Chapter 977 A sensation in the whole country! (four more)

At this moment, Jiger's pupils lit up.

"Immediately arrest this person nationwide, but when you find this person, you must not act rashly!" Jiger ordered.

Tang Zhong is a supreme martial artist, he knows all of this!

There are very few people in M ​​Lijian who can fight Tang Zhong.

But Tang Zhong dared to come here, Ji Ge was not prepared to let him go.

The officer responded, turned around and left quickly.

Giger was left alone in the office, his eyes were contemplative.

"Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong, if you can use the life plan on your body, I'm afraid you will be a sensational war god in the world. If it's not for the life plan, it can't be leaked, otherwise I really want to do it myself. However, you M Lijian came alone, then I can play with you slowly, it seems that you know that I killed Peng Yuan, but I can kill the old guy, but can't I kill you?"

The wily and calculating people have never been afraid of those so-called capable people.

For a while, Tang Zhong almost became M Lijian's public enemy.

And M Lijian started to arrest Tang Zhong all over the country.

All major news and newspapers are all about Tang Zhong being wanted!

The police all over the country are ready to intercept and kill Tang Zhong.

But they were all counter-killed by Tang Zhong.

In just a few days.

Dozens of police cars have been destroyed by Tang Zhong.

The entire M Lijian society is in chaos.

Everyone mourned.

Jiger is watching the news about Tang Zhong every day, and he also knows that Tang Zhong did this to force him out of Jiger, but he just won't go out.

And Giger is happy.

Because of the research center’s research on the life plan, there have been new developments.

And the real life plan is about to come true!
Thinking of this, Jiger was very excited. When he waited for the life plan, his first experimenter would be Tang Zhong.

As for Tang Zhong, Jiger continued to send troops to put pressure on him!

Jiger can command the entire military power of M Lijian, and what Tang Zhong has done now is quite beneficial to him. He had no way to make the entire high-level accept the life plan, but now, he has a way . ! "

Finally, boom.

The tank units set off.

But under Tang Zhong's hands, his fist was strong enough to shatter steel, forcibly snapping off the tank's barrel.

Dozens of tanks were all destroyed by Tang Zhongtong, and they were directly paralyzed with fire and smoke on the street.

Tanks can't.

Plus the helicopter.

On the street, there were patrolling helicopters everywhere, and they started chasing Tang Zhong, but Tang Zhong held all of them with steel bars, and shot them down from the air like dart guns.

Then it crashed into high-rise buildings, the very fast-rotating wings cut the high-rise buildings, sparks were everywhere, and finally as the nose of the plane crashed, with a bang, the plane was directly smashed into slag, and the glass curtain walls of those high-rise buildings were all burst open.

There are also some planes that directly plunge into the ground, blowing out a big hole in the ground, and the entire road is broken because of this.
The entire street was completely panicked, and there were fleeing people everywhere.

After finishing everything, Tang Zhong continued to move forward. He believed that Jiger must have known his existence, but he didn't come out now, so Tang Zhong waited for Jiger to come out.

And with the helicopter, it can't cause any harm to Tang Zhong.

Finally, M Lijian's top management was alarmed.

In the San Francisco military base.

There is a meeting going on right now.

On the huge oval table, surrounded by a large group of people, there are people of all skin types, some with white skin and eyes, and some bald-headed black men. They are wearing military uniforms, and they are the top military officials of the entire M Lijian.

They were representatives from every state, Giger was among them.

At this moment, there are intense discussions.

"For this Tang Zhong, he is a dangerous person, and he must be subdued by strong means!"

"But the helicopters and tanks we sent were all destroyed. That person is like a superhuman, and there is no way to fight against him!"

"This person must be killed to challenge our majesty, and he must not be allowed to leave!"

People in military uniforms are all making plans now.

The leader was a white-haired old man with white eyes. He held a document in his hand, glanced at the people in front of him, and said, "What I want to hear now is not your complaints, I want to hear your complaints now." What you want is a plan, a countermeasure to face the current situation, whoever of you has a good plan, you can talk about it now!"

Soon, no one spoke in the audience, and the people who spoke very loudly before were all dumb now.

The white-haired old man was the commander-in-chief, and his name was Shelkin. At this moment, he squinted his eyes and saw that no one was talking, so he couldn't help but let out a soft sip.

Still no one speaks.

Jiger, who was in the crowd, saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"I have a way!" Jiger stood up and said.

At this moment, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience. No one thought that Giger would stand up and speak now.

"Say!" Shelkin waved his hand.

Everyone else looked at Giger, too.

Jiger smiled and said under the eyes of everyone: "Returning to General Sherkin, that Chinese man's name is Tang Zhong, and he is a Chinese capable person. If you want to fight against him, you must use the strongest military force!"

"Just tell me your solution!" Shelkin said.

"Lead that guy into the sea and align for nuclear bombing!" Jiger said.

Nuclear bombing, as soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone in the audience changed slightly.

That is the most powerful military means in the world.

Even Shelkin.

"Jiger, using nuclear weapons like this, isn't it a trivial matter?"

"That is, there is only one person. We only have one nuclear weapon. To bomb and kill one person, and the damage caused by the nuclear weapon is very powerful. Our M Lijian will also be frustrated by this!"

Immediately someone stopped him. ,
"Then do you have any other solutions? The European Union's electromagnetic guns were all blocked by his body. Do you think nuclear weapons have a slight chance of winning." Giger said coldly,

No one around spoke alone.

There is really no way.

Shelkin thought for a while, and said: "Just follow what General Jiger said, prepare for nuclear weapons, and adjourn the meeting!"

Shelkin is the coach of M Lijian, and his words represent the highest order of the military.

None of the generals around are talking anymore, and now the meeting is adjourned,
When Jiger saw this, a smile appeared on his face. Tang Zhong really cooperated with him more and more. I really hope that Tang Zhong can beat the M army to pieces, or that the M army can smash Tang Zhong into pieces.

Therefore, from the major military bases of M Lijian, several warships wandered out from the base, carrying nuclear weapons, and set out to destroy Tang Zhong.
(End of this chapter)

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