Chapter 125 How dare she borrow money from another man in front of him! !
Gu Cen had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, after Xia Wanxun over there handed over her mobile phone again to let the salesperson swipe it, there was a voice saying that the balance was insufficient on the money collection machine.

Insufficient balance?

Xia Wanxun heard it, and immediately frowned there: "Is it not enough? Let me see."

In fact, she didn't look carefully at how much money the cannon fodder female supporting role left for her, but she only remembered that it was more than 20. In the end, after she took it and took a look, it was true. After swiping the 20 just now, there was also There are only about [-] yuan left.

How could [-] yuan be enough for so many losses here?
Xia Wanxun's whole brows frowned, without thinking too much, she looked directly at the man wearing glasses standing next to her: "Lawyer Gu, do you have any money with you? Can you lend me some? I will soon I will pay you back."

Gu Cen: "..."

Almost instantly, he only heard the "snap" sound of the paper being closed on the right side, and the temperature of the surrounding air suddenly dropped to freezing point!
It was a murderous look, like a beast being provoked.

"Lawyer Gu?"


He clenched his fists there, and finally, he walked out there: "Yes, how much do you want?"

Sometimes, doing one thing on one's own will may really bring immeasurable danger and loss to oneself, but at this time, he really doesn't want to back down.

Because he knows that if he shrinks, he may lose the most precious thing in his life.

Sure enough, as soon as the woman saw him coming out, she immediately showed ecstasy there: "Really? That's really great, [-], you can lend me [-]."

She happily held out her hand to him.

When Gu Cen saw it, he was ready to take the wallet, but at this moment, on the right side of the two, an extremely cold voice threw it over faintly: "Mr. Gu, have you thought it through?"

Gu Cen: "..."

With just such a sentence, the hand that was about to reach into the pocket of his clothes froze there. His face was also in the air filled with murderous intent. After seeing the pair of eagle-like eyes on the right, White went down.

Those are terrible eyes!

Because, it is no longer a simple threat and warning, but like some kind of viewer that has already seen through his secrets, he stared at him with sneering eyes, as if mocking, is he sure he really wants to do that?

If he did, would he be able to bear the price?
Gu Cen trembled slightly, and almost instantly, he put down his hand, and his thin lips were straightened into a white straight line.

"Sorry, I just remembered that I didn't bring any cards with me today."

Xia Wanxun: "..."

Looking at him in astonishment, she couldn't believe that he said those words.

How is this possible?
She just didn't believe what he said just now. A grown man can be mistaken whether he has money or not?
So, is he afraid of this scumbag?

Xia Wanxun was extremely disappointed, turned her head angrily, and stared at the scumbag fiercely: "Lu Chengyan, what are you doing? Are you finished?"

That's right, this Shen Jingbing, she didn't bother with him just now, and now she's messing with him again?Does he really want to be beaten?

Xia Wan stared at this scumbag angrily!

However, what she never expected was that this man became extremely calm after seeing her angry...

(End of this chapter)

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