Chapter 946
At this moment, Tang Zhong was directly submerged with the lightning beam.

The people around already regarded Tang Zhong as a dead person.

Of course, more people regarded Tang Zhong as a fool, and insisted on fighting the electromagnetic gun, there must be something wrong with this person's head.

It must be so.

At this time, the entire European Union laughed.

Grand Duke Nok sat in the command room, watching the scene on the screen. In his opinion, Tang Zhong must be dead now.

The power of the electromagnetic gun cannot be resisted by one person at all.

Seeing this, the officer on the side laughed and said, "My lord, although I lost a Jedi swordsman and Ogul this time, it would be pretty good if I could kill Tang Zhong!"

"Yes, with such an exchange, our EU will not lose money!"

Grand Duke Nok was just smiling, without saying a word, and he was very happy in his heart.

On the entire black list forum, there were more sighs towards Tang Zhong.

Here, after Tang Zhong beheaded the Jedi swordsman and Ao Guer, no one doubted Tang Zhong's ability anymore.

And seeing the scene from Grant at this moment, they can only relate, Tang Zhong is a generation of heroes, but it is really stupid to do such things now, human beings are human after all, how can they be in harmony with modern times? What about weapons?

This move is really stupid.

Even the people in Huaxia became worried.

But at this moment, at the scene, one could see that Tang Zhong was still holding the Tang knife in his hand, and was still alive in the impacting lightning beam.

At this moment, the faces of Martin and the others turned ugly.

Didn't it mean that under the impact of the electromagnetic gun, it is impossible for anyone to survive?

How the hell does this guy do it?

"Hmph, no matter how much you hold on for a while, you'll still die!" Martin said coldly, and then shouted at the soldier controlling the electromagnetic gun, "Increase the firepower!"

The soldier directly pulled down all the brakes that controlled the launch of the electromagnetic gun.

I saw that the originally blue lightning beam turned golden yellow at this moment, stronger than before.

But Qinglong and the others clenched their fists for Tang Zhong.

But at this moment, in the beam of light, Tang Zhong gritted his teeth tightly, his skin was experiencing severe pain that was about to be torn apart, that feeling was really fatal.But he held back.

It was easy for him to kill all the people in the European Union, and lay down millions of corpses with one knife, but what's the use?Only by breaking through the hearts and minds of everyone in the European Union can people be frightened until they are frightened!
And he didn't just let people from the European Union watch. What he's doing now is preparing to let the whole world watch.

Let the whole world see what a Chinese person is!

"Ah..." Tang Zhong roared at this moment, intense pain gushed out of his throat in the form of a voice.

His pupils were bloodshot, and he was holding a Tang saber.

Under the electromagnetic fluctuations, the Tang knife is the Tang family's knife, but now, there are folds on the blade, which were violently shaken by the fluctuation.

But Tang Zhong was not convinced at all.

Under the powerful golden lightning fluctuations.

He carried it with his body abruptly.

There were several places on his body where the skin was broken, scars appeared, and blood gushed out.

But now Tang Zhong refused to admit defeat at all, because once he backed down, he would really lose.

Isn't it just an electromagnetic gun?
How could a man fall down!
Let the golden lightning strike.

Tang Zhong just stood there.

At this moment, Martin looked dumbfounded, and his voice stuttered.

" is this possible? Obviously this is all the power? Why, he is not dead yet!"

And the cup of red wine in Grand Duke Nok's hand was held tightly in his hand. He was clear about the power of the electromagnetic cannon. Obviously, if all the power was released, that guy would die immediately, but now, he is still standing still. over there?
At this moment, everyone in the EU is speechless.

Anyone who could see that Tang Zhong was still alive in the beam of thunder and lightning couldn't bear to call a lunatic in their hearts, but they couldn't help but be shocked.

The Philippines and Russia used to have hatred with Tang Zhong, but after seeing this scene, the prime minister could only wave his hand and issued an order. All the previous hatred with Tang Zhong was put to rest and will never be brought up again.

Because if this person dies today, he will be famous all over the world!

And if he can survive, he will surely shock the whole world. In this world, another evildoer has survived!

Moreover, there are signs of life soon.

At this moment, Tang Zhong, who was in the beam of thunder and lightning, was already covered with blood, and his skin was bloody.

Huge pressure squeezed his body, but now he has to hold back.

Not only have to hold back, but also break the cannon.

At this moment, Tang Zhong roared again.



At this moment, Martin was completely panicked. He saw Tang Zhong being irradiated under the beam of lightning for so long, but he is still alive now. You know, when he tested the power of this electromagnetic gun, he just A very small cannon directly irradiated an elephant completely, but now, this person is still alive.

"Quick... Hurry up and increase the firepower!" Martin roared,
The soldier's helpless voice came from inside the electromagnetic gun: "General, there is no other way!"

"I don't believe it, I'm coming!" Martin cursed, and went directly into the ceremony of controlling the electromagnetic gun, and took down all the gates.

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you, I don't believe it!"

At this moment, Martin has become crazy, but it is of no use at all.

Looking outside again, Tang Zhong in the lightning beam was actually more fierce than before.

At this moment, he started to move again, walking forward step by step under the radiation of the lightning beam.

Xia Yuqing and the others couldn't stop their shock, but they were even more worried about Tang Zhong.

Seeing this moment, Martin panicked even more.

Of course, he is not the only one who is flustered, but also the top management of the entire European Union, and the whole world!

But no one has ever been able to survive under such a strong beam of light, that is simply not human!

Such a powerful ability user!
At this moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

Because Tang Zhong, who was in the middle of the thunder and lightning beam, actually raised the Tang Dao with the curling blade, enduring blood and severe pain all over his body, jumped up, stiffly carried the lightning beam, and slashed forward with a knife, roaring One sound.


A bright sword glow appeared.

Snatching away, the powerful electromagnetic cannon facing him was beheaded.

The blade flashed like light.

With a click, the electromagnetic cannon was split in half by Tang Zhong.


It exploded immediately, and the flames shot into the sky instantly.

And it wasn't just the electromagnetic gun that exploded, but also the wine glass in the hands of Grand Duke Nock, and the hearts of thousands of people in the European Union.

At this moment, they looked at the Huaxia man covered in blood and were in awe!
(End of this chapter)

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