Chapter 929 Let You Suck Blood! (one more)
"Who the hell are you?" Nicholas looked at Tang Zhong in horror.It is unbelievable that the knife actually left a scar on his body.

"The one who killed you!" Tang Zhong sneered.

Another scorching knife slashed over, and Nicholas' face became even more ugly. His already pale face looked abnormally pale.

The noble blood clan would not allow this to happen.

"You will die miserably!"

He directly reached out to block Tang Zhong's knife.

But it was of no use at all, the hand was chopped off and fell to the ground, and the claws quickly turned into something like chicken feet.

Nicholas' hat fell off, and he began to look extremely fierce.

The two female companions next to him screamed at this moment.

And Nicholas's pupils were scarlet, and when he opened his mouth, he saw the sharp fangs, which were very ferocious. He roared, a roar like a zombie, and the whole valley was filled with his voice.

Among blood clans, blood can suppress each other, just like the current Nicholas, he is an earl, he has lived for a long time, his qualifications are the highest, and the people next to him are much weaker in comparison, their rank is just Nicholas was much weaker, and when they heard the roar, they all knelt down on the ground, their faces were extremely ugly, and they covered their ears.

Then Nicholas looked at the female companion beside him and shouted: "Don't make noise..."

"Sweetheart, quickly... kill that guy!" A blond female vampire in a blue princess costume slipped into Nicholas' arms.

But now Nicholas has reached the moment of madness: "I said don't make noise!"

Grabbing the woman, he opened his mouth and bit her throat.

The female vampire roared suddenly, and then she became extremely ugly, her body began to shrink, and a breath from her body penetrated into Nicholas' nostrils.

"don't want……"

But the female vampire's body has shrunk completely, and now it is like a tree trunk, completely turning into a black skull.

Vampires are like zombies, because they have energy, they have a human appearance, so they have been sucking human blood to ensure their own energy, and now all the energy of the woman has been sucked away by Nicholas.

Nicholas, who had absorbed the essence, threw the female vampire's skeleton directly on the ground, and the breath on his body became stronger.

Then turned around and looked at Tang Zhong: "Boy, dare to challenge our noble blood race, I will kill you!"

He saw that his arm, which was cut off by Tang Zhong, was recovering very quickly, until finally, that arm was fully formed.

Moreover, Nicholas, who had absorbed the essence, also began to change.

It turned into the head of a bat.

It is rumored that a long time ago, a person became a vampire after being bitten by a bat.

At this time, Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes and looked at Nicholas in front of him.

And as Nicholas changed, the surrounding blood clansmen fell to their knees on the ground seeing the change in Nicholas.

"Congratulations, Earl!"

Then he saw a layer of black air surrounding Nicholas, and he stared at Tang Zhong with a murderous look in his eyes.

"I swear, you will die a miserable death!" Nicholas said grimly.

At this moment, I saw him stretching out his hand to Tang Zhong.

All I saw was a pool of blood where Tang Zhong was standing.

It was hot like a frying pan, and then Nicholas waved his hand, and in an instant, a blood magnetic field was formed centering on his body, which immediately enveloped Tang Zhong within the range.

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes immediately, he looked around, filled with blood.

"It's not good..." Tang Zhong turned around and fled.

At this time, the blood gas exploded directly.


I saw that in the area covered by the blood magnetic field, all of them exploded immediately.

Before Tang Zhong could escape, he felt his qi and blood tremble, and saw a bloody mark appear on his arm.

"If you hit my Nicholas move, I will leave a bloody mark on your body. Once I leave a mark, then you will definitely die!" Nicholas laughed wildly.

"Blood sucking?" Tang Zhong asked.

When Nicholas heard Tang Zhong's words, he was stunned, and immediately laughed loudly: "Yes, it is to suck your blood. I really want to know where your courage comes from? Any one left by me No one with the blood mark can survive, and you are no exception!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong sneered, without moving, he stretched out his hand directly: "Come on, I'm right here, come and suck my blood!"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned.

It never occurred to this human being to speak like this.

But soon everyone in the blood clan burst into laughter.


"It's so hilarious!"

"Count, go up and kill this guy!"

Earl Nicholas burst into laughter immediately: "You are the most straightforward human being I have ever seen... Can I take your current behavior as surrender?"

"Aren't you going to suck blood? Come suck it!" Tang Zhong continued with a smile.

When Earl Nicholas heard Tang Zhong's words, it was a provocation at all, and immediately sneered: "I think you are courting death!"

The surrounding blood clans also said one after another: "Count, you have sucked his blood, let us all taste his flesh!"

"Don't worry!" Nicholas walked forward directly.

However, he was still wary of Tang Zhong's sudden attack.

"Don't worry, I won't understand, let you suck, you didn't leave a blood mark on me, don't you need to be so troublesome!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Nicholas walked forward, the bat head looked at Tang Zhong, he didn't believe Tang Zhong, he didn't relax until he was next to Tang Zhong, and he was sure everything was fine, then he looked at Tang Zhong immediately: "It seems that you are looking for death, looking for death It's very straightforward!"

"I told you I'm fine, let's suck blood!" Tang Zhong laughed, and stretched out his arm.

"Okay, it's your honor to die under my hands, Nicholas!" Nicholas moved his mouth directly and bit Tang Zhong's arm.

As the teeth entered Tang Zhong's body, Tang Zhong felt a suction force, as if trying to evacuate him.

Blood also flowed into Nicholas' body.

But Tang Zhong was not at all confused.

From his body, red blood energy appeared, and after reaching Nicholas, it directly turned into black energy.

I saw that the aura on Nicholas' body became stronger and stronger.

"Haha, kid, let me see how you die, you will dry up and die soon!" Nicholas said excitedly.

"Really?" Tang Zhong smiled.

Soon, the expression on Nicholas' face changed, because he realized that he had sucked so much blood, but Tang Zhong in front of him was fine.

(Carvin today.)
(End of this chapter)

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