Chapter 974 Deception! (one more)
Soon, on top of a stretched Rolls-Royce.

The blood disciple looked at Tang Zhong in black beside him, his whole body was trembling, looking at the people next to him, he didn't know what to say, but he could only smile.

"Leader, why are you free to come to M Lijian?"

Mafia members like blood disciples don't know Tang Zhong's true identity at all, and his current cognition still stays at the soldier king a long time ago, Zhanlong Troop, code-named leader.

"Find a place where no one is around!" Tang Zhong said.


The blood disciple immediately asked the driver to drive to a bathing center.

The shop is run by a bloodthirsty.

When all the people saw that the blood disciple walked in with a young man, they were stunned and pointed at each other.

"It's closed today!" The blood disciple drove the customers outside.

Soon, there were not many people in the entire bathing center.

Only then did the blood disciple look at Tang Zhong with a smile on his face, and said, "Leader, I don't know why you came to find the little one this time?"

When the Mafia was doing business in Huaxia, it was driven out by Tang Zhong. If Tang Zhong hadn't been merciful, the current blood disciple would have died long ago.

"I need you to find someone!" Tang Zhong said.

"Who is it? Don't worry, as long as it is a person, I will definitely find it!" The blood disciple patted his chest and said.

"I'm looking for Jiger!" Tang Zhong said.


When the blood disciple heard this name, he was taken aback for a moment, how could this name be so familiar!

"Who is this Jiger?"

"M Lijian's general Jige, I need his current location, the exact location!" Tang Zhong said.

Bloody's legs suddenly became weak. He is the boss of the mafia, but when facing these people, he dare not even fart. You know, that is the strongest general Jiger!

"No... I don't know what you are looking for Jiger for?"

"Kill him..." Tang Zhong said.

The bloody man sat down on the ground in fright, his head was covered with cold sweat.

As a member of M Lijian, he knows what kind of person Giger is. If killing Jiger, isn't that equal to challenging M Lijian?
"I really... really want to kill Jiger!" The bloody man swallowed deeply.

"You just need to activate your ability and help me find this person!" Tang Zhong said.

"This... this, yes!" the blood disciple said.

He didn't have any feelings for M Lijian. He had no feelings for any country when he walked on their road. To them, there was only desire.

"However, it is really too difficult to kill Jiger!" the blood disciple said.

"Just look for it!" Tang nodded his head.

The bloody man didn't speak, but took out his mobile phone directly.

Start making calls.

The mafia can be said to spread all over M Lijian, and other countries also have their own rudders. To put it bluntly, there will be mafia gangsters in all countries, large and small. This is a huge network of relationships. After all, the mafia The party often assassinates various important missions. Of course, this kind of relationship exists in other countries, but China does not.

Those who were beaten by Tang Zhong did not dare to come to China.

After a while, the blood disciple hung up the phone, but when he hung up, he made a small movement and moved his eyebrows.

"Leader, I have asked my brothers to investigate Jiger's whereabouts. As long as there is news about Jiger, the brothers will definitely bring news!" The blood disciple said with a smile.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, this time he just closed his eyes and lay on the spot.

Seeing that Tang Zhong closed his eyes, the blood disciple looked at his mobile phone schemingly, as if he was waiting for something!
"Longtou, why don't I call you some girls!" The blood disciple said with a smile, "Don't worry, the girls on my side are all pure foreign girls, and their work is very good. Come and try it!"

"Blood disciple, I think, you should know my temper!" Tang Zhong said.

Hearing this, the blood disciple was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course I know!"

"I don't like being cheated the most..." Tang Zhong continued, and when he spoke, he opened his eyes.

Hearing this, the blood disciple's expression turned pale.

"Of course I know, Dragon Head!"

"When you were in China, you said that you would never enter China. I believed you and let you live. You did not enter China. I admire you very much, but if you break the love I have for you in my heart Don't blame me for being rude!" Tang Zhong said, looking at the blood disciple.

"Yes... yes, dragon head!" the blood disciple said.

The surroundings were silent.

Tang Zhong closed his eyes again.

The blood disciple standing next to him was trembling all over, and his palms holding the phone were covered with sweat. He didn't know if what he had done was correct.

"Damn it, don't worry about it, just do it, just wait!"

If you can see the screen of the bloody man's phone, you will find that it is a message.

A message to the police!

Not half an hour later.

The entrance of the entire bathing center was buzzing, and more than [-] police cars stopped.

M Lijian was talking about supervision.

From the car, a fat inspector got off with a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Do it, there is a dangerous person inside, everyone pay attention!"

Immediately afterwards, dozens of policemen got out of the car and surrounded the entire bathing center.

Then all the policemen arrived at the door and kicked the door open.

There was no one in the lobby.

The Bloody had already let everyone go before.

So, the police arrived inside without any obstruction.

It directly surrounded the blood disciples and Tang Zhong inside.

When the blood disciple saw the police coming, a smile appeared on his whole face.

"Haha, it's great that the police are finally here!"

The fat policeman who was leading before collapsed in one step, holding a pistol in his hand, pointing the gun at Tang Zhong and the blood gangster.

"You are surrounded, surrender now!"

The bloody man looked at each other, and said quickly: "It's me, Chief Luke, I'm the bloody man, the one who tipped you off!"

"Come here!" The obese policeman waved the muzzle of his gun and said to the blood disciple.

The bloody man quickly ran to the side of the police and looked at Tang Zhong triumphantly. Although he was the boss of the mafia and could cover the sky with one hand, he couldn't beat Tang Zhong at all, and neither could his team. Now he knew that Tang Zhong had to kill Giger, might as well let the government handle it.

At this moment, Tang Zhong didn't want to pay attention to the people around him at all, but sat still, and said after a long time: "I originally thought about killing Jige in a low-key manner, and didn't think about anything else, but I changed my mind now gone."

Then he looked at the blood disciple again, and said, "As I said just now, I don't like cheating the most!"

The bloodthirsty is backed by the police, and he is not afraid of Tang Zhong: "So what if you don't like it, you are just a little soldier king, and you want to assassinate General Jiger, what are you? Remember, what will I see you do this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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