Chapter 992 Domain Change! (two more)
Seeing that Jiger, who was controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life, got scared from the ground, the blood hole in his chest caused by Tang Zhong was slowly recovering at this time.

That is the power of the Stone of Immortality, which can heal the wounds received and thus restore them all.

His gaze also changed from the previous disdain to the current fanaticism.

"I'm going to get serious." I saw the Stone of Eternal Life stand up and face Tang Zhong.

The bleeding scar on the chest until the end all healed.

"No matter how serious you are, I'm still your master." Tang Zhong clenched his fists and said.

"What I want is your strength, not your wit. It is undeniable that wisdom is fine, but don't forget, strength determines everything." At this moment, Jiger, controlled by the Stone of Immortality, moved again up.

At this moment, the aura on his body suddenly became violent, as if it was going to swallow Tang Zhong.

The wind suddenly blew up.

The dense fog released by Tang Zhong was blown away directly.

The whole person rushed out, and at that moment, it was as terrifying as a demon god descending into the world.

Tang Zhong's eyes narrowed again!
At the same time, Jiger, controlled by the Stone of Immortality, rushed out at a speed that was like lightning.

The six fists rushed out together, and the arms looked like monsters.

This time, Tang Zhong didn't have any room to resist at all, he was directly sent flying, and landed hard on the ground.

Just landed on the ground.

The Stone of Eternal Life suddenly jumped up and struck Tang Zhong again, and then landed directly on Tang Zhong's chest when he fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out of Tang Zhong's mouth with a bang.

The whole earth was cracked and dust was flying.

After Jiger controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life became serious, the current Tang Zhong was not an opponent at all.

At the same time, the Stone of Eternal Life stretched out his hand directly, and one by one, the tentacles directly penetrated Tang Zhong's chest.

Then it stirred wildly.

The flesh and blood inside began to blur.

It looked extremely miserable.

"You are too weak!"

Jiger controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life punched Tang Zhong away, and Jiger controlled by the Stone of Immortality laughed wildly: "You still want to be my master like this?"

At this moment, Tang Zhong fell into the pit in the ground, his face pale.

The power of the Stone of Immortality is as powerful as the sky.

Seeing this, Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers immediately shouted: "Tang Zhong...are you alright!"

Tang Zhong fell in a pool of blood, his whole face was covered with blood, and he remained motionless.

"Shi Dao, I used all my fists just now, and he can't stop it at all!" The Stone of Eternal Life laughed loudly: "Although you and I have a mission, it is impossible for such a person to complete the mission, so It would be better to die early!"

Hearing this, the Shidaoyan dragon soldiers remembered their mission again. Yes, their mission is really too difficult. If Tang Zhong wants to inherit the mission, he must pass the test of these few stones. No, perhaps, Tang Zhong is really not the one who can take over the mission!
"I know!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Ten Dao, in this world, it is impossible to have such a person who can inherit the mission, so there is no need to look for it, it is really a waste of time, the Chinese people are getting worse and worse!" the Stone of Immortality said. road.

"The emperor a long time ago seemed like a person who could inherit the mission, but he couldn't even get the first few stones. Since then, I have met too many people, and no one can inherit the master's will !"

Shi Daoyan Dragon Soldier remained silent, but looked at Tang Zhong who fell to the ground: "But, this man is the strongest man I have ever seen in such a long time, he found four stones, eternal life, you Have you ever seen such a powerful person?"

"But what if I am powerful and cannot be recognized by my stone of eternal life?" said the stone of eternal life.

"But I don't know why, I always think this guy can do it!" Shidao Yanlong Bing murmured, "Maybe he can still wake up."

"Impossible, I punched him just now, without holding back any hands, and directly attacked his life gate, and his body has been beaten down!" The Stone of Immortality waved his hand and said: "We have no choice but to wait That guy appears and destroys the whole world!"

But at this time, Tang Zhong in the underground pit completely fell into a coma.

Although his body is asleep, his spirit is still alive.

He has been thinking about what mission and what kind of mission those stones carry!
But he couldn't figure it out at all. Now Tang Zhong was lying on the ground, wanting to move all the time, but he found that he couldn't move at all, his body seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and he lost his intuition.

The severe pain in the body kept coming, as if the body was torn apart, but after the pain, I lost my intuition.

"No...I don't want to die!"

Tang Zhong kept shouting in his heart.

Think of all kinds of things.

There is another person lying in the cold Kunlun hanging coffin, waiting for her to rescue.

So he can't die.

And even if he dies, he will die with Wei Wei, what is death here?
Can't die!
The only thought left in his heart now exploded with power.

Absolutely not to die.

It doesn't mean that when a person is trying his best to do something, what he thinks will generally succeed. What Tang Zhong thinks about now is to survive.

Can't die!
Tang Zhong's will burned violently.

In his body, the blood also burned violently along with what he was thinking, like a raging flame swept across the surroundings.

The stone in his spine, which had been dimmed, started to shine now, as if it had a life.

Now Tang Zhong just wants to live!

"Live, live!"

Tang Zhong kept talking in his heart.

The blood that was almost submerged in it now began to move, and then flowed in the blood vessels.

And the four stones in his body, at this time, became even brighter.

Believe it or not, when a person really wants to live, he can really live!
Tang Zhong felt that he was always in the dark, and he couldn't see the end in front of him, it was like an abyss.

He didn't know where to go.

But suddenly, a golden light appeared in front of him.

It was a series of golden symbols, and they were flying in the air.

Then finally formed a piece of text, if you look carefully, you will find that that piece of text has a name, and that name is called Void Transformation!

Dragon Soul Nine Changes technique, the first three changes are the blood change, the soul change, and the void change. Tang Zhong has learned the first two changes, and now it is the third change.

(End of this chapter)

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