Chapter 985 Conspiracy! (one more)
Jiger got out of the car slowly, with a cold smile on his face, and at the same time he got off, and there were two people wearing black cloaks.

When Tang Zhong saw Jiger, he recognized it at a glance, and when his eyes fell on the two men in black cloaks, his brows could not help frowning. From these two men, he felt a wave of familiar smell.

But at this moment, a large group of MPs in M ​​Lijian heard Jiger's voice, and they recognized it immediately.

"Jig, that person is Jiger!"

A large group of councilors have already been frightened by Tang Zhong's decisiveness. If Tang Zhong can let them go if Jiger takes action, then they are absolutely willing.

"Jiger, come here!" The congressmen shouted at Jiger.

Jiger smiled and led the people forward slowly. Looking at the congressmen in front of him, he grinned: "I kept the congressmen waiting for a long time!"

When facing Jiger, the congressmen were not afraid at all.

"Jiger, what the hell have you done?" The congressmen yelled at Jiger.

Jiger still looked so natural, facing the questioning of the members, he smiled and said: "Several members, why are you so angry?"

"For M Lijian, you sacrifice your own!" one of the councilors said.

"Of course, M Lijian is mine, and I should cherish it, but I don't think I should sacrifice myself!" Jiger said with a smile.

The congressman's face suddenly turned ugly: "For the sake of the country, you are not willing to sacrifice yourself... Jiger, have you forgotten that the M Lijian Empire is your mother?"

The next second, the congressman's face turned red. At some point, a dagger was inserted into his chest, and he fell to the ground with a thump, with blood gushing from the wound.

The surrounding MPs were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe what they saw.

"Jig, if you dare to kill the councilor, the empire will not let you go!"

"You guys are so annoying!" Jiger said impatiently, and then waved his hand.

I saw a person wearing a black cloak coming out behind him, and took off the cloak. It was a strong man with long hair and skin like a clown on his face. He walked towards other members of parliament.

The congressmen trembled in fear, and shouted at the strong man who came over: "What do you want to do, if you dare to attack me, the laws of the empire will punish you!"

"Bastard, don't come here!"

"We have guns!"

A congressman directly took out a pistol and pointed it at the long-haired clown.

But the strong man didn't care at all and walked straight forward.

With a bang, the MP fired.

I saw the bullet hit the strong man's face directly.

But the brawny man seemed like nothing happened, there was just a big hole on his face, and there was nothing else, but the frightening thing was that there seemed to be no blood in the brawny man's body, it looked like the flesh of a plant Same.

I saw him touching his face, the flesh and blood there recovered quickly in the shortest possible time.

When a large group of congressmen saw this scene, they were so scared that they peed again.


Even Tang Zhong frowned slightly, looking at the long-haired strong man in front of him, he seemed to be not a person, but a vegetable, with no flesh and blood in his body, only grass.

At this time, the congressman with the gun was sweating from his brow in fright, and he pulled the trigger again, making a few bumps.

Several gun holes appeared on the long-haired strong man.

But soon the hole was back to normal.

A group of councilors started to run away in fright, but the long-haired strong man actually took off his black gloves, and with a roar, his hands began to deform, turning into something like The plant that looked like a blade suddenly slashed forward, forcibly tearing a congressman in half.

Blood was splashed all over the person next to him.

But before the other councilors could react, the long-haired strong man began to spin like a spinning top.

Those congressmen who were about to flee all fell to the ground in response, and the entire White House was sprayed with blood.

It took a long time for the strong man to stop, but all the councilors were dead.

Tang Zhong frowned when he saw this, it was simply a humanoid plant!

Then Jiger looked at Tang Zhong, with the expression on his face, and sneered: "Tang Zhong, we meet again!"

"Yes!" Tang nodded.

"I don't know what you want to do when we meet this time? Kill me?" Jiger said with a smile, as if he didn't take Tang Zhong seriously at all.

"Old General Peng Yuan was killed by you!" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"Peng Yuan, of course I killed it, no problem!" Jiger said with a smile: "When the old guy died, it was really miserable like that!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly: "I swear you will die very ugly!"

"Oh, haven't you been looking for me all the time? Now that I'm here, do you have anything to say?" Jiger said with a smile.

Tang Zhong didn't want to talk any more, he held ten Yanlong soldiers and prepared to go forward.

But at this time, the voice of ten Yanlong soldiers came: "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhong stopped.

"He has the aura of the Stone of Eternal Life!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Stone of Immortality.

One of the two currently absent stones among the eight stones.

"You mean, the Stone of Eternal Life has a lot to do with their becoming what they are now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong looked at Jiger in front of him, but didn't directly make a move.

Seeing that Tang Zhong didn't speak, Jiger laughed wildly and said: "Why are you so scared? Don't think that I will be afraid because you are the number one in China. In fact, I still thank you very much. For doing So many things happened, I got rid of M Lijian who I don't know how to solve, hahaha!"

In Jiger's plan, the day when the life plan is successful is when he seizes the M Lijian regime, and it is also the beginning of capturing the entire world.

When the life plan was about to be completed, Giger was still having a headache, how to seize power.

But now Tang Zhong helped him a lot.

How could he not thank Tang Zhong.

But at this moment, Jiger looked Tang Zhong up and down and said: "Tang Zhong, I know you are so strong that you can tremble directly, how about this, let's cooperate, as long as you are my subordinate, in the future, the whole world will be you and me Yes, how is it?"

"It sounds really tempting!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Yes, it's right if you have temptation and temptation. You can follow me. As for you serving for Huaxia before, think about it, how powerful you are with your ability, how can that small place restrain you Well, so it is right for us to do it together, how about it? Come with me!" Jiger said with a smile.

"Oh, this is really attractive!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Then don't think about it!" Jiger said.

"But I don't like to be with trash the most, so..." Tang Zhong laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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