Chapter 941 Nuclear weapons! (four more)

Cross blood cut!
This was cultivated by Tang Zhong under Fen Tian Zhan.

"It's time for me to make a move!" I saw Tang Zhong holding the Tang Dao in his hand, and at that moment, he swung the Tang Dao in his hand.

He saw two intersecting cross cutting blades coming out in shock.

Arriving with a strong murderous aura.

Seeing Tang Zhong's ultimate move, the Jedi swordsman immediately sneered: "Just this, it's not enough!"

Oguer beside him also sneered. Although Tang Zhong was not killed by the Jedi swordsman, the moves Tang Zhong used now were much weaker than the Jedi swordsman.

The people around Fangcai thought that Tang Zhongshi was using some kind of powerful move, but after seeing it clearly, they all despised it. Just such a move is nothing at all!

At this moment, Tang Zhong heard the words of the Jedi sword hero, but sneered and said, "Really?"

After finishing speaking, he cut his own hand and sprinkled a stream of blood on the cross blade.

The blade that was originally burning with flames turned extremely red in an instant.

It was stained red with blood, and its strength was much more violent than before.

Fen Tianzhan's strength is indeed not strong, but what if his own blood power is added to his strength?

I saw the cross blood cut from the sky.

At this moment, a huge force surged out, which no one expected.

Ogul's brows were also frowned, he had never accepted such a cognition.

" is this possible?" The Jedi swordsman felt the power of the cross blood blade in front of him, and his whole body trembled.

They never thought that the attack could be released like this.

Hastily raised Zhan Tie to resist.

But the Cross Blood Slash had already come, and wherever it went, the ground was collapsing, and a deep ravine was forcibly plowed open.

I saw that as soon as the cut was cut out, it collided with the cross blood cut.

It can be seen that the Jedi swordsman is desperate this time.

But the power of the blood cut was really too great, and when it was suppressed towards him, his hands were trembling and shaking repeatedly.

This scene appeared in the eyes of the surrounding people, full of shock.

Ogur's face became ugly, his eyelids kept twitching, and what happened now was something he never expected. This guy is definitely not as simple as it looks.

"I'm going to shoot!" Oguer shouted, and immediately walked away, feeling a sense of danger.

Immediately hit with a palm.

Thunder God Ogul, who used to be number one in the black list, controlled thunder and lightning and was unstoppable.

In the palm of his hand, thunder and lightning sizzled.

Everyone was watching the Jedi swordsman block the cross blood cut, and their hearts sank. This move is enough to overturn all previous doubts about Tang Zhong. The person who can create such a move is definitely the first in the black list Genius.

Seeing this scene, the people in the European Union felt that this guy was not simple. If he didn't kill him, he would definitely be a huge threat.

They all laughed when they saw Ogul make a shot.

If Ogul and the Jedi swordsman join forces, there is absolutely no problem, no matter who it is, they can resist it.

Qinglong and the others saw Tang Zhong forcing the Jedi swordsman just now, and their faces showed joy. Suddenly seeing Ao Guer's attack, their expressions changed suddenly, and they hurriedly shouted at Tang Zhong: "Be careful!"

Tang Zhong didn't know that Ao Guer made a move, looked back at Ao Guer, and sneered: "I said earlier, let the two of you join forces, isn't it now?"

Two people teaming up is a shameful means.

To be honest, Ogul wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t see the problem, but even if he joined forces, he wouldn’t say it, but said coldly: “Don’t think you used some kind of sneak attack, delay now If you live in Brother Wuji, you can do whatever you want, and you are not worthy of being so wild in our trial office!"

Thunder Palm bombarded the past.

He can control thunder and lightning, and he can see a huge thunder and lightning palm print covering his palm.

It fell from the sky, as if it wanted to crush Tang Zhong.

"Sneak attack...hehe, am I here to play wild? If you don't tie Yuqing here, how can I come?" Tang Zhong roared loudly.

"Don't think that only you can control lightning!"

In an instant, with a wave of Tang Da's hand, the stone of natural power flickered in the middle of his spine, and he saw a thunderbolt descending from the sky.


Much thicker than Ogul's Thunderbolt.

With a bang, it directly blocked Ogul's thunder palm, crackling!

I saw that Ogul was repelled abruptly and went away.

His eyes were stunned, and he looked at Tang Zhong: " can you control lightning? It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

This scene completely shocked everyone.

The number one on the black list, not only is he good at swordsmanship, but he can even step on lightning.

The people around were dumbfounded, and the people in front of the TV were also completely dumbfounded.

And at this moment, in the EU's highest-level guild hall.

There are several EU bigwigs looking at the giant TV screen too.

When they saw that the Jedi swordsman Wuji was repelled and Ogul's attack was blocked, they actually sensed the signs of failure, and the faces of those big guys turned ugly.

And soon there was a heated discussion.

"Ogul and Wuji are the strongest in our European Union, and they must not be killed!"

"What should I do?"

"It's very simple, send troops to suppress, if something happens to Ogul and the Jedi swordsman, then the Tribunal will be over, and we are the highest leaders of the Trial, if these two people die, the Tribunal will be in chaos! "

"Okay...but that person is really strong!"

"No matter how strong it is, is it stronger than the fleet? Is it stronger than missiles? Is it stronger than nuclear weapons?"

"However, before the real battle begins, send an envoy to negotiate with that person. If you don't kill Ogul and the Jedi swordsman, then let them go!"

Soon no one spoke.

In the current world, nuclear weapons and missiles are the most powerful.

A missile can easily kill a martial arts peak. As for nuclear weapons, an explosion can destroy a city!

No one thought that the last big bosses of the self-made court were actually those international giants from the European Union!
And in order to consolidate their strength, they did not hesitate to use weapons of the highest specification!

At the same time, after Tang Zhong released the thunderbolt to block Ao Guer's attack, almost everyone was dumbfounded, never expecting this to happen.

Tang Zhong unexpectedly, also can control thunder and lightning.

Augur was terrified!

At this moment, Tang Zhong was smiling calmly, looked at Ao Guer, and said with a smile: "You don't need to be surprised, I can't help but control thunder and lightning, and there are many things I can control!"

I saw Tang Zhongping stretching out his hand, and saw a flame burning in the center of the palm.

At this moment, the whole audience was shocked.

This guy can not only control lightning, but also control flames!

This... what kind of person is this?

(End of this chapter)

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