Chapter 156 Don't Think About Seeing Her Jokes
"It's just something I was asked to bring down by the way upstairs. I'm sorry, I knocked on the door just now, but no one answered me, so I came in."

She turned her eyes away, trying not to look at the other person's gaze, and handed over the documents directly in her hand.

She dare not say that she is from the personnel department.

MD, she doesn't need to look, she will already know that the bastard on the opposite side is waiting for her like watching a good show.

Fortunately, after the sales director heard about it, it was probably because he needed it urgently, so he took the item in the end.

As soon as she took the things, Xia Wanxun immediately turned around, ready to turn around and leave!

However, before she lifted her feet out, she looked at the sales director, and suddenly cursed again: "This is nothing, I took it wrong, I didn't want this, you go and help me get it again!"

Xia Wanxun: "..."

After staring at him for a long time, he asked inexplicably, "Are you calling me?"

Sales Director: "Otherwise, who do you think I am calling? Go, I only give you 5 minutes!"

This man actually ordered her directly and said to give her 5 minutes.

Xia Wanxun was so angry there that he almost slammed the door and left on the spot.

However, when she glanced there, she found that the man sitting across from him was already leaning lazily on the back of the wide chair, with an expression like that of a beast sitting and watching a good show.

She gritted her teeth and endured it.

Didn't he just want to watch her get angry, and then slam the door out, so that everyone here knows that there is such a number one person as her, and what embarrassing things she has done here?
Well, she just won't let him do what he wants!
So she endured and really took those things back, and then went back to the 31st floor to get the documents again.

When they reached the 31st floor, the people there didn't make things difficult for her, they just gave her a strange look, and then gave her another copy.

Then Xia Wanxun finally went down with her things.

But at this time, because she didn't go back last night, the Xia family had already called to ask.

"Miss, where did you go last night? Madam came back today and asked about you."

"Ask me why?" Xia Wanxun felt a little strange, so he asked coldly.

Xiaoyuan: "I don't know either, but I heard from Mama Zhang that someone from the countryside seems to be here."


where is that?
Xia Wanxun didn't figure it out for a while, and was a little confused, so he could only frown there: "Okay, I know, I'll go back later."

Then she hung up the phone.

The matter of the Xia family is indeed a bit complicated, because the original female supporting role was suspended at the beginning, and the author's setting has always been based on the background of the Mu family and the Lu family.

Therefore, this Xia family really has very little introduction.

Where is the countryside?
After Xia Wanxun decided to go back, he asked carefully.

However, she didn't expect that when she took the replaced things again, the sales director with fat pig ears actually said that she didn't get all of them, and she was short of a profit statement.

Xia Wanxun: "..."

Without saying anything, the girl who just came here had a sore back and legs, threw the things in her hand on the table, turned around and left!

Director of Sales:"……"

The others all stared at the back in dumbfounded, and wondered for a long time whether they had read it wrong?
There is no way, this is a small meeting of the sales department, no one dares not to come, and no one dares to slip away first.

(End of this chapter)

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