Chapter 935 Breakthrough! (three more)

It's just the last step.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes.

When the three stones entered the body, Tang Zhong didn't feel anything, but when the four stones entered, Tang Zhong began to notice the change.

The power given to him by the stone can be said to be extraordinary.

Now it is more than enough to blow the ground with one punch.

Today's Tang Zhong's power is surging, why not strengthen the power of those stones before him one by one.

Tang Zhong sat there cross-legged, but his body was constantly flickering with his mind, going up to the sky for a while, and going down to the ground for a while.

As for Li Shitou, Tang Zhong just sat there cross-legged.

I saw the whole body, like a rock, constantly pressing down, forcibly crushing the ground to form a big hole.

And the last bloodstone!
It was enough to make the Qi and blood in Tang Zhong's whole body boil up, as if it might explode at any time.

And the last force of nature stone!

Around Tang Zhong's body, there were constant flashes of thunder and lightning, rain falling, wind and clouds, which was extremely terrifying.

Even the soul stone and defense stone are shining and glowing.

All the power is now gathered together, impacting Tang Zhong's body.

At this moment, although it was a transformation of power, but for some reason, Tang Zhong felt that his soul was also constantly strengthening!

A large mountain, his soul can be shrouded, what happened over there, he can also know in the shortest time.

With this feeling, Tang Zhong seemed to have escaped into the sky.

He had an illusion that the heaven and earth were about to merge with him!

That feeling is really wonderful!
It is only one step away from the peak of Martial Dao.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong struck again.

"Broken..." At this moment, Tang Zhong roared.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong couldn't help but let out a long roar.

That was not a human voice, but a dragon roar, deafening.

When he yelled, even Tang Zhong was stunned.

"What kind of voice is this? It looks like this? What's going on?"

Tang Zhong had heard this kind of sound before. He had seen a phantom golden dragon in the Tang family's old house. The sound he made just now was exactly the same as this sound.

What happened to yourself?
But there was no time for Tang Zhong to think about it. At this moment, the power in his body surged, and he was about to break through!

The consummation realm of the peak of martial arts is getting closer.

In an instant, there was a wave of fluctuation from around his body, which dispersed towards the surroundings and soared into the sky.

Tang Zhong's whole person also began to change. At this time, his pupils were burning with golden flames.

The peak of Martial Dao is only one step away from the legendary Martial Dao Supreme.

If a person reaches Tang Zhong's current level, he can be said to be a strong man in the world.

As long as he moved, the air would vibrate, as if it was about to explode.

Suddenly, a shocking divine thunder descended from the sky, passed towards Tang Zhong, rushed into his body, and began to swim.

Changed Tang Zhong's vitality.

At the end, Tang Zhong opened his eyes wide. Originally, they were full of golden flames. As the thunder and lightning invaded, the thunder and fire blended together, as if they were about to burn the surroundings.

"Get up!" Tang Zhong stood up.

From his body, a vast force was released, crushing the entire ground and trembling.

The pinnacle of martial arts has been achieved!

Tang Zhong's jacket had already turned into beards due to fluctuations, and his upper body was bare, with strong muscles.

Feeling the surging power on his body, Tang Zhong grinned.

It's finally here!

He quickly checked the four stones, which were neatly placed in his spine.

"Try it, the power of the stone!"

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong stretched out his hand.

Then he squinted his eyes, urging the power of the stone in his body, and at that moment, a flame ignited in the palm of his hand.

A steady stream!

Although Tang Zhong has always been able to release flames, those are all transformed by blood power, but this time it is so real.

Then Tang Zhong swept his sleeves again, and a gust of wind blew up in an instant, sweeping across the front.

That power is real.

"It really is wind!"

Immediately Tang Zhong pointed out again.

A thunderbolt clicked out.

This stone of natural power is much more skillful than the other stones. It must be because he incorporated the stone into his body when he broke through.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yuqing and the others should have gotten rid of the danger.

But at this time, Tang Zhong's phone rang.

Looking down, it was Li Linglong.

As soon as I reached out to pick it up, there was a shout: "Brother Tang...something happened. Xia Yuqing was taken away by the people from the court. I called you hundreds of times before you answered it!"

"What did you say?" Tang Zhong frowned instantly.

Before Li Linglong's voice could be heard again, the monkey's voice came out: "Brother Tang, Sister Yuqing has been taken away, you... hurry up and save him!"

"Where is it?" Tang Zhong knew something must have happened, otherwise Monkey and Li Linglong would never have said that.

"In the court of the European Union..." The voice was replaced by Li Linglong again, and the monkey didn't know much about martial arts.

"What's that place?"

"On the European Union side, places similar to the Dragon Group, if you go, you must be careful, because this time they arrested Xia Yuqing for you!" Li Linglong said.

"For me?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

Soon, Li Linglong said everything.

Tang Zhong's face became ugly: "I know, hang up first!"

Then directly press the hang up button.

At this moment, Tang Zhong has become a different person. He never thought that Xia Yuqing would be taken away. When he went to the black list forum, he saw the top post, especially the photo of Xia Yuqing tied up in the air. His face had completely changed color.

The fists were clenched tightly, making a crackling sound.

"Inquisition, Ogul, right? You want to fight me, okay, I promise you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

He has already lost Wei Wei, how can he let Yu Qing have something happen to him?
Now, two days have passed since Xia Yuqing was tied up,

Tang Zhong has been practicing all the time, so the time passed quickly, and she didn't know it at all.

In other words, the black list post has existed for more than two days.

Oguer has been shouting to Tang Zhong for two days, but Tang Zhong hasn't come yet, which makes everyone feel that Tang Zhong is afraid.

"What kind of shit is one of the black list, I think it's just a name for nothing!"

"Yes, that's right. If I was provoked like this, I would have stood up and fought desperately with the other party!"

"Perhaps, Tang Zhong is really cowardly!
(End of this chapter)

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