Chapter 943 The whole army wants! (one more)
At this moment, I saw a man wearing sunglasses get in and out of the car, looking at the scene in front of him with an unusually ugly expression.

Orianna and the others next to him couldn't believe that their grandfather was actually killed. That was Ogul, the second most powerful man on the black list.

But she knew that she would never be an opponent who could kill her grandfather.

And when he saw the man wearing sunglasses, he recognized it at a glance.

"Lord Moro!"

This person is a subordinate of a giant in the European Union!

Hearing Orianna's voice, the man with sunglasses turned his head and nodded in agreement.

The people in the surrounding courts were frightened to death, and the two holy orders died, but when they heard the name of Lord Moro, they all felt at ease.

If this is the case, the high level of the EU may have also noticed this battle.

Then Mo Luo looked at Tang Zhong, took off his black sunglasses, and said, "Mr. Tang Zhong, I think you did something wrong!"

"What are you?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

Although I don't know him, this person is from the European Union. Now that people from the European Union appear, there is absolutely no good intentions for An.

"You..." Moro didn't expect the other party to yell at him as soon as they met: "I am the subordinate of Grand Duke Nok of the European Union, Mr. Tang Zhong, that Wuji and Ogul are important figures in our European Union, how can you kill me like this?" I'm afraid I won't be leaving today!"

Mo Luo was sent by those grand dukes. The idea of ​​these giants is that if Ao Guer and Wuji are alive and well, then let people like Tang Zhong go. ……kill!

This man must not be allowed to leave EU territory!
The death of Ogul and Wuji will greatly weaken the power of the entire European Union. If a few people are not killed, the people of the European Union will really suffer.

As soon as this remark came out, it directly expressed the EU's position!

When the people around heard this, they knew that the wind direction was wrong.

Qinglong, Li Linglong and others had already arrived beside Tang Zhong, and when they heard Mo Luo's words, their faces turned ugly.

Qinglong took a step forward and said, "It's too arrogant for you European Union to do this. You are an open enemy!"

"No... It's not an enemy, but you killed us. Isn't there an old saying that you pay for your life if you kill us? Don't you pay for your life when Tang Zhong killed Ogul and Wuji from our European Union?" Mo Luo said coldly.

Qinglong gritted his teeth angrily: "You European Union, this is too much!"

Now they are really isolated and helpless, after all, this is the European Union, they came here to save Xia Yuqing originally, there is not much at all.

"Excessive, on our territory, there is nothing excessive but not excessive!" Moore said.

"Not surprisingly, warships coming from the English Channel should have surrounded your waterways, and various armored vehicles have also blocked your land routes, as well as various fighter jets, which will make it difficult for you to fly!"

"Of course, in the face of a powerhouse like No. [-] on the black list, our EU is very likely to use nuclear weapons..."

As soon as the word "nuclear weapon" was uttered, all the people present were shocked. It was actually nuclear weapon. However, in the face of a strong man like Tang Zhong, the number one in the black list, I am afraid that this is the only move that can definitely kill the opponent.

"You..." Qinglong gritted his teeth angrily.

Just about to get angry, Tang Zhong stopped him: "Let me do it!"

Qinglong, you stop talking, Tang Zhong walked forward and looked at Moore: "I just want to ask you a few things, just answer truthfully!"

Moore smiled: "As your last words before dying, yes!"

"First, when you sent troops from the European Union, did you know that it was a personal grudge between me and Ogul and the Jedi swordsman?"

"I know, black list, it's really hard for you people to calculate on a list that is useless at all!" Moore said.

"Then secondly, did you come here with permission from the EU's top management?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The people around didn't know why Tang Zhong asked such a question.

I saw Moore stunned for a moment, and then said: "You killed Ogul and the Jedi swordsman. They are from my European Union. If you don't kill them, you and your people can leave obediently, but Now, I am afraid that there is no other possibility except to save your lives!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong said, and immediately with the Tang Dao in his hand, he slashed out.

Across from Namor.

The sword glow flickered.

Moore was still smiling, but when he suddenly saw the blade approaching, he froze in place.

"What are you going to do..." But Moore's whole body was cut in half before he finished speaking.

"Of course I will kill you!" Tang Zhong said.

And the people around didn't think that Tang Zhong would kill people at all. You must know that it was Moore, that was a celebrity of the EU government, but he was killed now.

Orianna at the side thought that when Moore came, she would definitely avenge her grandfather, but unexpectedly, Moore was killed, and she said to Tang Zhong: "You killed my grandfather and Moore, you must go Out of the EU!"

"Then I can kill it!" Tang Zhong said with a smile: "Since we know that this is a personal grievance between me and the court, and the European Union intervenes, they violated the rules, it's very simple, let the rules die!"

I saw Tang Zhong suddenly holding the Tang Dao, and his blood power burst out instantly, bursting towards the huge trial house in front of him, and slashed down with the sword.

Lightning and flames surround it.

He cut it off suddenly and went straight to the ground.

There was a rumbling sound, and everywhere it went, everything exploded, and then saw the blade cut through the court.

The huge building collapsed in an instant.

There was a rumbling sound, and when it fell to the ground, the whole earth trembled.

At this moment, the ability users of the surrounding European Union became stupid and fled in all directions. This person is simply a demon king.

After destroying the court, Tang Zhong turned his head to look at Qinglong, Xia Yuqing, Li Linglong and others behind him, and said, "Follow me, follow me to kill a bloody road!"

Orianna trembled with anger. She didn't believe that the whole European Union could not cure such a guy, so she immediately took out the phone.

"Moore is dead, and my court has also been destroyed. This person is challenging our European Union. This person must not be allowed to leave here!"

"it is good!"

There was just a good word coming out of the phone.

Immediately afterwards, the entire European Union began to stir up.

From EU military bases.

Almost all the military power was poured out in an instant.

There are fighter jets in the sky, and formations have begun in various airspaces.

There are warships in the water, occupying major ports, while on land, there are tank troops to strengthen the search.

The EU's high-level officials ordered that the security who killed people must not be allowed to leave the EU, and they must pay for their lives.

Of course, a good name is a death penalty, and they knew that when Tang Zhong and Qinglong left the EU, it would be a fatal blow to them.

And after knowing this, the whole world became a sensation. In order to kill a person, the European Union really spent a lot of money. That guy, isn't he doomed!

In the dragon group, when all the members knew this, they all went berserk.

"Damn it, the EU is deceiving people too much!"

"Who will go with me to rescue Qinglong and Tang Zhong!"

"I'm going...I'm going too!"

The entire dragon group is almost empty.

(End of this chapter)

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