare-chested men, their bodies are muscular, there are white men, and there are black men. If each figure goes out, they will definitely win the bodybuilding championship.

And women give people a feeling of being fat. These werewolves have a very standard figure. The fat and buttocks are really attractive to men, and they can't wait to see each other in bed immediately.

It's a dinner party of lights.

The customs of werewolves and wolves are the same, except that wolves eat raw, while werewolves eat raw and cooked food. Their living habits are very inelegant. The captured rabbits are directly inserted into iron cones and roasted on the flame. , After waiting, just reach out and tear it.

Suddenly, someone yelled: "The wolf king is married!"

In an instant, from the thatched hut, a man eight feet tall slowly came out. His whole body was covered with hair, his beard and eyebrows were already gray, and he was also bare-chested. You could see the prickly chest hair, the back of his hand Above, furry, he is the wolf king.

Werewolves never wear clothes because they have fur.

And beside the werewolf, stood a woman with long brown hair, who could it be if it was Xia Yuqing?

At this moment, Xia Yuqing was wearing an assault jacket. She was caught here during an adventure, and she didn't have any clothes to change at all. She was standing next to the wolf king reluctantly.

Just when the two of them came out, no matter where the werewolves were, they roared loudly.

It was the sound of a pure howling wolf.

In the world of wolves, this means welcome.

Hearing the roar of werewolves around him, the Wolf King looked at Xia Yuqing with a smile and said, "Ma'am, how are you? This is your soldier, are you tempted?"

"I'm not your wife!" Xia Yuqing directly refused.

After she left the Tang family, she traveled around the world to explore. As for what happened in other China, she chose to forget it. She heard that Corinth Volcano was very dangerous, so she came to see it and met a younger sister on the way.

Unexpectedly, they were arrested by these people as soon as they entered the volcano, and these people were not like ordinary people, but like wolves.

Or a werewolf.

Xia Yuqing had never seen these things before. She was very scared at first, but later found that fear was useless.

When the wolf king proposed to let her be Mrs. Yazhai, Xia Yuqing knew that she could use this opportunity to live.

So there is this picture now.

But now Xia Yuqing was thinking about how to leave this place all the time in her mind, but when she saw werewolves in all directions, she felt a little desperate. It was really difficult to leave here.

It is absolutely impossible to be the Mrs. Yazhai of this werewolf, so she would rather die.

But is death really good?

She couldn't bear to die!
Hearing Xia Yuqing's words, the Wolf King laughed loudly: "The rule here is that the strongest has the right to beauties, and it must be the same in your human world, beauties, just obediently be my Mrs. Yazhai! "

"You're dreaming!" Xia Yuqing said coldly.

The wolf's temper is very irritable, the werewolf gritted his teeth, and looked angry: "I don't want to eat the toast, will I be punished?"

Xia Yuqing was terrified and forced herself to hold back. She wanted to live, but she didn't want to die.

Suddenly, the wolf king laughed: "Are you afraid?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, you are my Mrs. Yazhai!"

Xia Yuqing suppressed her nausea, she suddenly remembered Xia Ling who was caught together with her: "Where is my sister?"

"Your sister, you don't have to think about her. If there is no accident, it should be enjoyed by my son now!" The wolf king said with a smile.

"What did you say?" Xia Yuqing clenched her fists tightly.

"Why are you so angry? As long as you become my Mrs. Yazhai, you may be able to save your sister. Of course, I want you to be willing!" The wolf king said with a smile.

"Despicable!" Xia Yuqing gritted her teeth.

I thought that only foxes are cunning, but I never thought that this wolf is also so cunning, it's not a thing.

"Despicable? If you followed me, how could such a thing happen?" The wolf king said with a smile.

"You..." Xia Yuqing said.

"Humans, don't forget what this place is. It's not a place for you to play wild. If you really want to play wild, I believe that you will die a very miserable death, I promise!" the wolf king said.

"Before I hate your looks, you'd better behave yourself!"

As soon as the wolf king finished speaking, the surrounding werewolves all roared and roared.

All the voices reached Xia Yuqing's ears, and she was terrified. She never thought that she would encounter such a situation when she took risks in order to avoid some things she didn't want to think about.

She really doesn't want to die.

At least she didn't want Xia Ling to die.

"If I become your Mrs. Yazhai, you let my sister go?" Xia Yuqing looked at the werewolf and said.

"Of course!" The wolf king smiled slyly.

"Okay, I..." Xia Yuqing was about to agree, but she couldn't say that word no matter what.

While speaking, Tang Zhong's figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

It's that clear.

Xia Yuqing went out on an adventure just to relax her mind. She wanted to forget Tang Zhong, but what she didn't expect was that after so long, she still hadn't forgotten.

She found that she couldn't forget that she had already fallen in love with the man who said she wanted to marry her when she was a child.

People say that the space in your head is limited. After going through a lot of scenery and meeting a lot of people, they will replace the space in your mind and the things you have deeply remembered before.

Indeed, Xia Yuqing had indeed forgotten many things, but Tang Zhong hadn't forgotten anything.

"What? You're dumb!" the wolf king laughed.

"I... I am willing to be your Mrs. Yazhai!" Xia Yuqing gritted her teeth and said, she had to agree, otherwise, Xia Ling would die.

"I'm sorry, Tang Zhong...Maybe, in this life, we don't have a destiny, so let's go to the next life. I hope you won't meet other women before you meet me!"

The wolf king laughed out loud.

"Ha ha!"

And at this moment, from afar, there was a loud shout: "Bastard, do you deserve it too?"

And when Xia Yuqing heard this voice, it was because she was hallucinating, and when she really realized it, she was stunned. did he come back here?
(End of this chapter)

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