Chapter 147 He took out the indictment and threw it in front of her

"It's easy to say anything? Xia Wanxun, do you know that what you say now sounds ridiculous?"

The man sat there, his expressionless handsome face looked inexplicably flustered.

Xia Wanxun was stunned for a second: "What do you mean?"

The man didn't speak, just opened a drawer of his desk, and threw a document from inside.

"Look at this first."

Xia Wanxun: "..."

It took a few seconds before he went over and took this thing over.

As a result, looking at it, she staggered back a few steps after taking out that breath of air-conditioning.

"...This...Why is this indictment here with you?" She stammered, it was the first time she was so embarrassed in front of this man.

When Lu Chengyan saw it, the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth grew stronger...

"Is it strange? Let me tell you Xia Wanxun, this whole city A belongs to me, Lu Chengyan, why can't it be here?"

Xia Wanxun: "..."

God set it up!
What a brain-dead author!
He didn't say anything, he gritted his teeth, and let it go: "Yes, this is indeed what I suggested, who asked you to force me?"

Lu Chengyan: "I forced you? I don't know who told the old lady at the beginning? I want Xinghui's management rights. Now I give you half of the company's shares, but you say I forced you?"

"Did you give it? You forcibly lent it to me and then forced me to buy it. Lu Chengyan, don't think that everyone is a fool. If you can't see it, you are trying to trick me!"

Xia Wanxun became a little angry, and when he heard him mention this, he simply confronted him on the spot.

That's right, she was the one who brought up this matter at the time. At that time, she wanted to deal with the fake white lotus.

Unexpectedly, on the set that time, the fake Bailian was dealt with, so she offered to return Xinghui to him on the spot, but what about him?
Fortunately for him, not only did he not take it back, but he used such a bad method to force it to become a new shareholder of Xinghui. Didn't he think it was despicable, and he didn't look like a man?
Even if she was the one who made the mistake first, would he be so ruthless to retaliate against her?

Xia Wanxun stared at him with extraordinary anger!
Lu Chengyan: "So, because of this, you are going to sue me?"

Xia Wanxun: "Yes!"

Lu Chengyan: "Do you know what this will mean to me if the prosecution succeeds?"

Xia Wanxun: "..."

Suddenly, she got stuck there, because she really didn't know what it would mean to him. She only remembered that when the man told her, he said, if he sued her, the man in front of him would give the 2500 million to him. Take it back.

So, she really didn't think about it.

Is it...?
"Money laundering in disguise, commercial fraud! Hehe, Xia Wanxun, you really played tricks with your Xia family, what? You want to learn how your father used to deal with my father, don't you? You want to drag me into the water too?" ?"

He grinded out these words word by word, and his whole expression suddenly turned dark, looking terribly frightening!

Xia Wanxun was stunned.

Xia Zhenhua's trick against his father?
Is it that serious?
She really doesn't know, are the consequences of this indictment so severe?Why didn't Gu Cen mention this when he told her.

She remembered that when the man wearing glasses mentioned this suggestion to her that day, his face unexpectedly became very ugly!

(End of this chapter)

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