Chapter 937 All Chinese people are cowards! (five more)

Xia Yuqing was suspended in the air, looking at the people in front of her, she saw the monkeys and the others.

And the monkey heard Xia Yuqing's shout: "It's me, Sister Yuqing, I'm here to save you!"

"Why are you here?" Xia Yuqing murmured.

"Come to save you, sister Yuqing, wait for me for a while!" the monkey said anxiously.

save you?

As soon as the word was uttered, Xia Yuqing's eyes became moist.

Then, the monkey looked at the people in the entire court and shouted loudly: "You guys, let me go, sister Xueqing!"

But no one paid any attention to monkeys at all.

Only seeing the side of the court, Orianna stood up, looked at Qinglong in front of her, and respectfully said: "Congratulations, Mr. Qinglong!"

On the European Union's side, for the certification of China's powerhouses, one Qinglong and the other is Yan Chihuo. Only these two people are the real China powerhouses in the EU.

Qinglong heard Orianna's words, and said directly: "Let that woman go!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the EU side was stunned. They never thought that Qinglong would say such a thing. Anyone who knew Qinglong knew that Qinglong was a refined person and would not take the initiative to make any demands!
When Orianna heard this, her face changed slightly: "Mr. Qinglong, this statement is too much, that woman is a prisoner of our court, and only specific people can take it away. I am afraid that Mr. Qinglong's wish cannot be fulfilled! "

"I don't want to talk to you, go away!" Qinglong said coldly.

Orianna's complexion suddenly changed, and she wanted to get angry, so she endured it.

"Anna, come back!" Ogur said.

"It's grandpa!" Orianna whispered, and then walked to Ogur's side.

At the same time, Ogul looked at Qinglong and laughed loudly: "Qinglong... It's been a long time. If you're here, at least let me know!"

"Let her go!" Qinglong pointed to Xia Yuqing and said to Oguer, without saying a word of nonsense.

Oguer was originally smiling, but his face darkened: "Brother Qinglong, what are you talking about?"

"I said let him go!" Qinglong continued.

He didn't intend to beat around the bush when he came this time, Tang Zhong was his sworn brother, it was impossible for him to let his brother be reviled by thousands of people.

This time, Ogul's face became gloomy, and he shouted loudly: "Qinglong, don't forget, this is our European Union, not your Huaxia, where did you get the confidence to speak to me like this, and it's up to you! "

A few or two sentences directly set off the flames.

Outside the entire court, the European Union's ability users accounted for the majority, and they had already surrounded layer after layer. Hearing Ogul's words at this moment, they cheered instantly.

And in the entire European country, everyone watching TV clenched their fists at this time.

"Domineering, what kind of bullshit Chinese thing, dare to come to our European Union to play wild!"

"court death!"

Today's Qinglong and others are like turtles in a urn, surrounded by enemies.

Oguer, who heard the cheers, became even more loyal: "Qinglong, if you leave now, I will not embarrass you, but if you continue to persist in your obsession, I will kill you now!"

A word of kill immediately made the surrounding climax even more.

"Then let's fight!" Qinglong also said coldly.

This was something Ogul never thought of, Qinglong actually dared to really resist him.

In fact, Ogul didn't even expect Qinglong to come here, and Qinglong challenged him directly just now, which had never happened before.

"Think carefully!" Ogur said coldly.

"No need!" Qinglong said.

In an instant, flames burned on his fist.

Qinglong was actually ready to make a move.

The scene suddenly lit up.

The two people on the black list had just met, but they hadn't said a few words before they were ready to make a move.

No one thought of this.

Everyone came to watch the battle between Ao Guer and the number one in the black list. It would be very good if they could watch the battle between Qinglong and Ao Guer.

More people want them to fight.

"Now, let that woman go!" Qinglong roared.

"What if I don't let you go? I still want to know who gave you the courage to speak to me like that!" Ogur was puzzled.

"It's Tang Zhong...he's my brother!" Qinglong immediately started to strike, and the power at the peak of martial arts exploded out.

At this moment, Qinglong suddenly jumped up and punched Tang Zhong with a punch.

I saw a fire faucet sprouting from the huge fist.

The fire dragon devoured the world, it was extremely terrifying, and it went straight to Ogul in the trial office.

"Stupid!" Hearing Qinglong's words, Ogur sneered and said, "I don't know how to live or die, but you want to be my opponent?"

He saw ferocious thunder and lightning flickering in the palm of his hand, and then threw it towards Qinglong.

Seeing the two fighting, the people around retreated one after another. You know, this is a battle on the black list, and the fluctuations must be very strong, which will affect them, but they are not prepared to run too far. After all, fighting on the black list is A valuable piece of information.

Sure enough, just when Qinglong's fist and Oguer's thunder and lightning thundered together.

In an instant, a loud noise came out, and the entire sky rang,


Immediately afterwards, Qinglong was pushed back by the shock.

And Ao Guer stood where he was, with indifferent eyes: "I said, you are not qualified yet!"

Qinglong frowned, only now did he realize that Ogur's strength seemed to be stronger than before.

When the people around saw this scene, their blood surged even more.

They all shouted: "Kill these Huaxia guys, kill them!"

"Come to our EU to play wild, it gave them courage!"

Qinglong's expression turned ugly, and he said to Li Linglong beside him, "Hurry up and save that woman, her aura is getting weaker and weaker, if you don't save her, she will die here!"

He had already seen that Xia Yuqing had been injected with lightning into her body.

"Yes, but Uncle Long, you are not that Ogul's opponent!" Li Linglong said.

"I know!" Qinglong said: "It's not an opponent, but I have to fight. Tang Zhong is my brother. He is not here now, so how can he be insulted like that? If he doesn't come now, he is definitely not cowardly. It must be because of something. Things, brother has a situation, how can I, as the eldest brother, not help brother fight against it?"

As soon as these words came out, Qinglong shot again.

Seeing Qinglong's actions, Oguer laughed immediately: "What a stupid person, do you think you are still my opponent now? In front of me, except for Yan Chihuo, everyone else is trash, of course , including you, since you are looking for death now, then I will send you to death!"

I saw Ao Guer clenched his fist, and then the thunder light flickered on the fist, and the light flickered on his face.

"Die!" Ogul shouted loudly.

I saw two people in the air, facing each other with fists.

Often the strong will decide the outcome with one move.

I saw the thunder and flame colliding, and the sound of booming was constantly produced.

Seeing the attack, Li Linglong was ready to save Xia Yuqing.

But not a few steps.She was stopped by Orianna: "Where do you want to go?"

"Go away!" Li Linglong shouted.

But it's not Orianna's opponent at all, she's so good at reaching out.

Li Linglong was quickly pushed back by the shock.

And at this time, I saw that Qinglong and Ogul in the air were still holding each other, but it was obvious that the current Qinglong's momentum had weakened.

The gods in the air were fighting, and the light was shining, but suddenly, there was an explosion, and the green dragon fell from the sky and landed on the ground, spitting blood.

"Uncle Long, are you okay!" Li Linglong immediately stepped forward to help.

"It's okay!" Qinglong waved his hand.

At this moment, Oguer, who was standing in the air, looked indifferently: "Trash..."

Immediately sneered.

And the scene of Qinglong being defeated twice by Ogul was soon spread, and soon caused a sensation to the entire attention of the duel.

Qinglong was defeated so easily, haha, as expected, Huaxia Martial Arts is just a waste of fame.

Those ordinary people watching this scene are like watching a movie. They don't know what martial arts is, but they know how to be defeated. Seeing Qinglong fall, they all laughed: "Huaxia people are really weak!"

And Aoguer was laughing wildly, he looked at Qinglong and said coldly: "I told you to go just now, but if you don't go, now, you have no room for regret!"

"I never regret it!" Qinglong said: "Because after Tang Zhong comes, you will definitely die!"

"Fart, what about that person? He is obviously a coward. After hearing my challenge, he was too scared to come out!" Ogul laughed wildly, and then continued: "You Chinese martial arts are also trash ah!"

But the voice just fell.

From afar, a voice came slowly: "Who said I dare not come!"

(End of this chapter)

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