Chapter 980 Killing chickens to scare monkeys! (four more)
On a battleship heading to the waters off Hawaii, there is now a very huge nuclear weapon.

It was this time that M Lijian used it to kill Tang Zhong!
Placed on the deck, no one except professionals would dare to approach it. After all, it is a nuclear weapon!

Nuclear weapons are terrible to say, but it is unreliable to say that they will destroy the earth.

Just this kind of weapon is enough to destroy human beings.

Around the nuclear weapon, professionals checked the ammunition capacity contained in it, which contained 10 tons of chemical compounds, and the effective killing range was about 3000 meters!
To put it bluntly, it is absolutely easy to wipe out the Hawaiian waters.

The leading general, standing in the distance, looked at the sea ahead with a telescope, then waved his hand to signal the ship to stop.

The huge battleship finally stopped.

The general looked forward again, and he could see that the flames were burning wildly on the Hawaiian island in front of him.

You can see a Chinese man standing in the middle of the flames!

It was Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong has been on the island all the time. He thinks that he has stated his purpose, which is to find Jige. If there is no accident, M Lijian should know what to do!
But now, he saw a huge battleship ahead.

"It seems that these M countrymen really don't have a long memory!"

Tang Zhong held the Ten Dao Yanlong Soldier tightly, although it was not a real entity, it was just a phantom.

"In this case, then, let's continue to destroy!"

To be honest, M Lijian is a powerful country!
A strong country is majestic.

After discovering such a powerful existence as Tang Zhong, how could it be possible for Tang Zhong to continue to live?He must have tried his best to kill him, and it was impossible to let him go.

On the battleship, the leading general took out his phone.

It was for Shelkin.

"General Shelkin, we have arrived in the waters of Hawaii, please arrange for the general!"

Shelkin, who has been at the headquarters, has been waiting for a call.

He could see what was going on in Hawaii on satellite TV.

Through closing his eyes, he saw Tang Zhong in the flames, with a cold smile on his face.

"Very well, well done!" Shelkin said on the phone.

"So general, what should we do next?" The general on the battleship continued to ask for instructions.

"It's very simple, kill that guy!" Shelkin ordered.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately said: "Wait!"

"Any other instructions? General!"

Shelkin narrowed his eyes: "I need to have a call with that Tang Zhong, otherwise, he won't even know how he died!"

"Yes, General!"

You can see it on the battleship.

As the soldiers took out a huge projector.

I saw a huge figure with the upper body of Shelkin appearing above the warship, occupying half of the air.

This is telephony technology.

Tang Zhong in the distance happened to see Shelkin.

The two looked at each other.

"Tang Zhong..." the huge Shelkin projection said.

"Are you the so-called General Shelkin?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes, it's me, bold Chinese, you're going to die soon!" General Shelkin said coldly.

"Oh, and then?" Tang Zhong said disapprovingly.

Sherkin never thought that Tang Zhong would speak like this, and he sneered even more: "I remember, you were the one who defeated Yan Chihuo, I was thinking, after we kill you, Huaxia's power will be infinitely weakened, when the time comes , our M Lijian is a real big country!"

"Oh!" Tang Zhong responded casually.

Originally, this was a scene of Xie Erjin demonstrating against Tang Zhong, but he did not expect that it would be so lightly dismissed by Tang Zhong.

This annoyed Shelkin very much, and he never expected such a scene.

"I prepared a [-]-ton nuclear weapon to bomb you. When you hear this, don't your legs tremble from fright?"

"Oh, it's only [-] tons!" Tang Zhong said.

Just... After the word appeared, Shelkin's face couldn't help twitching. This is a [-]-ton nuclear weapon. If it explodes, the entire Hawaiian island may be buried with it. Now the person they are going to bomb said such words.

This makes Shelkin and the others think about it!

"It's a good one, it's okay, the Chinese people are really courageous, if this is the case, then I will see, what will be left of you under the nuclear weapon?" said the huge Xie Erjin Guangying.

Immediately, the huge Sheerkin light and shadow in the air began to slowly dissipate.

Shelkin, who was in the command room, was probably already so angry that he was about to explode. He clenched his fists and said, "You brat who doesn't know how to live or die!"

The officer next to him saw how angry the chief was, so he said quietly: "General, under nuclear weapons, the Chinese people will die. He said that no amount of talk is useless, but it is not easy to use nuclear weapons once. How about this? Let the whole world watch what happened in the Hawaiian waters, so that not only China, but also the whole world can be shocked, let them see how powerful we M Lijian are!"

He was Shelkin's adviser.

When Shelkin heard this, he looked suddenly enlightened, and it was indeed the case, and immediately laughed: "Okay, broadcast immediately, let the whole world see the power of nuclear weapons, let the whole world open their eyes to see if I am Sheerkin. who!"

Xie Erjin is the commander in chief of M Lijian who stopped and killed Tang Zhong this time, and his subordinates have great power.

Soon, M Lijian, there are also many military satellites, which can take pictures of Hawaii. Although it is not particularly clear, it can overlook the general situation.

Then the picture was quickly spread throughout M Lijian on all screens that could play the picture.

Because what Tang Zhong did before has already attracted great attention in the M Lijian society, but now, the higher-ups broadcast this scene, and every M Lijian person knows what's going on?
"Damn criminal, now finally caught!"

"Great, execute quickly!"

It has to be said that the current Tang Zhong has become a nightmare for the entire M Liqiang.

The current M Lijian people wish Tang Zhong could die immediately.

But it is not Shelkin's goal to let people in M ​​Lijian see it. He also wants to let people in other countries see the power of nuclear weapons!
Of course, it is impossible for everyone in other countries to see it. He just needs to let the people who should see it see it.

The Huaxia Dragon Group, the Russian War Bear, and the Shadow of England, and so on a series of obstacles.

In the dragon group, there was another sensation. Unexpectedly, Zhang Changgong and others were anxious to use the nuclear weapon to deal with Tang Zhong this time, but they had no way to enter M Lijian now, and even if they went now, it would be useless.

And other organizations, knowing what Sherkin told them to see, couldn't help but turn ugly. It turned out to be nuclear weapons, and nuclear weapons have not been born for many years!
But today, something happened.

A nuclear bombing, the entire island of Hawaii will be bombed into slag.

Of course they know who they are going to kill this time, China's No. [-] Tang Zhong, it seems that M Lijian is playing for real this time, he would rather abandon Hawaii, a very good island, and prepare to kill Tang Zhong Lose.

Of course, everyone also understands that this time M Lijian let them watch this, he is simply killing chickens and respecting monkeys!

And on the side of M Lijian.

Jiger is also watching this execution. In this war, whether it is the loss of M Lijian or the death of Tang Zhong, he is the beneficiary.

"Let's fight, fight, haha!" Giger laughed.

At the headquarters, Shelkin had already confirmed that the whole world knew that he used nuclear bombs to bomb, and immediately sneered and ordered: "Launch nuclear weapons!"

(End of this chapter)

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