Chapter 998 The World Has Changed! (one more)
Is this the feeling of Martial Dao Supreme?
Tang Zhong, with golden light shining in his pupils, looked at his hands and was shocked by the strength, which was much stronger than him before.

Even if he blasts the sky and the ground with his fists now, he can do it!

Then he suddenly stepped into the air and punched the huge mountain in front of him.

I saw a huge fist of light and shadow falling on the mountain all at once.

With a bang, when the fist landed on the entire mountain, it was directly shattered by the fist, and gravel flew everywhere!

How ferocious is this kind of power!
But Tang Zhong didn't think it was a good thing to have such power, because the Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing had said a lot before, and he believed what the Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing said, that the eight stones were to suppress the balance of the world, and now all the stones have entered In his body, the balance will definitely be broken!
Everything is suppressed by the law of balance. It is hard to imagine what will happen when the balance is broken?
But if you stay here, you don't know anything!
This is M Lijian, let's go back to Huaxia first.

As for what happened to M Lijian, it has nothing to do with him. Now that Giger is dead, he has avenged the old general Peng Yuan!
But when he came to the HSD city, Tang Zhong was almost dumbfounded.

The HSD urban area seems to have just experienced a major earthquake.

There are collapsed buildings and wailing humans everywhere.

"This...what the hell is going on?" Tang Zhong looked around in disbelief!

HSD is in North America, the land is unprecedentedly stable, how could there be earthquakes?

And now that M Lijian's councilors are all dead, this is what the whole society should report for, but Tang Zhong looked at the glass curtain wall in front of him, but found that most of the people who reported for registration are the world is experiencing a huge disaster!
Looking over, I found that these disasters came from all over the country.

Tang Zhong looked over and was shocked. He knew why such a scene happened.

Sure enough, with the disappearance of those few stones, the balance of this world was broken.

In the future, it will really be like Shi Daoyan Longbing said, it will be turned into ruins, and the earth will perish because of it!
"No!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists.

This is absolutely impossible, his family members are still here, if this place is destroyed, doesn't that mean that their family members will also die, this is the last thing Tang Zhong wants to see.

Absolutely not!

At this moment, Tang Zhong realized how heavy the burden on him was.

Just like what is written in martial arts novels, what he carries on his back is all the common people in the world!

I don't know what Huaxia is like now!
Let's go back to Huaxia first, but all of a sudden!
It can be said that the whole world is now experiencing disasters, and the earth's crust is collapsing. If you look down from above the earth, you will find that the earth's crust has begun to move.

After losing his balance, the whole world began to move.

And because of this disaster, no human being has expected it.

Human beings are bound by laws, but now that such a situation has occurred, and it is sweeping the entire world, people have to suspect that this is the end of the world. The end of the world is coming, and there is no law at all.

Burn snatches everywhere.

When there is no law to control people all over the world, then only fighting will come, and the original desire in human minds has been completely released now.

Killing, snatching, and rape!

It can be seen everywhere on the street.

Other countries are fine. Although they have suffered such a catastrophe, the people in power in the country still exist, and there are also organizations of capable people in the country. In the face of those evil people, they all choose to kill, and this is how the riots are quelled. down.

As for M Lijian, because of the destruction of the army, the entire country eventually became a chaotic city.

The whole world has really changed.

The Supreme National Federation also announced its dissolution.

In the face of such a disaster, no one can continue to unite.

And with the complete disbandment of the United Organization, the whole world has completely begun to be in chaos.

In the past, because of the constraints of peace, if you want to enter the territory of other countries, you may have some grievances, but now, the so-called territory is completely gone.

People who were suppressed in their own country chose to smuggle.

Therefore, at the borders of various countries, heavy troops have been sent to guard them, just to prevent people from other countries from invading!
Originally there were more than 200 countries in the world, but because of the arrival of the so-called end of the world, the world began to change.

More than 200 countries, those small countries, were directly destroyed, similar to the Vatican, in the face of such a disaster, there is no room for fighting back!
When there is no restraint, destruction is very fast.

More than 200 countries, more than half, have been directly invaded, small countries have been directly destroyed, and those resourceful leaders of medium-sized countries have now chosen to form alliances or follow the people of those big countries.

In just a few days, there are more than 50 countries left in the whole world.

Headed by China, Russia, the European Union, and M Lijian, Indonesia, and Egypt and other countries, these are the so-called big countries, and there are many countries that are united, even the name of the country has not yet been decided!
In short, the world is truly in chaos.

Huaxia Jianghai City.

As the tsunami continued to surge, more than half of the entire city was destroyed!

There are victims everywhere.

Under the disaster relief shelter built by the state, there are injured people everywhere. Doctors and nurses shuttle back and forth. Those injured have all kinds of injuries. They are watching the changes outside, and everyone is in a state of confusion. .

Especially those of the older generation, they never imagined that Jianghai City, which has lived for so many years, has turned into what it is now.

"A disaster...this is a natural disaster!"

"This is the sky that is going to destroy the earth!"


When almost everyone saw this disaster, they became disheartened. It was the first time for those old people who had lived for many years to see such a disaster!

"Compatriots, hold back, don't be defeated by disasters!" In the refugee camp, Wu Xiaoyu came in as a volunteer to spread positive energy for everyone.

Wu Xiaoyu, who was dressed as a nurse, looked exceptionally good-looking. A few years later, she was no longer the weak girl she was before, and she looked particularly charming.

After Jianghai suffered a disaster, she was the first to stand up and cheer for everyone.

There is also Feng Xiaoxiao, she is no longer the boss of the speeding party, but a teacher, her red hair has already been dyed black, and she wears glasses, but she still has the same figure before, now she is wearing a nurse uniform , looks even better.

And Lu Xingyue, the principal of No. [-] Middle School.

More importantly, the former No. [-] Middle School students, all of them have grown taller, and they also worked as volunteers in this refugee camp. Wei Suo and others have already gone to college, and after the country suffered such a disaster, they all stood up. , Share worries for the country!
With their protection, those who were injured were quickly bandaged up, and those who had suffered disasters began to feel more comfortable, thinking more about united efforts.

But what they don't know is that from the coastal waters, danger is constantly approaching!
(End of this chapter)

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