Chapter 144 What is this little white rabbit?

Therefore, this does not rule out that what Xia Anan said is true.

After all, this woman really loves that scumbag so badly, so it's normal for her to do some tricks in order to marry him.

Xia Wanxun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that he didn't know what it was like?
This woman will really surprise her!

So, I always thought that she was being married into the Lu family as a pawn, but she was thinking too much?On the contrary, she planned to marry this woman to that scumbag?
Xia Wanxun was in an extremely bad mood, especially when she thought that she had always regarded this woman as innocent.

After returning to the place where she lived, she kicked the door open, and the person entered with a livid face.

After that, it didn't come out for a long time.

Lu Chengyan received a call from Lin Jiandong that night.

"Hey, Mr. Lu, your wife is fine, but she actually went to the court to sue you. Didn't you say that she is a little white rabbit? But how I look at it, she looks like a little wild cat with its teeth and claws, tsk tsk tsk, it's amazing gone."

The man chuckled teasingly on the phone.

At that time, Lu Chengyan was processing an urgent document. Hearing this, his eyes narrowed slightly: "What lawsuit? Where did you get it?"

Lin Jiandong: "My old man, you forgot, I am the son of the head of the procuratorate, he saw in the filing department that this indictment belongs to you, so he told me."

Lu Chengyan: "..."

He stared at it for several seconds before hearing him grit his teeth: "What did it say?"

"It was said that you borrowed and sold by force, and that you laundered commercial money. I said, Mr. Lu, are you sure that she is really the wife you saved a few days ago? If this is the case, I advise you, it is best not to. This kind of woman is ruthless, maybe one day she will be..."

Before the word "sold" could be said, the phone was hung up harshly.

Lin Jiandong: "..."

Wow, with such a big anger, did he poke a hornet's nest?

However, that woman was so arrogant that she dared to sue him in court. I don't know who drugged him in order to marry him!

[Is it vulgar?
Of course it's vulgar. In order to write this Mary Su president article well, the damn cannon fodder and vicious female supporting role, what else could she have thought of besides this kind of rotten street meme? 】

Lin Jiandong didn't feel guilty at all, because he felt that such a woman really needed to be dealt with.

So at Xia's house, half an hour later, Xia Wanxun, who was just about to go to bed, received a call from a stranger.

Strange call?

Will she still find someone she doesn't know?
She hesitated for a while, and finally pressed the connect button: "Hello? Who is it?"

"Xia Wanxun, don't you want to divorce me? Come out now, I will do as you wish!"


No matter what, I never thought that it would be this man who called at night.


He was actually telling her about divorce?
Xia Wanxun seemed to have been hit by a huge lottery ticket, and was stunned for a few seconds before remembering to get up from the bed.

"Okay, I'll be there right away, where are you?"


She was really ecstatic, and she couldn't wait.

The man on the other side of the phone, on the spot, in the office's eyes filled with cold white light, every line of sight cooled down, and there was only a sinister and hostile look between the cold brows!

(End of this chapter)

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